Dr. Mohammad Golam Rabbani
Dr. Mohammad Golam Rabbani Professor, Department of History




Dr. Mohammad Golam Rabbani (b. 1978) is a professor with 17 years of experience in higher education specializing in teaching and research. He has developed and taught course materials for various undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level history courses, esp. in Bangladesh's economic history. He did his BA (Hons), MA and MPhil in History from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, and PhD in International Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He joined the Department of History in 2007. He teaches the Economic History of East Bengal (Medieval period), the Economic History of Bangladesh, the History of Civilizations, the Emergence of Bangladesh and South Asian Affairs. 

Dr. Rabbani is an elected senator and a Member of the Board of Advanced Studies and Academic Council of Jahangirnagar University.

Key Research

His key research is on the economic history of eastern Bengal and Bangladesh, forced migration and statelessness in South Asia, Bangladesh-India land boundary, borderlands enclaves and oral history. He has published one research monograph (in English), one book (in Bengali), and several research articles on the Bangladesh-India enclave issue. He has also published research papers on various historical and socio-economic aspects of Bangladesh. 

Current Research

The Economy of Dhaka-centric Eastern Bengal during the British Rule (1858-1947): Distinction and Marginality (Funded by UGC). 

Email: rabbani@juniv.edu


Economic history of Bengal and Bangladesh, Bangladesh-India borderlands and enclaves, forced migration and statelessness in South Asia.


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, ফিরে দেখা সাপ্তাহিক হাট: গ্রামীণ অর্থনীতির অনুষঙ্গ, মননরেখা, ৮, ১৪, pp.২৩-২৯,

cÖvPxbKvj †_‡KB MÖvg-evsjvi gvby‡li Rxeb I A_©bxwZi m‡½ ınvUÕ kãwU IZ‡cÖvZfv‡e Rwo‡q Av‡Q| †mKv‡j MÖv‡gi gvbyl †Kbv‡ePvi Rb¨ mvßvwnK nv‡Ui DciB wbf©ikxj wQj| Gfv‡e mvßvwnK nvU MÖvgxY Rxeb I A_©bxwZi Abyl½ n‡q I‡VwQj| wKš‘ †mB mvßvwnK nvU¸‡jv‡ZB Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í ¯’vqx †`vKvbcvU M‡o I‡V Ges cieZ©x‡Z †m¸‡jv ¯’vqx evRv‡i cwiYZ nq| †mB evRvi¸‡jvi †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bvwU‡Z M‡o I‡V‡Q AvaywbK kwcs gj, hv cÖwZw`b mKvj †_‡K ivZ ch©šÍ †Lvjv _v‡K| d‡j †mKv‡ji mvßvwnK nvU¸‡jv eZ©gv‡b ¯’vqx evRvi I †ÿÎwe‡k‡l AvaywbK kwcs g‡ji mswgkÖ‡Y GKwU msKi iƒc aviY K‡i‡Q| †mLv‡b GL‡bv c~‡e©i g‡Zv mvßvwnK nvU e‡m| wKš‘ †Kbv‡ePv I cÖ‡qvRbxq `ªe¨mvgMÖxi †hvMv‡bi A‡bK¸‡jv weKí m„wó nIqvq c~‡e©i b¨vq mvßvwnK nv‡Ui Dci gvbyl Avi wbf©ikxj bq| Z‡e K…l‡Ki Drcvw`Z dm‡ji GKwU eo Ask GL‡bv mvßvwnK nv‡UB wewµ nq| mvwe©K we‡ePbvq eZ©gv‡bi nvBweªW nvUevRvi¸‡jv MÖvgxY A_©bxwZ I e¨emv-evwY‡R¨i Rb¨ AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| wKš‘ Avengvb mvßvwnK nv‡Ui wPi‡Pbv iƒcwU †hgb Avi †bB, †Zgwb Gi Avewk¨KZvI †bB| GB †QvU cÖe‡Ü MÖvg-evsjvi mvßvwnK nvU wd‡i †`Lv n‡q‡Q|  

Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Bangladesh-India Land Boundary Agreements, 1974-2015: Context, Correlations and Territoriality, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum.), 69, 1, pp.89-106, 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.3329/jasbh.v69i1.74464 Abstract: Bangladesh and India share 4096.7 km. land boundary, which was drawn between India and the eastern part of Pakistan (East Bengal) by the Radcliffe Award during the partition of 1947. This boundary became the Bangladesh-India boundary after the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Therefore, the Pakistan-India land boundary disputes over the un-demarcated boundary, adverse possessions and enclaves transformed into Bangladesh-India ones. These land boundary disputes witnessed one summit-level agreement between Pakistan and India and three summit-level agreements between Bangladesh and India. However, the land boundary disputes were eventually resolved under the land swap deal of 2015. This striking background led to the question as to why these issues were hung up for 68 years, what contexts led to several summit-level agreements on the same issues, and what were the correlations among the agreements. Against this background, this article attempts to shed light on how India, being the big neighbour, dominated the entire trajectory of the land boundary disputes and how it changed its agreed positions from one agreement to another. However, the main objective of this article is to see whether India’s territoriality towards its border with Bangladesh was gradually transformed into the pattern of a zero-sum game during the period from 1974 to 2015, and what was the corresponding territoriality of Bangladesh.
Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Contextualizing Migration: An Historical and Political Perspectives of the India-Bangladesh Land Swap Deal of 2015, International Journal on Responsibility, 5, 1.1, pp.12-24, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.62365/2576-0955.1058

The land swap deal between India and Bangladesh was, indeed, a great deal concerning land boundary management in particular and bilateral relations in general. India and Bangladesh share a 4096.7 km land boundary; disputes over this long boundary, namely un-demarcated boundary, adverse possessions and enclaves started from the beginning, which Bangladesh had inherited from Pakistan. However, to resolve the land boundary disputes, the governments of India and Bangladesh signed the Land Boundary Agreement in 1974. Subsequently, Bangladesh ratified the agreement and carried out its task within a few months. In contrast, the agreement remained unimplemented by India for 41 years (1974-2015). Eventually, after many bilateral deliberations, India found a way to implement the agreement in 2015. Against this backdrop, the present article sheds light on the historical and political perspectives of the Indo-Bangladesh land swap deal and, thereby, underscores the key factors behind this final deal. 


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Quit India Movement: Media Discourse and Mass Mobilization in Eastern Bengal, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 63, 2, pp.261-281, 2018.

The Quit India Movement of 1942 was the ever-biggest mass movement spearheaded by the Indian National Congress and was characterized by spontaneous and sporadic revolts. It took a violent turn in many urban places across the country. In Bengal, it was intense in Kolkata and some western districts but relatively moderate in eastern districts. Nevertheless, very tangible evidence of public mobilization into this movement in some eastern districts is accessible.  However, the historiography of the Quit India Movement has remained aloof towards what happened in the eastern districts of Bengal so far. Against this backdrop, this paper attempts to shed light on the media discourse and mass mobilization of the Quit India Movement in Eastern Bengal. (Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum.), Vol. 63(2), 2018, pp. 261-281.)


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Bangladesh-India Borderland: In Search of Human Security, The Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka, 8 & 9, 12 & 13, pp.55-74., 2018,.

This paper, written in the context of the Bangladesh-India borderland, discusses how this borderland becomes the epicentre of state-sponsored violation of human rights and how human security could be ensured in the border regions. However, ‘violent administrative interventions’ are still considered to be the effective way to securitize this border. In this security dogma, borderland people (both ‘self’ and ‘others’) are often seen as ‘aberrations and as instruments of subversion threatening national sovereignty’. In doing so, the borderland people have been deprived, discriminated and victimized. Does not the security apparatus, which victimizes the local people of the borderland, lack in moral power to ensure border security in the true sense? However, human security needs to be the main focus of the land boundary and borderland policies.


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, The Permanent Settlement: A Critical Study of Decolonial Approach, Journal of the Itihas Acadesmy, 2, 2, pp.87-96, 2013.

More than a half-century has passed after the political decolonization of the Indian subcontinent but the history of this region is yet to be decolonized. The colonial subservience is still dominant, especially, in the history of Bangla. Under this circumstance, the history of the Permanent Settlement is attempted to be critically reviewed with a de-colonial approach in this article. The Permanent Settlement is often fantasized by many scholars as a benign settlement for capitalist transformation in agriculture. But, from a de-colonial standpoint, it can be seen as a settlement for the ‘revenue farmers’ for being the permanent pillar of the British political domination. Differentiation and expropriation in the peasant economy were the main effects of the Permanent Settlement. But, most of the historical works, presumably owing to colonial scholarship and colonial source materials have spent much time in discussing the benign role of its authors. The devastating impact of the Permanent Settlement though provide the maximum  texts of those research, their model overwhelmingly perceives the ‘benign role’ of its authors which eventually caused to conceptual paradoxes. These need to be addressed and challenged. This article is an attempt.


