Maliha Nargis Ahmed Professor, Department of Archaeology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
Department of Archaeology
Professor-2019 till date
Associate Professor-2010-2019
Assistant Professor-2007-2010
Department of History
Part time faculty-2018
Khulna University
Architecture Discipline, (Heritage Course)
Visiting Faculty -2015
North South University
Department of History and Philosophy
Part time Faculty-2018
Voluntary experience
Conducted voluntary research on ‘Cultural Representation of South Asia in different English Museums’, a major part of the research was to identify how objects from South Asia, the former Indian Subcontinent are displayed and interpreted by the western researchers and curators. British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, Pitt Rivers Museum, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Cartwright Art Gallery, Bradford and Blackburn Museum, Blackburn were enlisted in the study. (September 2002-January 2003)
§ Committee Member of editorial board of Journal of Bangladesh National Museum Shahbagh (both Bengali and English) since 2019
§ Extremal Committee Member of building / structure inspection of Department of Archaeology, MOCA People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Regional Office of Dhaka Division) since 2015 till date
§ Worked in the committee of Rani Bhabani Zamindar Palace Natore and Darasbari Mosque, Chapainawabganj in January 2020 (Rajshahi and Rangpur Division Regional Office) MOCA People’s Republic of Bangladesh
§ Committee Member of conservation committee of Panam Building no 13 project since its inception in 2020
§ Member of Technical committee of Panam Building No13 Conservation Project of Department of Archaeology, People’s Republic of Bangladesh
§ Life Member of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
§ Life Member of Bangladesh Itihash Samity, Bangladesh
§ Individual Member of ICOMOS Bangladesh
§ Member of Editorial Panel of Publication section of Department of Archaeology, MOCA. People’s Republic of Bangladesh
April –May 2017
Conducted three training programs at Ethnological Museum Chittagong and Mainamati Museum Cumilla on ‘Collection Management policy of Museums, Display and Representation technique in Museums, Hypothetical concept to rearrange the display of Ethnological Museum Chittagong
May 2018
Conducted training program titled ‘Current display method of museums of Bangladesh
Problem, Prospect & Proposition’ in Department of Archaeology of Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh
May 24-28 2009 Workshop
conducted by UNESCO Dhaka,
Bangladesh. Titled’ Integrated Heritage
Management Plan of Bangladesh’
October 02-05 2017 Workshop jointly organized by
DoA, MOCA Govt of Bangladesh & UNESCO Dhaka
Bangladesh. Titled ‘Workshop on the Application
of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.’
December 23-24, 2017 Attended workshop jointly
organized by DoA, MOCA Govt. of Bangladesh
Korean National Commission for UNESCO South
Korea & Bangladesh National Commission for
Titled ‘Preparation of Nomination Files for the
UNESCO World Heritage List’
June 2018- June 2019 participated as a consultant
of UNESCO Dhaka Bangladesh to develop a webpage
jointly sponsored by UNESCO, KOICA & NAT GEO.
Titled ‘Heritage Journey of Buddha
(Nepal, India and Bangladesh)’.
October 08-09 2019 attended OIC conference in
Jeddah Saudi Arabia as Representative of Bangladesh
Nominated by MOCA Govt of Bangladesh
November 30- December 03 2019 participated in a
workshop titled ‘UNESCO Workshop on
World Heritage Management’
(Heritage Impact Assessment) organized
by DoA Govt. of Bangladesh and UNESCO Dhaka
September 06 2020 Participated as an observant in a webinar titled ‘Updating UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List of Bangladesh’
Cultural Landscape of Heritage: Sonargaon and Panam Organized by Doa Govt of Bangladesh and UNESCO Dhaka Bangladesh
2020-2021 Worked as a consultant in Bangabandhu Military Museum Bijoy for Bangladesh Navy wing (Metal Conservation team)
July 23 -August 13 2022
Attended the IVLP International Visitor’s Leadership Program an international exchange program sponsored by US State Department on Preservation of Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age
Research Interest
Mediaeval and Colonial Architecture of India and Bangladesh, Museum Studies, Iconography (Hindu & Buddhist sculptural art), Theories applied in Archaeology, Culture Heritage Management.
