Dr. M. Monirul H. Khan Professor, Department of Zoology
Dr. M. Monirul H. Khan was born in Tangail, Bangladesh, in 1974. He studied at Model Primary School, Bindubashini High School, M.M. Ali College and Jahangirnagar University in Bangladesh, and at the University of Cambridge in UK. Aged 29, he was awarded PhD degree from Cambridge, which was supported by the Commonwealth Scholarship. Currently he is a Professor of Zoology at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, and has close working relationship with many national and international entities. Dr. Khan has received several scholarships and awards, and has written many scientific and popular articles, including a few books. He is a keen wildlife watcher and photographer.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Zoology
Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka 1342, Bangladesh
Phone: ++880-2-7708478-85, Extension 1329
Cell: ++880-1720483151. Fax: ++880-2-7708069
E-mail: mmhkhan@hotmail.com, mmhkhan@juniv.edu
Professional wildlife biologist engaged in teaching and research on various aspects of wildlife and wildlife habitats, particularly in Bangladesh. Skilled and experienced in wildlife monitoring, status survey, population estimation (including camera-trap survey and transect survey), feeding, habitat use, threat assessment and wildlife-human conflict. Also experienced in conducting academic/training/awareness programmes, producing wildlife related publications and taking photographs of wildlife. Played the leading/key roles in many projects and supervised many researchers in higher degrees.
Khan, M.A.R., Haque, E.U., Khan M.M.H., Ahmed, I., Chakma, S., Naher, H., Chowdhury, M.A.W., Mukul, S.A., Chowdhury, S.U., Rahman, S.C., Kabir, M.T., Rahman, H.A., Akash, M., Muktamoni, M., Ghose, A. Al-Razh, H. and Muzaffar, S.B., A proposed safari park in a subtropical forest in northeastern Bangladesh will be detrimental to native biodiversity., Conservation, 2022(2), Issuw, 2022.Miazi, O.F., Miah, G., Hassan, M.M., Jalil, M.A., and Khan, M.M.H., Day long activities of Indian Blue Peafowl in Bangladesh National Zoo., Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 8(2), 55-59.
Miazi, O.F., Miah, G., Bilkis, T., Das, G.B., Hossain, M.E. and Khan, M.M.H., Study on train and tail feathers of Indian Blue Peacock in Bangladesh National Zoo., International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, 7(3), pp.72-80, 2020.
Rahman, K.M.M., Rakhimov, I.I. and Khan, M.M.H., Activity budgets and dietary investigations of Varanus salvator (Reptilia: Varanidae) in Karamjal ecotourism spot of Bangladesh Sundarbans mangrove forest., Basic and Applied Herpetology, 31(2017), pp.45-56, 2017.
Monirujjama, and Khan, M.M.H., Comparative activity pattern and feeding behaviour of Capped Langur (Trachypithecus pileatus) and Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) in Madhupur National Park of Bangladesh., Jahangirnagar University Journal of Biological Sciences, 6(1), pp.1-12 (June), 2017.
Rahman, K.M.M., Rakhimov, I.I. and Khan, M.M.H., Public attitudes toward Monitor Lizards (Reptilia: Varanidae): a conservation challenge in the human-dominated ecosystems of Bangladesh., Annual Research & Review in Biology, 13(6), pp.1-10, 2017.
Aktar, M., Ahammed, R., Khan, M.M.H. and Kabir, M.M., Preliminary findings on behavioural patterns of the Barking Deer, Muntiacus muntjak (Zimmermann, 1780), in captivity at Dhaka Zoo in Bangladesh., Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science, 41(2), pp.233-243, 2015.
Thompson, P.M., Chowdhury, S.U., Haque, E.U., Khan, M.M.H. and Halder, R., Notable bird records from Bangladesh from July 2002 to July 2013., Forktail, 30(2014), pp.50-65, 2014.
Ahammed, R., Aktar, M., Khan, M.M.H. and Kabir, M.M. 2013., Activity pattern, feeding and social behaviour of barking deer Muntiacus muntjak (Zimmermann, 1780) in captivity. Jahangirnagar University, Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(2), pp.51-58,
Khan, M.M.H., Khare's Stream Frog Pterorana khare - a new record for Bangladesh., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 110(2), pp.162-163, 2013.
Khan, M.M.H., Lesser Dawn Bat Eonycteris spelaea: the first record for Bangladesh., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 110(2), pp.152, 2013.
Khan, M.M.H., New records of wildlife from the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society., 109(3), pp.229-232, 2012.
