Nilanjan Kumar Saha Professor, Department of Finance & Banking
Measuring performance of financial institutions and markets
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Determinants of Financial Performance of Commercial Bank in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study on Private Commercial Banks, Global Journal of Management and Business Research (GJMBR), 21, 2, pp.23-32, March 2021.Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Nexus between Sustainability and Economic Growth: A Developing Country Context, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 10, 2, pp.1-16, June 2021.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Impact of Eco-innovation on Firm Performance: A Study on Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 8, 1, pp.1-9, June 2019.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Integrated Reporting Practices: A Study on Selected Banks of Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 7, 1, pp.13-31, June 2018.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, The Impact of Work-life Balance on Employee Performance: A Study on Selected Private Commercial Banks in Dhaka City, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 7, 1, pp.1-11, June 2018.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Uniform Forecasting model for Predicting Stock Prices with Daily Effect: A Case Study on Dhaka Stock Exchange, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 6, 1, pp.1-8, June 2016.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, An Empirical Study of Fama French Three Factor as Asset Pricing Model, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 3, 1, pp.27-37, June 2015.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Relationship between Financial Conservative Policy and Financial Distress: A Study on UK Firms, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 5, 1, pp.1-14, June 2015.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Role of Corporate Governance in Private Commercial Banks: Experience from Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 3, 1, pp.1-25, June 2013.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Challenges of Globalization and Higher Education in Bangladesh: A strive towards professionalism, Jahangirnagar Journal of Marketing, 1, 1, pp.43-52, June 2013.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Determinants of Default in Corporate Credit Market: A case study on IFIC Bank Ltd., Jahangirnagar Journal of Finance & Banking, 1, 1, pp.49-73, June 2013.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Sustainability of Micro Credit – A case study on selected commercial banks in Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 1, 1, pp.97-111, June 2011.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, A Survey of Student’s Characteristics of MBA Programme: Case of Bangladesh Open University, Indian Journal of Open Learning, India, 15, 3, pp.237-246, September 2006.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Integrated Rural Credit Framework: A Focus on Insurance Scheme, Asian Studies, Journal of the Department of Government & Politics, Jahangirnagar University, 1, 24, pp.93-98, June 2005.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, Financial Performance Analysis of Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha (BSRS): A case study, The Journal of Business Studies of Bangladesh Open University, 1, 2, pp.75-85, December 2003.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha, A Proposal to Introduce Collective Credit and Insurance in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 20, 2, pp.235-250, 1999.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
FNB 201 | Financial Management | BBA 2nd Year 2nd Semester |
FNB 501 | International Finance | MBA 1st Semester |
FNB 506 | Capital Budgeting and Investment Analysis | MBA 2nd Semester |
Academic Info
Secondary School Certificate (SSC) in Commerce
Year of Passing: 1983
Class/Division: First
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) in Commerce
Year of Passing: 1985
Class/Division: First
Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.) in Finance
Year of Passing: 1988
Class/Division: First (7th)
Master of Commerce in Finance & Banking
Class/Division: First (4th)
Year of Passing: 1989
Position: Dean
Period: 28th November 2015 to Date
Position: Associate Professor
Period: 28th November 2015 to Date
Position: Chairman
Period: 5th December 2009 to 4th December 2012
Area of Duties: Academic and Administrative works to run academic programs as a head of the Department
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 15th November 2009 to 13th December 2014
Area of Duties: Class lecturers, Tutorial services, Exam. related works, administrative works, Program Coordinator, Student advisers, etc.
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 11th October 2005 to 14th November 2009
Position: Lecturer
Period: 1st November 1998 to 10th October 2005
Position: Lecturer
Period: 1st September 1996 to 31th October 1998
Position: Manager
Period: January 1993 to August 1996
Area of Duties: General Administration, International Marketing, Pricing, Procuring, Monitoring etc.
Nilanjan Kumar Saha
Department of Finance & Banking
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: nillshampa@juniv.edu
, nilanjanfnb@juniv.edu