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, মৌসুমী ক্ষুধা: বাংলাদেশের উত্তরাঞ্চলের ‘মঙ্গা’র অতীত ও বর্মান প্রেক্ষাপট, প্রতিচিন্তা, ২৯, বার্ষিক সংখ্যা, pp.৪৯-৭০, ১৪১৮/২০১২.

ıg½viÕi HwZnvwmKZv †LuvRvi ga¨ w`‡q g½v m¤úwK©Z mvaviYxKi‡Yi mgm¨v Zz‡j aivi cvkvcvwk g½vµvšÍ A‡ji †gŠmygx ˆewkó¨ ch©‡eÿY, g½v cwiw¯’wZ m‡iRwgb cwi`k©b, g½v m¤úwK©Z †Km ÷vwW Ges g½v KewjZ gvby‡li mvÿvrKvi MÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g g½vi AwZZ I eZ©gvb †cÖÿvcU ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| (evsjv‡`k Dbœqb mgxÿv, LÐ 29, 2012, c„. 49-70|)


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, ছিটমহলের মানুষ: রাষ্ট্রহীনতার ইতিবৃত্ত, প্রতিচিন্তা, ১, ২, pp.৮৯-১৪১, ২০১১.

evsjv‡`k-fviZ wQUgn‡ji DrcwË msµvšÍ BwZnvm, wQUgnj mgm¨vi cÖK…wZ, G msµvšÍ AvšÍtivóªxq Pzw³, wQUgn‡j emevmKvix gvby‡li cwiPq msKU Ges Zv‡`i AwaKvinxbZv GB cÖe‡Üi Av‡jvP¨ welq| (cÖwZwPšÍv, wØZxq msL¨v, 2011| cÖeÜwU †c‡Z wk‡ivbv‡g wK¬K Kiæb|)


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, ছিটমহল বিনিময়: পেছনের কাহিনী ও সামনের চ্যালেঞ্জ, প্রতিচিন্তা, ৫, ৩, pp.৪৩-৭০, ২০১৫.

fviZ I evsjv‡`‡ki g‡a¨ we`¨gvb mxgvšÍ mgm¨v wbimb I wQUgnj wewbg‡qi j‡ÿ¨ 1974 mv‡j ¯^vÿwiZ HwZnvwmK ¯’jmxgv Pzw³wU 41 eQi a‡i ev¯Íevq‡bi A‡cÿvq wQj|Ae‡k‡l 2015 mv‡ji 31 RyjvB ga¨iv‡Z evsjv‡`k I fvi‡Zi g‡a¨ wQUgnj wewbgq Kvh©Ki nq| d‡j cÖvq 52 nvRvi ÔwQ‡Ui †jvKÕi Rxeb †_‡K 68 eQ‡ii Aeiæ×Zvi Aemvb N‡U| wg‡j‡Q ivóª I bvMwiK cwiPq| wg‡j‡Q Rxe‡bi wbivcËv I †gŠwjK AwaKv‡ii wbðqZv| wKš‘ wQUgnj wewbgq n‡jI mv‡eK wQUgnjevmxi Rxeb-RxweKvq ivóªnxb mvZ `k‡Ki c~wÄf~Z wKQz mgm¨vi †hgb mgvavb nqwb Ab¨w`‡K wQUgnj wewbg‡qi cÖwµqvq bZzb K‡i Av‡iv wKQz mgm¨v m„wó n‡q‡Q| d‡j Dfq †`‡ki wejyß wQUgn‡ji gvbyl‡`i A‡b‡KB GL‡bv bvbvg~Lx msK‡Ui gy‡L| Ggb cwiw¯’wZ‡Z wejyß wQUgn‡ji gvbyl‡`i Rxeb-RxweKvi wKQz mgm¨v I msKUB GB cÖe‡Üi welqe¯‘| (cÖwZwPšÍv, cÂg el©, 3q msL¨v, RyjvB-‡m‡Þ¤^i 2011| cÖeÜwU †c‡Z wk‡ivbv‡g wK¬K Kiæb|)


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, সংকটের দুষ্টচক্রে ছিটমহলের মানুষ: একটি বিনিময়-উত্তর পর্যালোচনা, প্রতিচিন্তা, ৭, ২, pp.৬৩-৭৬,