Khan, M.M.H., Population and prey of the Bengal tiger Panthera tigris tigris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Carnivora: Felidae) in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh., Journal of Threatened Taxa, 4(2), pp.2370-2380, 2012.
Sadik, A.S. and Khan, M.M.H., Status and seasonality of birds in the Kaptai National Park, Bangladesh., Jahangirnagar University Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(1), pp.37-45, 2012.
Khan, M.M.H., Consumption of tiger prey by people and tiger straying status along the northern forest-village boundary of the Sundarbans of Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences, 22(1), pp.25-31, 2010.
Mohsanin, S. and Khan, M.M.H., Status and seasonal occurrence of the birds in Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences, 21(1), pp.29-37, 2009.
Khan, M.M.H., Prey selection by tigers (Panthera tigris) in the Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society., 105(3), pp.255-263, 2008.
Khan, M.M.H., Can pet dogs save humans from tigers Panthera tigris?., Oryx, 43(1), pp.44-47, 2008.
Khan, M.M.H. and Chivers, D.J., Habitat preference by tigers (Panthera tigris) in the Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary, Bangladesh., Oryx, 41(4), pp.1-6, 2007.
Khan, M.M.H., Population structure and density of the prey of tigers (Panthera tigris) in the Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh., Malayan Nature Journal, 59(3), pp.243-257, 2007.
Khan, M.M.H., Activity pattern and population density of the lesser adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus in the Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences, 18(2), pp.45-50, 2006.
Khan, M.M.H., Plain-backed thrush Zoothera mollissima: a new species for Bangladesh., Forktail, 22(2006), pp.155-156, 2006.
Khan, M.M.H., Species diversity, relative abundance and habitat use of the birds in the Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh., Forktail, 21(2005), pp.79-86, 2005.
Khan, M.M.H., Status and distribution of wild cats in Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences, 17(1), pp.69-74, 2004.
Khan, M.M.H. and Islam, M.A., Food habits of some birds in Tangail, Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences, 16(1), pp.135-140, 2004.
Khan, M.M.H., Food habit of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in the Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh., Zoos’ Print Journal, 19(5), pp.1,475-1,476, 2004.
Khan, M.M.H., Fire-breasted flowerpecker Dicaeum ignipectus: a new species for Bangladesh., Forktail, 20, pp.120, 2004.
Khan, M.M.H., A report on the existence of wild hog deer in Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 32(1), pp.111-112, 2004.
Khan, M.M.H. and Islam, M.A., Status and habitats of the birds of Tangail, Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 28(1), pp.75-88, 2000.
Das, A.K., Islam, M.A., Kabir, M.M. and Khan, M.M.H., The birds of Kuakata of Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences, 12(1&2), pp.35-42, 2000.
Khan, M.M.H. and Islam, M.A., Notes on behavioural aspects of some birds in Tangail, Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 27(1), pp.117-119, 1999.
Khan, M.M.H., Kabir, M.M. and Islam, M.A., The breeding behaviour of Spotted Munia, Lonchura punctulata, in captivity., Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences, 11(1&2), pp.27-30, 1999.
Islam, M.A., Khan, M.M.H., Kabir, M.M., Solhoy, T., Joarder, N.B. and Feeroz, M.M., Birds of the Sundarbans in winter in Bangladesh., Ecoprint, 6(1), pp.41-49, 1999.
Islam, M.A., Khan, M.M.H., Kabir, M.M., Das, A.K., Choudhury, M.M., Feeroz, M.M. and Begum, S., Man-elephant interaction in Bangladesh in 1997., Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences, 11(1&2), pp.31-36, 1999.
Khan, M.M.H., Das, A.K. and Islam, M.A., Birds in the northern hilly areas of Jamalpur, Sherpur and Netrakona districts of Bangladesh., Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Sci.), 24(2), pp.357-361, 1998.
Khan, M.M.H., Sundarbans – The World Heritage. Nymphea Publication, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pp.362 pp., 2021.Khan, M.M.H., Ahsan, M.M., Jhala, Y.V., Ahmed, Z.U., Paul, A.R., Kabir, M.J., Morshed, H.M. and Hossain, A.N.M., Bangladesh Tiger Action Plan 2018-2027., Bangladesh Forest Department, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pp.120 pp., 2018.
Khan, M.M.H., Photographic Guide to the Wildlife of Bangladesh., Arannayk Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pp.488 pp., 2018.
Khan, M.M.H., Ahsan, M.M., Kabir, M.J., Morshed, H.M. and Hossain, A.N.M., National Tiger Recovery Program of Bangladesh 2017-2022., Bangladesh Forest Department, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pp.34 pp., 2016.