Currently working on Intangible Heritage of Architecture, Case study: Bagha Mosque and Kusumba Mosque in Rajshahi and Naogaon District. Shah Sultan Mahisawar Balkh’s Mausoleum Mahasthangarh Bogura
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED AZMAREE AFRIN, A preliminary study of two mosques of Gobindaganj upazila, Gaibandha District, Journal of Bengal Art, Vol26, 2021.MALIHA NARGIS AHMED AZMAREE AFRIN, Reading of Late Mediaeval Mosques of Bangladesh: Case study on Bajra Shahi Mosque and Matubi Mosque of Sonaimuri Upazila, Noakhali District, Journal of Bengal Art (ISSN 1607: 1344), Vol 25, 2020.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR, Display and Representation of objects with special reference to sculptures at Mahasthangarh Site Museum Bogura, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Hum.)vol 64(2), December 2019.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR, A Case Study of Bagerhat Museum and Representation of Khalifatabad in the Museum, RSTU Studies Journal of Rajshahi Science and Technology University (RSTU), Vol 1,, 2019.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR, Cultural and Religious Aspects of Sculptures Discovered from Somapura Vihara, Nagaon: A Case Study of Sculptures Displayed at Paharpur Site Museum’, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Hum.) Vol.61(1), June 2016.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR, Display and Representation of objects at Divisional Museum Khulna, Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 20, 2014.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR, Exploring Khan Mohammad Mirdha Mosque: an attempt to Construe the socio religious Fabric of Mughal Dhaka, Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 19, 2013.
Representation of Sculptures in the Display of Dinajpur Museum: A Museuological Perspective, 18, 2012.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED, A reappraisal on the display of Chittagong Ethnological Museum; A Museulogical Perspective., 17, 2011.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR, ‘Transformation of a Zamindar Palace to a Museum: A Case Study on the Rangpur Museum, the former Tajhat Palace, Rangpur., Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 16, 2010.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR A.T.MASOOD REZA MAHMOOD HOSSAIN, Towards a comprehensive study on the Colonial Township Panam Nagar: Identification, Evaluation and Management with reference to Settlement Archaeology and Culture Resource Management’, Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 16, 2010.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR, ‘Analysis of the display of Buddhist Sculptures at Mainamati Museum, Comilla and Chittagong Buddhist Monastery Chittagong, Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 14, 2008.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED BULBUL AHMED NURUL KABIR M HASAN, ‘Cultural Resource Management in an Urban Periphery: A case study on the scheme of implementing planning integration and community participation in Savar, Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 13, 2007.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED BULBUL AHMED NURUL KABIR M HASAN, ‘Cultural Resource Management in an Urban Periphery: A case study on the scheme of implementing planning integration and community participation in Savar, Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 13, 2007.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED BULBUL AHMED NURUL KABIR M HASAN, ‘Introducing KAP study in the perspective of cultural resource management of Savar region: Towards a new interdisciplinary approach’, Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 12, 2006.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED, A few unique Bengal sculptures of Varendra Research Museum’, Journal of Varendra Research Museum University of Rajshahi, Vol: IX, 2004.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED AZMAREE AFRIN, Representation of Struggle for Freedom and Human Rights in the Liberation War Museum of Bangladesh, Heritage as Soft Power, Centre for Heritage Studies, University of Kelaniya SriLanka, December 26-27 2019.MALIHA NARGIS AHMED, Representation of Varendra Region Sculptures at Mahasthangarh Site Museum Bogra – an Issue of Contextualization, Heritage of South & South East Asia: Issues on Musealiaztion, Department of Museology, University of Calcutta, India, November15-16 2018.
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED, A Reappraisal on the Prehistoric Rock Art of India published by CARH (Centre for Archaeology and Heritage Research), Bangladesh,BOOK CHAPTER
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED NURUL KABIR, ‘Representation of Hindu and Buddhist Sculptures at the Bangladesh National Museum- A Museological Perspective’, ‘Selected Essays on History and Archaeology’ commemoration volume of Late Prof. Abu Imam., 2010.AWARD
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED, A reappraisal on the display of Chittagong Ethnological Museum; A Museulogical Perspective., Pratnatattva, Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, 17, 2011.SEMINAR
MALIHA NARGIS AHMED, ‘Hyper connected Museum: New Approaches New Publics Jatir Janak Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Smriti Jadughar, Dhaka Bangladesh,Contact
Maliha Nargis Ahmed
Department of Archaeology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801713036102
Email: maliha_ahmed@juniv.edu
, malihadifferent@gmail.com