Dr. Mohammad Raihan Sharif Professor, Department of English
Dr. Raihan M. Sharif is a Professor and the Chair at the Department of English, Jahangirnagar University.
At Washington State University in the United States, Dr. Sharif earned his PhD and second MA in Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies. His PhD dissertation is titled Spatialization of Micropolitics with/in Queer Praxis and Intersectional Vectors in the Necrocapitalist Matrix, while his MA dissertation is titled Reconsidering Bhabha's Hybridity Discourses: Praxis Informs Theory.
He worked as a Fulbright Scholar in Department of Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies at Washington State University, USA. At CCGRS, Washington State University (WSU), USA he worked as an Instructor (2011-2018) and taught diverse courses in Comparative Ethnic Studies (CES), Cultural Studies, American Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Women's Studies, Migration, Citizenship, and Queer Studies.
He worked as a Teaching Fellow (2015-2016) AT The Cooperative Institute of Transnational Studies (CITS), USA an Academic Fellow (2016-2017) at Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS) USA.
Dr. Sharif is an enlisted reviewer in several SAGE, Project MUSE, and Taylor and Francis journals including QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, Society and Culture in South Asia, Literature, and Journal of Literary Studies. He worked as an editor of Heathwood Journal of Critical Theory, Heathwood Press, UK and Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, vol.38.
Dr. Sharif works as a panel reviewer for the Grants for Advanced Research in Education (GARE) under Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS), 2020-present.
Dr. Sharif also works as a gender consultant in the development sector. Additionally, he is a teacher trainer, an editor, a corporate trainer, an IELTS trainer, a translator, a lyricist, and a poet.
In his scholarly works, Dr. Sharif spatializes resistance against homo-neoliberal and neo-imperial forces while decolonizing influential academic discourses: sexual citizenship, queer politics, neoliberal diversity, hybridity discourses, etc. Raihan also examines unequal power relations along the host/migrant paradigm in the US, challenges the politics of native agents in diasporic fictions, destabilizes global Islamophobia within the frame of moral panic in the west, critiques the abandonment of disabled and poor people in the global south, exposes the imperial logic of hybridity discourses, studies the creation, growth, and sustainability of academic programs related to inequality (e.g., ethnic, LGBTQ, disability, critical cultural studies), examines dissenting citizenship, and investigates queer asylum cases. In several Bangladeshi public and private universities, Raihan instructs undergraduate and graduate students in cultural studies, gender studies, and research methodologies. He has held positions at a number of universities, including Stamford University, Brac University, American International University (AIUB), Independent University Bangladesh (IUB), East West University, North South University (NSU), Daffodil International University (DIU), and Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX).
In the field of development sector research, Dr. Sharif has served as both a gender expert and a lead consultant on multiple projects. He served a number of organizations, including Action-Aid, The Asia Foundation, Brac, Breaking the Silence, Caritas, Care, CNRS, Danish Red Cross, German Red Cross, Good Neighbors, Human Relief Foundation, IFRC, Manusher Jonno Foundation, Oxfam, Save the Children, The Hunger Project, Shushilon, Plan Bangladesh, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOPS, USAID and WHO among others. As a consultant, he places a high value on the triangulation of data, solid research ethics throughout a project, and rigorous research methodology in research design. Dr. Sharif enjoys making recommendations and changing pathways for his clients.
Raihan Sharif is a poet from the first decade of the 21st century. His most recent collections of poetry include "উন্মাদ ফুল (Mad Flowers)", and “ধুলিমাখা রোদের ভেতর (In the Sunlight Smeared with Dust).”
- Interdisciplinary Studies: Medical Posthumanism, Interdisciplinary Methodology, Interdisciplinary pedagogy
- English Language Teaching: ESL/EFL Materials Development, Practical Teaching Techniques, Approaches and Methods in ESL/EFL Teaching, Semantics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Research Methodology, ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, ESL/EFL Speaking and Listening
- English Literature: 21st Century British Poetry, British Romantic Poetry, Victorian Literature, Modern British Poetry and Drama
- American Literature: 21st Century American Poetry, 19th Century American Novels, 19th American Poetry, 20th Century American Literature
- Cultural Studies: Birmingham School, Frankfurt School, American Cultural Studies
- Racial Politics: inter-ethnic rivalries, Islamophobia as new racism, incarceration of blacks, browns, and Muslims.
- Intersectional Performance Studies: racial performance, gender performance, the politics of dissent in hula dances.
- Queer Studies: political asylum of brown queers and Muslim queers; queer vitality and necropower; Combating homophobia and transphobia, homonationalism
- Women’s Studies: Third World Feminism
- Gender Studies: Gender in Literature, Transphobia, Transgenders, Representations of Hijras, Social Justice for Hijras.