2015 mv‡ji 31 RyjvB ga¨iv‡Z evsjv‡`k I fvi‡Zi g‡a¨ wQUgnj wewbgq Kvh©Ki nIqvi d‡j evsjv‡`k-fviZ wQUgn‡ji cÖvq 52 nvRvi gvbyl cÖvq mvZ `kK A‡cÿvi ci bvMwiKZ¡ cvq| Z‡e wQUgnj wejyß n‡jI mv‡eK wQUgnj¸‡jv‡Z cyÄxfzZ A‡bK mgm¨vi GL‡bv mgvavb nqwb| Acic‡ÿ, wQUgnj wewbg‡qi cÖwµqv‡ZI bZzb K‡i wKQz mgm¨v m„wó n‡q‡Q| d‡j, bvMwiKZ¡ †c‡jI Zviv GL‡bv bvbvg~Lx msK‡U cwZZ| GB ev¯ÍeZvq, m`¨ wejyß wQUgn‡ji gvbyl‡`i Rxeb-RxweKvq Pjgvb msKU¸‡jvi Drm, cÖK…wZ I cÖfve ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q GB cÖe‡Ü| (প্রতিচিন্তা, সপ্তম বর্ষ, দ্বিতীয় সংখ্যা, ২০১৭। প্রবন্ধটি পেতে শিরোনামে ক্লিক করুন)


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, বাংলাদেশ-ভারত অর্থনৈতিক সম্পর্ক: আস্থাহীনতার কয়েকটি দিক, সমাজবিজ্ঞান সমীক্ষা, ১, pp.২৫-৪০, ২০১৩.

cvi¯úvwiK wbf©ikxjZvi Kvi‡Y evsjv‡`k-fviZ A_©‰bwZK m¤úK© Dfq †`‡ki Rb¨B AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| hw`I GL‡bv ch©šÍ †KejgÎ evwYR¨B †`k `yÕwUi A_©‰bwZK m¤ú‡K©i †ÿ‡Î g~j f‚wgKv cvjb Ki‡Q| Z‡e evwY‡R¨i cvkvcvwk UªvbwRU, †hŠ_ wewb‡qvM I †hŠ_ Kg©ms¯’vbmn A_©‰bwZK mn‡hvwnZvi A‡bK †ÿÎ wPwýZ n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`k-fviZ A_©‰bwZK m¤úK© g~j¨MZ w`K †_‡K †hgb fvimvg¨nxb †Zgwb KvVv‡gvMZ w`K †_‡KI `ye©j| A_©‰bwZK mn‡hvwMZvi A‡bK D‡`¨vM evavMÖ¯’ nq wewfbœ A-A_©‰bwZK wel‡q we`¨gvb mgm¨v I cvi¯úvwiK Av¯’vnxbZvi Kvi‡Y| GgZve¯’vq, evsjv‡`k-fviZ A_©‰bwZK m¤ú‡K©i †ÿ‡Î we`¨gvb Av¯’vnxbZvi K‡qKwU w`K ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q GB cÖe‡Ü| (mgvRweÁvb mgxÿv, msL¨v 1, mgvRweÁvb Abyl`, Rvnv½xibMi wek^we`¨vjq, 2013, c„. 25-41|)


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, ১৯০৫ সালের বঙ্গভঙ্গ: প্রবাসী পত্রিকার ভূমিকা, Clio: Jahangirnagar University Journal of the Department of History, xxv, June 2008, pp.47-56, 2008.

1905 mv‡ji e½f½ I 1911 mv‡ji e½f½ i‡`i †cQ‡b ZrKv‡j Gjvnvev` †_‡K cÖKvwkZ, kÖxivgvb›` P‡Ævcva¨vq m¤úvw`Z cÖevmx cwÎKv †h f‚wgKvq AeZxY© n‡qwQj, Zv ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q GB cÖe‡Ü| (Clio, Journal of the Department of History, Jahangirnagar University, Vol. XXV, 2008, pp. 47-55.)



Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Cleansing Operation on Rohingyas by Suu Kyi's Government and the Refugee Crises in Bangladesh, "Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement" organized by the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS), University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 15-18 May 2017.

The ethnic cleansing policies of the military junta of Myanmar in the Rakhine state have caused hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas to flee since the late 1970s. Since Bangladesh shares a land boundary with the Rakhine state, the endangered Rohingyas rush to Bangladesh for refuge. By 2017 their number reaches one million.  When Noble Laureate (in peace!) Aun Suu Kyi’s party NLD formed the first civilian government in 2015, it was expected that the Rohingyas would get rid of all ethnic suppression and atrocities. Ironically, her government has been operating a reinforced brutal cleansing operation on the Rohingyas. Under these circumstances, this paper seeks to shed light on the condition of the Rohingyas on the Bangladesh border. 


