Dr. Md Farid Hossain
Dr. Md Farid Hossain Associate Professor, Department of Government & Politics



Dr. Hossain is an Associate Professor of Government and Politics at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. Prior to joining Jahangirnagar University in 2014, Dr. Hossain was a Lecturer and Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Jagannath University, Bangladesh from 2011 to 2014. Dr. Hossain is a Fulbright Visiting Scholar for the SUSI Scholar Program for the Institute on U.S. Foreign Policy by the Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Bureau of the U.S. Department of State and University of Delaware in 2023. Dr. Hossain also worked as a Research Fellow at INTI International University, Malaysia. Currently, he is working as a prestigious RGE Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies (SSPS) at The Education University of Hong Kong. He is one of Bangladesh's foremost experts in international politics and has been featured in local print media and television. 


He obtained his Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) degree in Government and Politics from Jahangirnagar University and two Master’s degrees, one in Government and Politics from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, another in Public Policy Analysis from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, Japan under the prestigious Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) Scholarship. Dr. Hossain obtained his PhD in the Department of Asian and Policy Studies (APS) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), where he was assigned to the Centre for Greater China Studies. He was awarded the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship for his PhD study. He received the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Scholarship- 2019 for his research visit to Malmo University and Linnaeus University, Sweden. He was also awarded the Outbound Reaching Scholarship 2018-19 from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Science, The Education University of Hong Kong, for his outbound research. Dr. Hossain’s research interests include China and the Global Political Economy, Chinese Soft Power, Chinese Infrastructure, Investment and Capital Flows in South Asia and U.S. Foreign Policy. He has published in reputed refereed journals, including Millennial Asia (Sage), Asian Politics and Policy (Wiley), Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (Wiley), Springer Nature and so on.


China and the Global Political Economy, Chinese Soft Power, BRI, Chinese Infrastructure, Investment and Capital Flows in South Asia and U.S. Foreign Policy.


o  Hossain, M. F., Shi, T. Y., & Yan, C. Z. (2023). Can crisis management teams mitigate COVID19’s effects? A comparative case study between China and the United States. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (Wiley).  https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12452

o   Hossain, M. F., Shi, Y., & Jahan, M. (2023). Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Crisis Narratives and Social Construction of Risk: Comparative Case Studies of China and India. Millennial Asia (Sage). 09763996231174268.

o   Hossain, M. F. (2023). Chinese Debt Trap or Family Trap by Ruling Dynasty? Sri Lanka’s Complex Story of Economic Meltdown. New Political Economy (under review).

o  Hossain, M. F. (2021). Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic: Pros and cons of China’s soft power projection. Asian Politics & Policy (Wiley), 13(4), 597–620. https://doi.org/10.1111/aspp.12610

o  Hossain M. F. & Jahan, M. (2017). India-Japan Relations: Factors, Trends, and Prospects. Journal of the Asian Politics and Society (JAPS), 1(1)

o  Hossain, M. F.  (2017). Myanmar: Problems and new Vicissitudes in Politics. Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, 36 (6).

o  Hossain, M. F. (2017). Millennium Development Goals Progress and Challenges for Sustainable Development: Bangladesh Case. The Islamic University Studies Journal, 16(2).

o  Hossain, M. F. (2016). Old Age Security System in Bangladesh: Experiences and Expectations. The Jahangirnagar Review, II (XL), 147-157.

o  Jahan, M., & Hossain, M. F. (2016). Bangladesh-India relations: Some critical observations on land-enclaves transfer agreement. Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics35, 49-58.

o  Hossain, M. F. (2015). Torture on Workers in Bangladesh Ready-Made Garment Sector. Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, 34 (6), 93-104.

o  Haque, M. M. & Hossain, M. F. (2013). Condition for Peace in South Asia: An Overview. Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, 32 (6), 175-179.

o  Iqbal, M. J. & Hossain, M. F. (2013). Public-Private Partnership, Development, and Welfare: Bangladesh Perspectives. Journal of Arts: Jagannath University, 2 (1).


