Manosh Chowdhury Professor, Department of Anthropology
From a very small town, I started studying anthropology by choice at a time when the discipline just started in the university. Like to do many things, hardly I feel myself 'expert' on anything. Enjoy every minute with the students, both within and beyond classroom. After spending almost a decade with the students, I went abroad on a degree hunt mission. Did my doctorate from IDEC, Hiroshima University, Japan. Came back in 2007 and am doing all the same since. Lately am not writing much, and then only 'non-anthropological' pieces - fictions and reflections.
Popular Cultures, Media & Representations, Poverty, Class, Marxism, Public Health, HIV & AIDS, Disability, Feminism, Ethnicity, Sexuality, Nationalism, Literature and Films etc... [a range of interests that a non-expert can roam around]
Manosh Chowdhury, Academia and the Regimes: On being perplexed about ‘political’ structure, Vantage: Journal of Thematic Analysis, 3, 2, pp.126-128, 2022. doi: 10.52253/vjta.2022.v03i02.11Vantage, Delhi: Maitreyi College
Manosh Chowdhury, Portrait of a Pleasant Peasant Placed on your Porch, Vantage, 2, 2, pp.109-120, 2021. doi: 10.52253/vjta.2021.v02i02.09Vantage, Delhi: Maitreyi College
Manosh Chowdhury, Negotiating space for posing selves within and beyond gender dynamics, Social Space, 22, pp.147-156, 2021.Social Space, Rzeszów, Poland: Wydawca Publisher
Manosh Chowdhury, Of Leisured Lifestyle: Cyber-dwellers of Dhaka City in the Lockdown, Society and Culture in South Asia, 7, 1, pp.126-132, 2021. doi: 10.1177/2393861720977368Delhi: Sage.
Manosh Chowdhury, What do you mean by empirical social research /(- method) now these days?, Academia Letters, Article 793, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.20935/AL793AcademiaLetters
Manosh Chowdhury, রাষ্ট্র-মেশিনের কোলে পাতা তুলতুলে লিবেরেল মাথা (Liberal Soft Heads are Placed on State-Machine’s Lap), 2023.Dhaka: UPL
Manosh Chowdhury and Sanjiv Roy, দৃশ্যসংস্কৃতি, নৃবিজ্ঞান শাস্ত্র ও দক্ষিণ এশিয় বিদ্যাজগত (Visual Culture, Anthropology and South Asian Academic Arena), 2021.Kolkata: Writabak.
Manosh Chowdhury, সরল সমাজপাঠ (Simple Social Studies), 2022.Dhaka: Granthik
Manosh Chowdhury, সংবাদপ্রণালীর ব্যাকরণ: শ্রেণীর পুনর্গঠন, মতাদর্শ ও রাষ্ট্র (Unpacking News Production: Reconfiguring Class, Ideology and State),Dhaka: Duyende (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury, পৌরুষ, যৌনতা আর লিঙ্গ-রাজনীতি (Masculinity, Sexuality and Gender Politics), 2022.Dhaka: Adarsha (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury, জনসংস্কৃতি ও মধ্যবিত্ত (Popular Culture and Middleclass), 2021.Dhaka: Adarsha (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury, দৃশ্যগত নৃবিজ্ঞান: যেভাবে দৃশ্যের সঙ্গে আমার সম্পর্ক হয় (Visual Anthropology: The Way I have Engaged with Visuals), 2020.Rajshahi: Magic Lanthon (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury, সিনেমা কারখানা ও এন্টি-সিনেমা মেনিফেস্টো (Cinema Factory and Anti-cinema Manifesto), 2022.Rajshahi: Magic Lanthon (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury, Slippers, 2021.Kolkata: Khasra Khata.
Manosh Chowdhury, চিত্রিত চিন্তারাজি সজাগ গদ্য হয় শব্দের নিশ্চিত আশ্বাসে (Colorful Thoughts become Aware Prose with Certain Assurance of the Words), 2022.Dhaka: Upokotha (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury, আন্তঃশাস্ত্র: বিদ্যাকারখানার নতুন ভড়ং (Interdisciplinary: A New Hype in Academic Industry), 2021.Rajshahi: Magic Lanthon (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury, ভাষা প্রসঙ্গে ভাষণ (A Lecture on Language), 2019.Rajshahi: Magic Lanthin (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury, খুচরা সংস্কৃতি (Micro-ethnographic Lives), 2019.Dhaka: Bayanno (Bengali).
Moin Uddin, মানস চৌধুরীর সঙ্গে চ্যাটিং (Chatting with Manosh Chowdhury), 2019.Dhaka: Bayanno (Bengali interview book).