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, New Crises of the Erstwhile Enclave People Arises through the exchange, 77th Session of the Indian History Congress, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, 28-30 Dec 2016.

Through the much-awaited exchange of enclaves between India and Bangladesh on 31 July 2015 almost 52 thousand stateless people, living therein were eventually provided with state and citizenship after 68 years. In the process of exchange, the enclave residents were given the freedom to take the nationality of either state. Under this privilege, most of the people opted to stay there where they had lived for generations. Only 989 residents from the Indian enclaves in Bangladesh have resettled to India letting their de jure Indian nationality be functional after almost seven decades. It is pertinent to note that no one from Bangladeshi enclaves in India opted for Bangladesh. Though the issue is now settled and most of the people have got their state and citizenship many of them are still in crisis in many aspects. Because in the one hand, some old issues were not addressed in the exchange process on the other hand some new problems were created by some technical errors in the exchange process. This empirical study seeks to shed light on these crises.


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Enclave Disappears from South Asia: Exchange of India-Bangladesh Enclaves and the Changing Scenarios, South Asian History Conference (4th Session), pp.465-471., Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, 2016.

People residing in the lands of enclaves were not responsible at all for the odd creation of enclaves. They had been living there for generations before the emergence of India and Pakistan as states. Being separated by the India-Pakistan borderline in 1947, they had realized for the first time that their living lands were owned by one state but located within another. Thenceforth they were kept alienated and detached. They were known as ‘people of nowhere’ in the true sense. Their statelessness manifested unprecedented human suffering. However, the ‘bright day of justice’ has emerged for almost 52 thousand enclave residents through the exchange of enclaves between India and Pakistan in 2015. Under these circumstances, this paper attempts to shed light on what the ‘exchange’ brings for those who were enslaved in the enclaves.


Dr. Binayak Sen & Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Trade, Investment and Employment: Addressing the Trust Deficit in Bangladesh-India Economic Relations, Bangladesh-India Relations in the Age of Globalization: Post-Prime Ministerial Summit Conference, organized jointly by the Centre for Alternatives, Bangladesh, and Jamia Millia Islamia, India, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17-18 September 2011..

Through evaluation of some crucial series of issues hanging between the two parties, which are addressed in detail in the discussion follows it can be said that progress on India-Bangladesh economic relations has been slow, though often with intermittent sparks. In such cases, the pace of future progress would depend in part on liberalizing further the bilateral trade regime, but mainly on the success in areas of joint investments and employment generation. Whatever progress has been made its significance has turned pale in the backdrop of rising trust deficit, especially in non-trade and “non-economic” areas of cooperation. Hence, India-Bangladesh economic relations need to be seen in its multidimensionality and interconnectivity. Advantages need to be taken of “low hanging fruits” in the “non-economic” relations which will create trust in economic relations by generating “reassurance through signaling”. 


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Shifting Trends in the Twentieth Century Politico-economic Culture in South Asia, The 19th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA), Manila, The Philippines, 21-25 November 2006.

An attempt has been made to analyse the shifting trends and the resultant histories of the twentieth century with a special reference to Bengal (present Bangladesh and West Bengal of India). This paper is roughly divided into four sections: the first section deals with theoretical connotations; the second section focuses on the shifting trends in the economy; the third one concentrates on the rural-urban tensions and conflict of values. The fourth and final section analyses the changing pattern of leadership and the politicization process in the ‘village power structure’.



Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Statelessness in South Asia: Living in Bangladesh-India Enclaves, Theoretical Perspectives (A Journal of Social Sciences and Arts), Research Monograph (combining of volumes 12 & 13), pp.73, 2007.

This work is a study of the Statelessness of the ‘chhiter look’ (enclave people) in Bangladesh and India. It reviews the background history as well as the political and socio-economic perspectives of the Bangladesh-India enclaves. The key issues of the study are (i) the creation of enclaves, (ii) the number, location, and population of the enclaves, (iii) the evolution of social and economic life therein, (iv) Statelessness and the crisis of identity (v) the problem of State sovereignty, bilateral relations and domestic development pertaining to the enclaves.