  • Presented a research paper on ‘Quest for Development and Geostrategic Considerations: Bangladesh’s Navigation towards Great Powers (China, Russia, and the U.S.)’, 2nd St Petersburg Congress on International Studies (CIS), on April 25-26, 2024, School of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University, Russia.
  • Presented research paper on “The New Great Game: Bangladesh Struggles to Balance with the United States and China”, on April 18-19, 2024, organized by the American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS) and the South Asia Center of the University of Texas at Austin, the USA.
  • Speaker in a seminar on "China and South Asia in The New Era", Sichuan School of International Studies, November 28-30, 2023. China Institute for International Strategic Studies and China Center for South Asian Studies.

o  Presented research paper on “China’s Influence in Sri Lanka: Post COVID-19 Prospects for Soft Power”, the Asia-Pacific Public Policy Network (AP- PPN) Annual Conference on Resilient and Inclusive Governance in the Age of Crisis, on 3-5 March 2021, hosted by the Department of Asian and Policy Studies, the Education University of Hong Kong.

o   Presented paper on “Chinese Influence in South Asia”, The Hong Kong-Kobe Joint Workshop on Political Behavior, organized by the Graduate School of Law, Kobe University, Japan, July 25 2019.

o   Presented research paper on “Influence of Chinese Hard Infrastructure Development Aid into South Asia: A Case of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka”, 6th International Conference on Social Policy and Governance Innovation, organized by Lingnan University, The Education University of Hong Kong, and South China University of Technology, 22 - 23 October 2019.

o   Presented paper on “Changes and Challenges in Higher Education of Bangladesh: Perspectives of Jahangirnagar University", UGC (IQAC) sponsored International Seminar on Education in the Age of Globalization: Policy, Practice, and Perspectives, organized by Satyapriya Roy College of Education, Kolkata, India, September 14 2017.

o   Presented a paper on “Contemporary Politics of South Asia”, organized by the Center for South Asian Studies, University of Kashmir, J & K India, June 28, 2015.


o   Hossain, M. F., & Jahan, M. (2023). Deepening Bangladesh–China Military Relations: Rhetoric and Reality. In Islam, N. (Ed.), Bangladesh China-Cultural Connectivity, Springer Nature.

o Hossain, M. F. (2018). Changes and Challenges in Higher Education of Bangladesh: Perspectives of Jahangirnagar University. In Education in the Age of Globalization: Policy, Practice, and Perspectives. APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.


o Japan Government Scholarship (MEXT) award for Master of Public Policy (2015). The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, Japan.

o Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship (2018). The Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.

o Outstanding Presentation Award (2022). Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the Education University of Hong Kong.

o Reaching out Award (2019). Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Scholarship Fund.

o  Outbound Reaching Scholarship (2018-19). The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Science, The Education University of Hong Kong.


o   Moderator, Roundtable on Bangladesh: The Road Ahead, organised by Asia Society, Hong Kong, 12 Sep 2024

o   Attended a seminar on China and South Asia in The New Era, Sichuan School of International Studies, November 28-30, 2023. China Institute for International Strategic Studies and China Center for South Asian Studies.

o   Attended roundtable discussion on “Advancing Social Work and Social Development Along the New Silk Road”, on May 30 2023, organized by the Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

o   Poster presentation on “Overview of Social Safety Net Programs in Bangladesh”, Starting A New Chapter in Hong Kong Social Welfare” Summit 2023 cum Inaugural Ceremony of Hong Kong Social Welfare Sector Heart to Heart Joint Action”, jointly organised by the Labour and Welfare Bureau and Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR and Hong Kong Social Welfare Sector Heart to Heart Joint Action on 29 May 2023, Hong Kong.

o   Attended Roundtable Discussion on Novel Approaches to U.S. Foreign Policy, July 19, 2023, The Hudson Institute, the United States.

o   Attended Roundtable Discussion on Statecraft, Strategy, Diplomacy, and U.S. Foreign Policy, July 14 2023, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, the United States.

o   Attended in Roundtable Discussion on U.S. Foreign Policy, Global Politics, Law, and Religion, July 6 2023, Northwestern University. 633 Clark St, Evanston, IL 60208, USA.

o   Attended in Roundtable Discussion on Public Opinion, U.S. Global Engagement, and U.S. Leadership, June 28 2023, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the United States.

o   Attended as a speaker in the International Panel Discussion on “US Foreign Policy and Global Engagement”, June 27 2023, University of Delaware, the United States.

o Completed the “Postgraduate Seminar Series on Research Methodological Issues”. Lingnan University, from January 24 to April 2019.

o   Presented paper on “Bilateral Relations between Bangladesh and India”, organized by the Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bangle, India, July 3 2015.

