Dr. Khandakar Hasan Mahmud Professor, Department of Geography & Environment
Professor Dr. Khandakar Hasan Mahmud (Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh), was born in 1983 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has completed his B.Sc. (honors) and M.Sc. in Geography and Environment from Jahangirnagar University. Later he completed his second MS degree in the Department of Environment and Geography, University of Manitoba, Canada for a Master of Environment. He also achieved his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
Dr. Mahmud started his career as a GIS and Remote Sensing Analyst in Prakaushali Sangsad Ltd., Bangladesh. Then he joined as a Lecturer of GIS in the Department of Environmental Science and Resource Management at Mawlana Bhasani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh. In 2009 he has joined the Department of Geography and Environment at Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dr. Mahmud also worked as a research fellow in the Department of Environment and Geography in University of Manitoba, Canada between 2013 and 2015. For his research contribution he was awarded by the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Federal Government of Canada from Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II in Right of Canada.
Dr. Mahmud has published ‘Ogny Geographic Atlas’ using the latest GIS and Cartographic techniques. He was one of the key members of the Banglapedia Cartographic Team. Dr. Mahmud was engaged in the preparation of the National Atlas of Bangladesh as a chief cartographer. He has more than 100 international and national research papers and joined lots of workshops and conferences. Dr. Mahmud's book "Introductory GIS" and "A Text Book of GIS and Remote Sensing" is widely used in different public universities in Bangladesh.
Dr. Mahmud has research-based working experience with international organization like UNDP, UNDRRO, EU, FAO, World Bank, USAid, GIZ, UK Aid, Vivid Economic UK, IDRC Canada, CARE International.
For his scholarly work and maximum number of quality research publication among the faculty members of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, he was awarded "Abu Jafar Shamsuddin and Ayesha Akhter Khatun Memorial Trust Award-2024".
Vulnerability and Resilience, Geostatistics, GIS and Remote Sensing, Historical GIS
Assessing agricultural drought conditions in Bangladesh using vegetation indices derived from Remote Sensing,Mahmud, K. H., and Silvy, S., 2024, Assessing agricultural drought conditions in Bangladesh using vegetation indices derived from Remote Sensing, Jahangirnagar Review (Part 2), Vol. 48/2024, ISSN 1682-7422
A GIS-based bi-variate statistical approach for multispectral satellite indices in landslide susceptibility mapping, Rangamati district, Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., Bafsa, B., Chowdhury, M. S., Rahman, M. N., Sheikh, M. S., and Ahmed S., 2024, A GIS-based bi-variate statistical approach for multispectral satellite indices in landslide susceptibility mapping, Rangamati district, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Rural Development Studies, 27(1), 11-32, ISSN: 1019-9624
Socio-demography induced social capital for community resilience in Bangladesh, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/geo2.137Tuya, J. H., and Mahmud, K. H., 2024, Socio-demography induced social capital for community resilience in Bangladesh, Geo: Geo and Env, 11 (1), https://doi.org/10.1002/geo2.137
GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping using logistic regression, random forest and decision and regression tree models in Chattogram District, Bangladesh, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23424Chowdhury, M. S., Rahman, M. N., Sheikh, M. S., Sayeid, M. A., Mahmud, K. H., and Hafsa, B., 2023, GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping using logistic regression, random forest and decision and regression tree models in Chattogram District, Bangladesh, Heliyon, 10 (1), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23424
Risk Reduction through Community-based Disaster Resilience: Bangladesh Perspective,Mahmud, K. H., Coalee, U. M., Pobon, M. T. A. N., and Ahmed, S., 2023, Risk Reduction through Community-based Disaster Resilience: Bangladesh Perspective, Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalaya Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan, 41, Pp 53-63, ISSN: 1027-8567
A GIS and remote sensing based multicriteria analysis for identifying potential agricultural land: A case study on Savar Upazila, Bangladesh,Ahmed, R., Mohammad, S. M., Coalee, U. M., and Mahmud, K. H., 2023, A GIS and remote sensing based multicriteria analysis for identifying potential agricultural land: A case study on Savar Upazila, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Rural Development Studies, 26(1), 13-26, ISSN: 1019-9624
Conceptualizing Philosophy and Methodology in Geographical Study,Mahmud, K. H., 2022, Conceptualizing Philosophy and Methodology in Geographical Study, Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 38 / 2019. ISSN 1027-8567
Climate Change Impact on Land Use and Land Cover Change on Saint Martin's Island, Bangladesh, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11852-023-00954-yAhmed, R, Mahmud, K. H., Hafsa, B., Tuya, J. H., Reza, E., and Coalee, U. M., 2022, Climate Change Impact on Land Use and Land Cover Change on Saint Martin's Island, Bangladesh, Journal of Coastal Conservation, 27, Springer Publications, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11852-023-00954-y