বাংলাদেশ-ভারত ছিটমহল: অবরুদ্ধ ৬৮ বছর, ঢাকা:প্রথমা প্রকাশন, ২০১৭,

1947 mv‡j mgMÖ fviZe‡l© weªwUk Jcwb‡ewmK kvm‡bi Aemvb N‡U Ges m„wó nq fviZ I cvwK¯Ívb bvgK `yÕwU iv‡óªi| wKš‘ fviZ I cvwK¯Ív‡bi mxgvbv wba©viY cÖwµqvq `yB †`‡ki cÖvq Aa© jÿ gvbyl 162wU wew”Qbœ f‚L‡Ð AvUKv c‡o hvq| wQUgnj bv‡g cwiwPZ GB f‚Lи‡jv‡Z Zv‡`i‡K A‡bKUv e›`x Rxeb hvcb Ki‡Z nq cÖvq mvZ `kK a‡i| Ae‡k‡l, 2015 mv‡ji 31 RyjvB evsjv‡`k I fvi‡Zi g‡a¨ wQUgnj wewbgq Kvh©Ki nIqvi gva¨‡g †mB Aeiæ× I AwaKvi ewÂZ Rxe‡bi Aemvb N‡U| Z‡e wQUgnj wejyß n‡jI mv‡eK wQUgnjevmxi Rxe‡b cyÄxf‚Z A‡bK mgm¨vi mgvavb nqwb| Dciš‘, wQUgnj wewbg‡qi cÖwµqvq bZzb Av‡iv wKQz mgm¨v m„wó n‡q‡Q| ZvB, wQUgn‡ji gvby‡li Rxeb-RxweKvi mgm¨v, Zv‡`i AwaKvinxbZv I AwaKvi Av`v‡qi Av`v‡qi msMÖvg, wQUgnj wewbg‡qi cÖwµqv Ges wewbgq cieZ©x cwiw¯’wZ wb‡q GKwU ch©‡eÿYg~jK M‡elYvi dmj GB MÖš’| G‡Z f‚³‡fvMx‡`i eqv‡b Zv‡`i AwfÁZvi K_v Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

(evsjv‡`k BwZnvm cwil` KZ©„K 2017 mv‡ji el©‡miv M‡elYv MÖ‡š’I cyi®‹v‡i f‚wlZ|)



মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, ছিটমহল ইস্যু ও বাংলাদেশ-ভারত সম্পর্ক, বাংলাদেশ: রাষ্ট্র ও রাজনীতি (সম্পা. নাসিম আখতার হোসাইন ও কে এম মহিউদ্দীন), প্রথম খন্ড, pp.১৮৫-১৯৮, 2016.

†fŠ‡MvwjK mvwbœa¨, cÖvK…wZK m¤ú`, Av_©-mvgvwRK KvVv‡gv Ges mvs¯‹…wZK HwZ‡n¨i w`K †_‡K evsjv‡`k I fviZ wbweo e܇b Ave× n‡jI cÖwZ‡ewk GB †`k `yÕwUi m¤úK© GLb Av¯’vi msK‡U wbgw¾Z| AvšÍR©vwZK b`xi b¨vh¨ wnm¨v †_‡K ewÂZ K‡i evsjv‡`‡ki DËivÂj‡K giæKi‡Yi fviZxq ZrciZv eûjv‡jvwPZ GKwU welq| Gi mv‡_ hy³ n‡q‡Q fvi‡Zi wUcvBgyL euva I AvšÍtb`x ms‡hvM cÖKí| cvkvcvwk ¯’jmxgv wba©viY Ges wQUgnj wewbg‡qi Bm~¨wUI †ek cyi‡bv| RvZxq ¯^v‡_©i w`K †_‡K †Kv‡bv iv‡óªi Kv‡QB wQUgnj Bmy¨wU †Zgb ¯úk©KvZi wQj bv| ZeyI GB mgm¨vwU‡K Pvi `k‡KiI †ewk mgq a‡i Awb®úbœ ivLv n‡qwQj| Ae‡k‡l, 2015 mv‡j wQUgnj wewbg‡qi gva¨‡g we`¨gvb Ab¨vb¨ wØcvwÿK mgm¨v mgvav‡bi †ÿ‡Î wKQzUv AMÖMwZ nq| GB †cÖÿvc‡U, evsjv‡`k-fviZ wØcvwÿK m¤ú‡K©i †ÿ‡Î wQUgnj cÖm½wU GB Aa¨v‡qi Av‡jvP¨ welq|  



Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Best Research Book Award, 2017, Bangladesh Itihash Parishad (Bangladesh History Association), Dhaka, Awarded in 2018.