Rahnuma Ahmed and Manosh Chowdhury, নৃবিজ্ঞানের প্রথম পাঠ (Fundamentals of Anthropology), 2003.Dhaka: Rupantar (Bengali).
Manosh Chowdhury and Saydia Gulrukh, এইডস ও যৌনতা নিয়ে ডিসকোর্স (Discourses on AIDS and Sexuality: Marginality of the AIDS Patients), 2000.Dhaka: Rupantar (Bengali)
S M Nurul Alam, Ainoon Naher and Manosh Chowdhury, সাম্প্রতিক নৃবিজ্ঞান (Contemporary Anthropology), 2000.Dhaka: Department of Anthropogy, JU (Bengali)
Zahir Ahmed and Manosh Chowdhury, চর্চা: (Practice: An Anthology of Essays in Anthropology), 2001.Dhaka: Department of Anthropogy, JU (Bengali)
Ainoon Naher and Manosh Chowdhury, মুক্ত আলোচনা (An Open Discussion on Anthropology), 1999.Dhaka: Department of Anthropogy, JU (Bengali)
Manosh Chowdhury and Saydia Gulrukh, কর্তার সংসার: নারীবাদী রচনা সংকলন (Master's House: Anthology of Feminist Essays), 2000.Dhaka: Rupantor (Bengali)
Manosh Chowdhury, Happiness or Hollowness… just a Heave: Murmuring as a form of Negotiating one’s Existence, 2024.Gopi D. Tripathy and Arunita Jahan [Eds.], Narratives of Transformative Reconciliation: In Pursuit of Happiness, Routledge [forthcoming].
মানস চৌধুরী, পরিচয়-রাজনীতি, নৃশংসতা ও আপন-পর, pp.২২৪-২৩১, ২০২৪.রঞ্জন সাহা পার্থ ও অন্যান্য সম্পাদিত, শরণার্থীর সঙ্গে বসবাস, ইউপিএল, ঢাকা, ২০২৪।
Manosh Chowdhury, Middle-Class Liberal Values and the Bangladeshi National Imaginary: Ibsen's Ghosts Reconfigured, 2023.Sabiha Huq, Srideep Mukherjee (Eds.), Ibsen in the Decolonised South Asian Theatre. Routledge:
Manosh Chowdhury, Afterword: A Delicately Designed Dystopia that Needs to be Dissected, 2023.Carmen Blyth (Ed.), ‘Other’ Voices in Education: Understanding Data as (Re)Stor(y)ing Stories. Singapore: SpringerNature.
Manosh Chowdhury, Fictionality as a Mode of Vindication and Defiance in the Digital Era Narratives, 2023.Carmen Blyth (Ed.), ‘Other’ Voices in Education: Understanding Data as (Re)Stor(y)ing Stories. Singapore: SpringerNature.
Manosh Chowdhury, Of Tenacity and Tactics: Tale of a Teacher, 2021.Achla Pritam Tandon et al. (Eds.) Social Scientist in South Asia. Personal Narratives, Social Forces and Negotiations. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 174-178
Manosh Chowdhury, The State Machinery in Bangladesh is Destined to Become a Broker, 2020.Vesna Stanković Pejnović (Ed.), New Understanding of Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Belgrade: Institute of Political Studies. pp. 407-415
Manosh Chowdhury, ভূমিকা: ফরহাদ মজহারের সিনেমা দেখার তীক্ষ্ণতা, 2021.সিনেমা পাঠ, ফরহাদ মজহার, রাজশাহী: ম্যাজিক লণ্ঠন।
Manosh Chowdhury, ভূমিকা: বিদ্যা-কারখানা ব্যক্তিকে চিন্তাক্লিষ্ট ও দুর্দশাগ্রস্ত বানিয়ে ছাড়ে, 2021.চিন্তার দুর্দশা, গায়ত্রী চক্রবর্তী স্পিভ্যাক, রাজশাহী: ম্যাজিক লণ্ঠন
Manosh Chowdhury, ভূমিকা: সম্পর্ক-যাপন সম্পর্ক-ঘোষণার চেয়ে সহজ, 2015. ঢাকা: আগামী প্রকাশনীঅভ্যাসের অন্ধকার, সেলিম রেজা নিউটন সম্পাদিত, ঢাকা: আগামী প্রকাশনী
Academic Info
Period: 1989-1990
Master in Social Science [Anthropology]
Period: January to November, 1993
Postgraduate Certificate in Development Studies
Period: October 2004 to March 2007
Doctoral degree in Cultural Dynamics
Manosh Chowdhury
Department of Anthropology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01842083752
Email: manosh@juniv.edu
, manoshchowdhury@yahoo.com