Khan, M.M.H., Begum, S., Feeroz, M.M., Kabir, M.M., Hasan, M.K., Khan, B., Rahman, T., Prodhan, M.A.H., Khan, M.N.S., Khaledin, S. and Basak, R., Wildlife of Kaptai National Park of Bangladesh., Bangladesh Forest Department, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pp.108 pp., 2016.
Khan, M.M.H., Chittagong Hill Tracts – The Land of Diversity., Bangladesh Forest Department, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pp.167 pp., 2015.
Hasan, M.K., Khan, M.M.H. and Feeroz, M.M., Amphibians and Reptiles of Bangladesh - A Field Guide., Arannayk Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pp.191 pp., 2014.
Khan, M.M.H., White-rumped Vulture in Bangladesh – Population, Breeding and Threats., Vulture Research and Conservation Programme of Bangladesh, Dhaka., pp.40 pp., 2012.
Khan, M.M.H., Tigers in the Mangroves – Research and Conservation of the Tiger in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh., Arannayk Foundation, Dhaka., pp.192 pp., 2011.
Feeroz, M.M, Hasan, M.K., and Khan, M.M.H., Biodiversity of Protected Areas of Bangladesh, Vol. I: Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary., BioTrack, Arannayk Foundation, Dhaka., pp.214 pp., 2011.
Khan, M.M.H., Protected Areas of Bangladesh – A Guide to Wildlife., Nishorgo Program, Bangladesh Forest Department, Dhaka., pp.304 pp., 2008.
Hussain, M.B., Faisal, A.M. and Khan, M.M.H., Re-excavation: A Major Step in Wetland Restoration in the Floodplains (Eds. Waliuzzaman, M., Ahmed, R. and Nishat, A.)., IUCN-Bangladesh, Dhaka., pp.47 pp., 2005.
Hussain, M.Z., Khan, M.M.H. and Hossain, A., Management of Resources. In: Bangladesh Sundarbans Delta Vision 2050: A First Step in its Formulation - Document 2: A Compilation of Background Information (Ed. Hussain, M.Z.)., IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature, Dhaka, Bangladesh., pp.64-75, 2014.Khan, M.M.H., Bengal Tiger – The Wild Heritage of Bangladesh. In: Sundarban – Rediscovering Sundarban, the Mangrove Beauty of Bangladesh (Ed. Khan, R.)., Nymphea Publication, Dhaka., pp.74-82, 2013.
Aziz, N., Motaleb, M.A., Wahed, M.A., Alam, A.B.M.S. and Sultana, M., Biodiversity in the Floodplain Ecosystem of Bera, Santhia and Sujanagar Upazilas of Pabna District in Bangladesh (Eds. Khan, M.M.H. and Hossain, M.A.R.)., Wetland Biodiversity Rehabilitation Project, Department of Fisheries of the Government of Bangladesh and GIZ of the Government of Germany., pp.250 pp., 2014.
Khan, M.M.H., The Chittagong Hill Tracts: The Haven of Wildlife Under Severe Threat. In: The Chittagong Hill Tracts – Man-Nature Nexus Torn (Ed. Gain, P.)., Society for Environment and Human Development (SEHD), Dhaka., pp.171-183., 2013.
Khan, M.M.H., Mysterious tigers of the Sundarbans. In: Tiger – The Ultimate Guide (Ed. Thapar, V.)., CDS Books in association with Two Brothers Press, New York., pp.94-98, 2004.
Khan, M.M.H., The Sundarbans. In: Wilderness – Earth’s Last Wild Places (Ed. Gil, P.R.)., Cemex, Mexico City / Conservation International & Sierra Madre., pp.280-289, 2002.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
Zool. 732 (4 credits) | Wildlife Monitoring and Assessment | Year |
Zool. 651 (2 credits) | Wildlife Practical-II | Year |
Zool. 619 (2credits) | Acts, Policies and Conventions for Wildlife and Nature | Year |
Zool. 413 (4 credits; shared with another teacher) | Zoology Practical-VIII | Year |
Zool. 406 (4 credits) | Wildlife Biology | Year |
Position: Senior Programme Officer
Period: Aug 2004-Feb 2005
Validate and analyze data, and prepare reports on different projects related to nature conservation and management.
Position: Assistant Programme Officer
Period: Jan 1999-Jul 2000
Research on material of five Red Books of threatened animals of Bangladesh; and manage projects on tiger, wetland, etc.
Dr. M. Monirul H. Khan
Department of Zoology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: ++880-1720483151
Work Phone: ++880-2-7708478-85, Extension 1329
Email: mmhkhan@juniv.edu