o  Participated in a day-long Seminar Media and Democracy workshop jointly organized by Development Forum Bangladesh, Hamburg, Germany, and Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 29 2011.


o   Participated in a Workshop on “Research Methodology for Social Science”, conducted by the faculty of Social Science, Jagannath University, under the University Development Project from April 1 to April 5 2012.

o   Participated in Daylong Workshop on “Social Science Research Methodology and report writing”, conducted by Department of Government of Politics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 26, 2015.

o   Participated in a workshop on “Research Methods, Tools, Techniques and Scientific method of Report Writing”, organized by the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 27-29 March 2017.

o   Participated in a workshop on “Research Methods, Tools, Techniques and Scientific method of Report Writing”, organized by the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 27-29 March 2017.

Research Project

Project on ‘(Re)configuring the Belt and Road Initiative in Pakistan and Sri Lanka: A Multipronged Approach’, funded by The Education University of Hong Kong and The Research Grants Council (RGC), August 2024 to present


Course Code Course Title Semester/Year
GP 407 Political Systems of Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam 4th Year
GP 208 Major Political Systems: UK, USA, PRC and Russia 2nd Year
WMGDS 506 Society and State: Power Dynamics 1st Semester

Academic Info

Institute: The Education University of Hong Kong
Period: August 2024 to present

Postdoctoral Fellow

Institute: University of Delaware & United States Department of State, the USA.
Period: 2023

Visiting Scholar, Study of the U.S. Institute for Scholars on U.S. Foreign Policy Institute (SUSI-FP), 2023.


Institute: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Period: 2023

Visiting Scholar, Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS).


Institute: The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Period: 2022

 Ph.D, The Department of Asian and Policy Studies.   


Institute: Nation Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan
Period: 2016

Master of Public Policy


Institute: Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Period: 2007

Master of Social Science from the Department of Government and Politics.


Institute: Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Period: 2006

Bachelor of Social Science from the Department of Government and Politics.



Organization: Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Associate Professor
Period: January, 29 2023 to the date

Department of Government and Politics


Organization: Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: November 29 ,2017 to January 28, 2023

Department of Government and Politics


Organization: Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Lecturer
Period: August 9, 2014 to November 28, 2017

Department of Government and Politics


Organization: Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: June 5, 2014 to August 8, 2014.

Department of Political Science


Organization: Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Lecturer
Period: May 2, 2011 to June 4, 2014

Department of Political Science


Organization: The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Position: Guest Lecturer
Organization: Chinese University of Hong Kong
Position: Guest Lecturer, Global Studies Program, Faculty of Social Science
Period: April 3, 2024-
Organization: Hung Research Center for Hong Kong and Globalization, Hong Kong
Position: Member, International Advisory Board
Period: 15 February 2024 to till
Organization: INTI International University, Malaysia
Position: Research Fellow
Period: 15 December 2023 to present
Organization: Bangladesh Center for Indo-Pacific Affairs (BCIPA)
Position: Senior Researcher
Organization: United Nations Development Programme, Dhaka
Position: Associate Consultant
Period: January - April 2014

Project Name: Women’s Participation and Representative Role in Local Government in Bangladesh

Organization: Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Science, The Education University of Hong Kong
Position: Principal Investigator
Period: August - October 2019

Project Name: Chinese Soft Power Influence in Sri Lanka 


Organization: Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong
Position: Principal Investigator
Period: March - July 2021

Project Name: Chinese Image in Bangladesh


Organization: Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong
Position: Principal Investigator
Period: December 2020 - February 2021

Project Name: Chinese Soft Power Influence in Pakistan


Organization: Linnaeus University, Sweden
Position: Visiting Researcher
Period: 2019

International Outreach Program (research exchange program)

Organization: Malmo University, Sweden
Position: Visiting Researcher
Period: 2019

International Outreach Program (research exchange program)

Organization: Bangladesh Open University (BOU)
Position: Guest Lecturer
Period: January 2014 to September 2015

Department of Law

Organization: Bangladesh Open University (BOU)
Position: Guest Lecturer
Period: January 2013 to September 2015

Department of Political Science

Organization: The Education University of Hong Kong
Position: Associate Researcher
Period: August - October 2023

Project Name: Public Perception of Chinese Investment in Bangladesh


Dr. Md Farid Hossain

Associate Professor
Department of Government & Politics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801812192969
Email: farid@juniv.edu , faridju32@gmail.com