- Inequity and social justice: race, gender, dis/ability, and the prison industrial complex; race and popular culture; Global inequality; Social Justice and American Culture: Theories of Racism and Ethnic Conflict.
- Cultural Geography, Space, and Time: Urbanization, politics of time, pace, and rhythm, spatialization of resistance, rhythmanalysis, reproduction of uneven spaces in urban design and architecture, spatiotemporal quality of the historical riot (Badiou).
- Postcolonial Studies: hybridity, empire, neoliberalism, necropower.
- Diasporic Studies: native agents, dissenting citizenship, host/migrant exchanges.
- Visual and digital culture: billboards, memes, hactivism, WikiLeaks, Anonymous.
- Social Movement Analysis: Civil Rights Movement, Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring.
- Academia: academic-industrial complex, scholarly activism, sustainability of academic programs related to inequality (e.g., ethnic, LGBTQ, disability, critical cultural studies).
All Publications
- Gender-specific impacts of climate change on the lives and livelihoods of Haor dwellers. Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF). 2023-2024.
- Transgressions and Transformations in Transcends: Speculative Fictions, 2023-2024, J.U. Research Project, J.U. 2023-2024
- Improvement on Assistive Device for People with Disability in Bangladesh. Helen Keller International. 2022-2023
- Conceptualizing Necropolitics in Neoliberal States: A Theoretical Intervention. Research Project, JU. 2022-2023.
- Inclusion of persons with Disabilities and Gender Diversity in Education. Brac. 2022-2023
- Spatial Analysis of Urbanization in Dhaka. Research Project, JU. 2021-2022.
- Providing Opportunities for Children of Daulatdia and Faridpur through Inclusive Education Program. Save the Children. 2022-2023.
- Criminalization of Hijras in Newspapers of Bangladesh: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Research Project, J.U. 2021-2022.
- Strengthen Children of RMG worker’s Protection and Education rights (SCOPE)’ project. Sushilon. 2021-2022.
- Formative Research on Physical and Humiliating Punishment against Children, Child Marriage and Exclusive Breast Feeding. Asia Foundation. 2020-2021.
- Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior and Practices on Ending Child Marriage and Violence against Children. UNICEF. 2019-2020.
- Impact Evaluation of a Livelihood project in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar, Community Empowerment Promoted through Livelihoods and Skills Development. UNHCR. 2019-20220.
- Co-Space Creators as Performers: Campus Protests to End Racial Inequality. Washington State University Grant for Innovative Research. 2017-2018.
- Dr. Sharif is an enlisted reviewer in several SAGE, Project MUSE, and Taylor and Francis journals.
- Reviewer, QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking
- Reviewer, Society and Culture in South Asia, Literature, and
- Reviewer, Journal of Literary Studies.
- Editor, Heathwood Journal of Critical Theory, Heathwood Press, UK
- Editor, Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, vol.38, June, 2023.
- Dr. Sharif works as a panel reviewer for the Grants for Advanced Research in Education (GARE) under Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS), 2020-Present.
- De/Re-Territorializing Romantic Poetry: Towards a Posthumanist Reception. EDRU-ATLEB International Conference 2024: Revisiting the Canon: Reading British and American Literatures from Contemporary Perspectives Organised by Department of English, Rajshahi University & Association of Teachers of Literatures in English, Bangladesh (ATLEB), Rajshahi Chapter December 20 & 21 (Friday & Saturday), 2024
- From Passive ‘Receiving’ to Active ‘Doing’: Approaching the Digital Pedagogy using DH, CALL, and PBLL in EFL classrooms, International Conference on Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC) from 28-30 November 2024. BRAC Institute of Languages, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Trans-speciesism, Trans-ecologies, and Trans-corporeality: Examining Medical Posthumanism in the 21st Century American Poetry, 15-16 November 2024, University of Liberal Arts (ULAB), Dhaka.
- (Amma Ba’d—And Thereafter): Critical-Affective Pedagogy for EFL Learners in Madrasas of Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka. 28-29 May, 2024.
- Developing Reading Skills in Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies (CSP), Hornby Project - Qawmi Madrasah Teacher Training, ‘Enhancing the Effectiveness of English Teaching at Qawmi Madrasas in Bangladesh, organized by TESOL Society of Bangladesh in collaboration with: Institute of Modern Languages (IML), University of Dhaka, 17 May, 2024
- Who is Afraid of Interdisciplinary Studies?: Towards an Interdisciplinary Pedagogy for Teaching Literary Texts. East West University, 11-12 June, 2023.