The “Best Research Book Award in 2017” was given by Bangladesh Itihash Parishad (Bangladesh History Association) in May 2018 for the research book titled- evsjv‡`k-fviZ wQUgnj: Aeiæ× 68 eQi (Bangladesh-India Enclaves: 68 Years of Containment), Dhaka: Prothoma Prokashan, 2017. 


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, The Good of the People is the Chief Law, UGC Sponsored One-Day International Seminar on Law, Society and Humanity, Jogesh Chandra Chaudhury Law College, University of Kolkata, India, 15 May , 2015.


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Economic Challenges of the Indo-Bangladesh Borderland People: Marginality and Deprivation,

Presented at the One-day Symposium (webinar) on “The Contemporary Challenges of the Partition of the Indian Sub-continent in 1947”, organized by The Institute of Commonwealth Studies (ICS), held on 16 June 2023. Web Link: https://commonwealth.sas.ac.uk/events/contemporary-challenges-partition-indian-sub-continent-1947.


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, ছিটমহলে যাপিত জীবন: রাষ্ট্রের দায় ও দায়িত্ববোধ এবং কিছু প্রশ্ন, International webinar organized by Vivekananda College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, held on 25-26 August 2020., 25 August 2020.

evsjv‡`k-fviZ wQUgn‡j emevmKvix gvby‡li Rxeb-RxweKvB GB cÖe‡Üi †Kw›`ªq welqe¯‘| cÖe‡Üi ïiæ‡ZB wQUgn‡ji DrcwË Ges wQUgn‡j D™¢~Z gvbweK msK‡Ui †cQ‡b iv‡óªi `vq KZUzKz wQj Zv wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| AZtci wQUgn‡j hvwcZ Rxe‡bi wKQz wPÎ Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q| cÖe‡Üi †klfv‡M, wQUgn‡j D™¢~Z cwiw¯’wZ Ges †mLv‡b emevmiZ Rb‡Mvôxi cÖwZ iv‡óªi `vq-`vwqZ¡ ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| m‡e©vcwi bvMwiK AwaKvi, gvbweKZv Ges iv‡óªi b¨vh¨Zv I Acwinvh©Zv wb‡q wKQz cÖkœ DÌvcb Kiv n‡q‡Q|



Mohammad Golam Rabbani, Oral History Methodology: How to Articulate the Purpose of an Interview?, 2 Day International Workshop on Oral History Transcript (webinar), 19-20 September 2020, History Research Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 20 September 2020.

K_¨ BwZnvm GKwU engvb welq Ges †mB wePv‡i GKwU mgmvgwqK welq| AwZZ ev AwZ‡Zi wbw`©ó †Kv‡bv NUbv m¤úwK©Z e¨w³MZ, mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹…wZK I cÖvwZôvwbK K_‡cvK_‡bi g‡a¨B engvb _v‡K K_¨ BwZnvm ev K_¨ BwZnv‡mi Dcv`vb| BwZnvm PP©vq K_¨ BwZnv‡mi avibv bZzb bq! _ywmWvBwWm I †n‡iv‡WvUvm Df‡qB Zv‡`i BwZnvm MÖ‡š’ evPwbK cÖgvYvw` e¨envi K‡i‡Qb| BwZnvm cyb©MV‡b, we‡kl K‡i, evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy‡×i ¯’vwbK BwZvm cyb©MV‡b K_¨ BwZnvm LyeB ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| ZvB, wKfv‡e GKwU mvÿvrKvi MÖn‡Yi D‡Ïk¨ mdj n‡Z cv‡i Zv wQj GB Kg©kvjvi welqe¯‘ | 



Mohammad Golam Rabbani, সাংস্কৃতিক বিপ্লব ও বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক সমাজ গঠনে এস.এম. সুলতানের জীবন ও নন্দনতত্বের প্রাসঙ্গিকতা,

Delivered a Special Lecture at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka on 31 May 2023. 


Mohammad Golam Rabbani, সুলতনের ছবির দর্শন ও আমাদের পাঠ,

Delivered a Special Lecture at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka on 29 June 2022. 


মোহাম্মদ গোলাম রববানী, বিভক্ত বাংলা: রাষ্ট্রীয় সীমানা ও মানুষের বাস্তবতা, Special Lecture, Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 14 September 2018.

A Special Lecture, delivered at Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.