- “Asian Americans for Space Creation: Toward Anti-Racist and Anti-Capitalist Community Activism.” Association for Asian American Studies Conference. The Westin St. Francis Hotel. Union Square, San Francisco, March 29- 31, 2018.
- “Motion and Stasis for the Brown Transgenders: Transnational Reproduction of (Im)mobility.” Tufts Humanities Conference: Mobile Communities. Anderson Hall. Tufts University, Medford, MA. Friday, October 28, 2016.
- “From "Murderous Inclusion‟ to “Machinic Enslavement”: Networks for Ethnic Studies.” Symposium on American Ethnic Studies: Toward Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Friday, May 6, 2016.
- “Co-Space Creators as Performers: Campus Protests to End Racial Inequality.” Interdisciplinary Symposium on Space. Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Friday, October 21, 2016.
- “Whose Transnationalism?” Claremont Interdisciplinary Conference: Lost in Transnationalism: Reflections on Multiculturalism and Globalization. Department of Cultural Studies, Claremont Graduate University, California, USA, October 26, 2012.
- “Hybridity in the Postcolonial Cultural Studies” Faculty Seminar. East West University, Bangladesh, June 12, 2013.
- “The Role of Computer Technology in Development of English Skills.” English and Technology conference. Faculties of Arts and Humanities, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, June 14, 2011.
- “Television as a Cultural Text.” English 4 Today conference. Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, January, 2010.
- “Alan Badiou‟s Theory of Evil.” Faculty Enrichment Seminar. Department of Philosophy, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, June, 2009.
- “The Role of Consumers as audience of Ads and Billboards.” Cultural Studies Conference. University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh. February, 2008.
- “Mirror and the Gun”: Postcoloniality and Diaspora. Latin American Literature International Conference in a panel chaired by Professor Rajagopalan Radhakrishnan, UC, Irvine, USA arranged by Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. July, 2006.
- “Approaching Geopolitical Tensions in Solving Global problems,” Global Case Competition, April 11, 2014. International Programs, Washington State University.
- “Integrating Culture in Education,” International Mother Language Day, March 2, 2014. Association of Bangladeshi Students and Scholars, WSU.
- Ethics in Research and Fieldwork, Datascape Research Network, Dhaka, July 29, 2024.
- Verbal and Communication Skills at Workspaces, Digital Hub International, June 07, 2023.
- Conducting and Attending a Meeting, Datascape, Dhaka, February 17, 2022.
- International Conference on Development Research, 20 December 2023, Datascape Research Network, Dhaka.
- Physical and Humiliating Punishment against Children, Child Marriage, and Exclusive Breastfeeding, Save the Children International, Dhaka, 27 November, 2023.
2023: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- “Urbanization in Dhaka: A Lefebvrian Analysis”. Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature . Volume 37. ISSN: 1729-8326.
- “Monstrosity, Crime, Medicalization, and Rehabilitation of Hijras in Bangladesh: A Critical Discourse Analysis”. Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature. Volume 38. ISSN: 1729-8326.
2022: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- “Critical Theories for Social Changes: A Brief Proposal”. Quest Journals Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science. Volume 10, Issue 6. Indexed in DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals, J-Gate, and Index Copernicus.
- “Appropriation of Micropolitics by the Neoliberal States: A Theoretical Intervention”. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science. Volume 10, Issue 7. Indexed in Crossref, Semantic Scholar, ScienceGate, and ERA: Australian Research Council.
- “Reception of Micropolitics in American Studies: Contexts and Concerns.” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science. Volume 6, Issue 9. Indexed in Crossref, Semantic Scholar, ScienceGate, and ERA: Australian Research Council.
- A Query into Infrapolitics in American Studies. Quest Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science. Volume 10. Issue 11. Indexed in DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals, J-Gate, and Index Copernicus.
2019: Book Chapter
- “Homophobia, Transphobia and Homonationalist Gaze: Challenges of Bangladeshi Homosexuals and Transgenders in Migration”. Global Perspectives of Gendered Youth Migration: Subjectivities and Modalities. Ed. Glenda Tibe Bonifacio. Policy: Bristol Univesrity Press. ISBN: 978-1447340195 https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/global-perspectives-of-gendered-youth-migration
2018: Book chapter
- "Bangladesh" Views from Inside:Languages, Cultures, and Schooling for K‐12 Educators.Joy Egbert and Gisela Ernst-Slavit, eds. Information Age Publishing, NC, USA. ISBN:978-1641130202.
2016: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- “Beyond Metropolises: Hybridity in Transnational Contexts.” Disclosure: A Journal of Social Theory. Volume 25, Issue1. http://uknowledge.uky.edu/disclosure/vol25/iss1/14/
- “Critical Theory for the 21st Century: Game for Change, Dance for Future, and Rhythm for Revolution.” Heathwood Journal of Critical Theory. Volume 1, Issue 2. February, 2016.
2015: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- “White Gaze Saving Brown Queers: Homonationalism Meets Imperialist Islamophobia,” Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies, Volume 21.1 (2015). http://www.limina.arts.uwa.edu.au/volumes/21.1/sharif
- “Queering the Reform/Revolution Dyad: A Spatiotemporal Dialectic,” Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum: Vol. 6: Issue 1. 11-26. http://trace.tennessee.edu/catalyst/vol6/iss1/4
- “From Fragmented Resistance to Historical Riot,” Heathwood Journal of Critical Theory: Power Violence and Non-violence. Vol. 1, Issue 1. 46 65 .http://www.heathwoodpress.com/heathwood-journal-of-critical-theory-issue-1-power-violence-and-non-violence/
- “Cultural Subversion in Billboard War on War on Terror: Resistance or Recuperation?” in Panini, Volume 6. 91-112.
- “State of Academia: Understanding Power and Counter-power,” in State of Power 2015: An Annual Anthology of Global Power and Resistance. Nick Buxton and Madeleine Bélanger Dumontier, eds. The Transnational Institute, 2015.
2009-2014 (Selected)
- “Vesuvius in America: Rich and Dickinson,” The Jahangirnagar Review, Part C, Faculty of Arts and Humanties, 2014.
- “Feminism versus Postfeminism: Postfeminists’ Quest for Groundless Solidarity,” Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, 2013.
- “Representation of Silence in Literature,” Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, 2012.
- “The Birth of the Fourth Reader,” Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, Dhaka: Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, 2010.
- “Hughes’ Crow: A Prophet in the Fallen World,” Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, Dhaka: Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, 2009.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
ELT 043 | Teaching Techniques, Observations, and Practices | Winter 2023 |
LECS 504 | Cultural Studies | 2023-2024 |
LECS 512 | Literature and Gender Studies | 2023-2024 |
ELT 413 | Research Methods in Applied Linguistics and ELT | 2023-2024 |
E 205 | Literary Criticism | 2023-2024 |
LECS 504 | Cultural Studies | 2022-2023 |
ELT 043 | Teaching Techniques, Observations, and Practices | Summer 2023 |
LECS 512 | Literature and Gender Studies | 2022-2023 |
E 409 | Research Methods in Literature and Cultural Studies | 2022-2023 |
ELT 413 | Research Methods in Applied Linguistics and ELT | 2022-2023 |
E 304 | 19th Century American Literature | 2022-2023 |
LECS 504 | Cultural Studies | 2021-2022 |
LECS 512 | Literature and Gender Studies | 2021-2022 |
ELT 043 | Teaching Techniques, Observations, and Practices | Summer 2021 |
E 409 | Research Methods in Literature and Cultural Studies | 2021-2022 |
E 413 | Research Methods in Applied Linguistics and ELT | 2021-2022 |
E 103 | Introduction to Poetry and Poetics | 2021-2022 |
Academic Info
Period: 2021-2022
Postgraduate Diploma, PGD in Digital Marketing
Skilled in SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Writing, and Sales Funnel Automation
Period: 2013-2018
PhD in Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies
Dissertation Title: Spatialization of Micropolitics with/in Queer Praxis and Intersectional Vectors in the Necrocapitalist Matrix
Chair: Professor Dr. John Streamas
Members: Professors Dr. David J. Leonard, Dr. Rory J. Ong, and Dr. Azfar Hussain
Period: 2011-2013
MA in American Cultural Studies, WSU, USA
Dissertation: Reconsidering Bhabha’s Hybridity Discourses: Praxis Informs Theory
Chair: Professor Dr. John Streamas
Period: 2003-2004
MA in English, 1st Class 1st
Period: 1998-2003
BA (Hon's) in English, 2nd class 1st
Position: Associate Professor
Period: 2018-Present
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 2008-2018
Position: Fulbright Scholar
Period: 2011-2013
Position: Instructor
Period: 2013-2018
Position: Lecturer
Period: 2005-2008
Position: Academic Fellow
Period: 2016-2017
Position: Teaching Fellow
Period: 2015-2016
Position: Graduate Teaching Assistant
Period: 2013-2015
Dr. Mohammad Raihan Sharif
Department of English
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 8801732898721
Email: raihans07@juniv.edu