Course Code Course Title Semester/Year
HIS 403, Department of History, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka Economic History of East Bengal (up to 1947) 2020 - till date
HIS506, Department of History, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka Economic History of Bangladesh (since 1947) 2012 - till date
HIS 103, Department of History and Philosophy (DHP), North South University, Dhaka Emergence of Bangladesh 2021 - till date
GEN 226, Department of Social Relations, East West University, Dhaka Emergence of Bangladesh 2019 - 2021
205, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka Bangladesh Studies (contemporary) 2014-2015
209, Department of Philosophy, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka History of Civilization II 2009-2010
306, Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka History of Western and Medieval Civilization 2010-2011
HIS 405, Department of History, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka The Political, Social & Economic History of the USA (Since 1877) 2010-2015
HIS 201, Department of History, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka History of Civilization (Medieval Period) 2007-2016
HIS 102, Department of History, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka History of Civilization (Ancient Period) 2007-2009

Academic Info

Institute: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Period: 2016-2020

PhD thesis submitted at the Centre for South Asian Studies, School of International Studies. 

Institute: Jahangirnagar University
Period: 2003-2005

Master of Philosophy

Institute: Jahangirnagar University
Period: 1997-2000

Bachelor of Arts with Honours & Master of Arts 

Institute: Commonwealth Youth Program (CYP) hosted by Bangladesh Open University
Period: 2004-2005

The Diploma in Youth in Development Work (DYDW): One-Year Diploma under the Commonwealth Youth Program (CYP) hosted by Bangladesh Open University in 2004-2005. 


Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Senate Member
Period: 2023- till date

Has been elected as an independent candidate. 

Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Memebr
Period: 2019 - till date

Board of Advance Studies 

Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Memebr
Period: 2019 - till date

Academic Council

Organization: Department of History, Jahangirnagar University
Position: Research Supervisor
Period: 2022- till date

Supervision of MPhil/PhD research.

Organization: Department of History, Jahangirnagar University
Position: Member
Period: July 2021- June 2023

Higher Studies Committee (July 2021- June 2023).

Organization: Department of History, Jahangirnagar University
Position: Editor
Period: 2016

Clio, Jahangirnagar University Journal of the Department of History, Vol. XXXIII (peer-reviewed journal)

Organization: Department of History, Jahangirnagar University
Position: Member of the Editorial Board
Period: 2019 - till date

Clio, Jahangirnagar University Journal of the Department of History (double-blind peer-reviewed journal).

Organization: North South University (NSU), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Adjunct Professor
Period: June 2021 – to date

Teaching at the undergraduate level in the Department of History and Philosophy (DHP).                         

Organization: East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Adjunct Faculty
Period: September 2019 – January 2022

Taught at the undergraduate level in the Department of Social Relations.                            

Organization: Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Adjunct Faculty
Period: July-December 2022

Taught at the undergraduate level in the Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).                          

Organization: Bangladesh National University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Trainer
Period: Session-wise upon invitation.

Teachers Training Program of Bangladesh National University under the College Education Development Project.

Organization: Centre for Advanced Research in the Humanities, University of Dhaka
Period: 23-28 June 2009

Participated in a week-long training on Research Methodology organized by the Centre for Advanced Research in the HumanitiesUniversity of Dhaka.                    

Organization: Bath University, UK
Position: Academic Visitor
Period: 24 March - 1 April, 2007

Took part in a week-long workshop on the methodology of social science research (qualitative data collection, data organization and investigation). 


Organization: Indian History Congress
Position: Member
Period: 2016 - till date
Organization: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
Position: Member
Period: 2022- till date

Member No. 2777

Organization: Bangladesh Itihash Somity (Bangladesh History Association)
Position: Life Member
Period: 2012 - till date

Member no. 1329

Organization: Jahangirnagar Theatre
Position: Vice President
Period: 2011-2016

Jahangirnagar Theatre (affiliated with the Teachers-Students Centre of Jahangirnagar University and one of the leading theatre groups in Bangladesh)      

Organization: Anandan
Position: Founder President & Advisor
Period: 2000 - till date

Anandan is a prominent cultural organization affiliated with the Teachers-Students Centre of Jahangirnagar University.

Organization: Rotaract Club of Jahangirnagar, RI District 3280
Position: Vice President
Period: 2001-2002



Dr. Mohammad Golam Rabbani

Department of History
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +88-01712561330
Work Phone: +88-02-7791045-51/Extn -2549, 1319/115
Email: rabbani@juniv.edu , rabbani.ju@gmail.com