Understanding Flood Risk and Vulnerability of a Place: Estimating Prospective Loss and Damage in a Canadian Community Using the HAZUS Model, doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2030028Haque, E., Mahmud, K. H., and Walker, D., 2022, Understanding Flood Risk and Vulnerability of a Place: Estimating Prospective Loss and Damage in a Canadian Community Using the HAZUS Model, Geographies 2022, 2, 453–475. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/geographies2030028
Potentiality of high-resolution topographic survey using unmanned aerial vehicle in Bangladesh, doi: 10.1016/j.rsase.2022.100729Ahmed, R., and Mahmud, K. H., 2022, Potentiality of high-resolution topographic survey using unmanned aerial vehicle in Bangladesh, Remote Sensing Applications Society and Environment, 26, ELSIEVER Publications. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2022.100729
Geophysical and Societal Dimensions of Floods in Manitoba, Canada: A Social Vulnerability Assessment of the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews, doi: https:// doi.org/10.3390/geosciences12020056Haque, E., Mahmud, K. H., Walker, D., and Zaman, J. R., 2022, Geophysical and Societal Dimensions of Floods in Manitoba, Canada: A Social Vulnerability Assessment of the Rural Municipality of St. Andrews. Geosciences 2022, 12, 56. https:// doi.org/10.3390/geosciences12020056
Investigation of Human Vulnerability to Flood in Bangladesh: A District Level Analysis,Babu, M. A. H., Mahmud, K. H., Islam, M. R., and Uddin, M. J., 2022, Investigation of Human Vulnerability to Flood in Bangladesh: A District Level Analysis, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4091352 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4091352
Assessment of Psychological Well-Being in Hazard Prone Area,Mahmud, K. H., and Tuya, J. H., 2021, Assessment of Psychological Well-Being in Hazard Prone Area, Jahangirnagar Review (Part 2), Vol. XLV/2021, ISSN 1682-7422
Geographic variability of post-disaster mental health: case study after the 2017 flood in Bangladesh, doi: https://doi.org/10.4081/gh.2021.1018Mahmud, K. H., Ahmed, R., and Tuya, J. H., 2021, Geographic variability of post-disaster mental health: case study after the 2017 flood in Bangladesh, Geospatial Health, 16(2).
A GIS-Based Mathematical Approach for Generating 3D Terrain Model from High-Resolution UAV Imageries, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41651-021-00094-7Ahmed, R., Mahmud, K.H., and Tuya, J.H., 2021, A GIS-Based Mathematical Approach for Generating 3D Terrain Model from High-Resolution UAV Imageries. J geovis spat anal 5, 24 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41651-021-00094-7
Geospatial Modelling for Spatial Analysis of Climatic Elements: In search of Climatic Classification Map for Bangladesh, doi: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2021.37485Chowdhury, M. . S., and Mahmud, K. H., 2021, Geospatial Modelling for Spatial Analysis of Climatic Elements: In search of Climatic Classification Map for Bangladesh, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Vol. 9, Issue 8, Pp., 1685-1692, ISSN: 2321-9653 doi: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2021.37485
Role of transport network accessibility in the spread of COVID-19 - a case study in Savar Upazila, Bangladesh, doi: https://doi.org/10.4081/gh.2021.954Mahmud, K. H., Hafsa, B., and Ahmed, R., 2021, Role of Transport Network Accessibility in the Spread of COVID-19: A Case Study in Savar Upazila, Bangladesh, Geospatial Health, Vol. 16, Issue 1, doi: https://doi.org/10.4081/gh.2021.954
Increasing Flooding Impact in Manitoba: Is the Environment is Changing?,Mahmud K. H., Ahmed, R., and Ismiha, S. S. M., 2021, Increasing Flooding Impact in Manitoba: Is the Environment is Changing?, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 10 (8): 354-358, ISSN: 2278-0181
Covid-19 Cases in Savar Upazila of Bangladesh: A Geographical Inquiry, doi: 10.11216/gsj.2020.12.45338Hafsa, B., Mahmud, K. H., and Ahmed, R., 2020, Covid-19 Cases in Savar Upazila of Bangladesh: A Geographical Inquiry, Global Scientific Journals, Vol. 28, Issue. 12, pp.549-566, 2020
Reproduction of the selected historical maps at present coordinate system used at the Great Voyage of Christopher Columbus,Khairunnahar, Mahmud, K. H., and Sayeid, M. A., 2020, Reproduction of the selected historical maps at present coordinate system used at the great voyage of Christopher Columbus, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XLII/2018, ISSN 1682-7422
Error calculation of the selected maps used in the Great Voyage of Christopher Columbus,Khairunnahar, Mahmud, K. H., and Islam, M. A., 2020, Error calculation of the selected maps used in the great voyage of Christopher Columbus, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XLI/2017, ISSN 1682-7422
Geographical Distribution of Archaeological Sites of Rangpur Division, Bhugol O Porobesh Somikkhan,Mahmud, K. H., Islam, M. A., and Reza, E., 2018, Geographical Distribution of Archaeological Sites of Rangpur Division, Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 36 / 2017. ISSN 1027-8567
Human Development and Disproportional Impact on Minority Ethnic Grous in Bangladesh,Afrin, S., and Mahmud, K. H., 2018, Human Development and Disproportional Impact on Minority Ethnic Grous in Bangladesh, Asian Studies, Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, Vol. 37, Pp, 103-115, ISSN: 0253--3375
Spatial Distribution of Brick Kilns and Landuse Change: A Case Study on Yearpur Union of Savar Upazila,Babu, A. H.., Chawdhury, S., and Mahmud, K. H., 2018, Spatial Distribution of Brick Kilns and Landuse Change: A Case Study on Yearpur Union of Savar Upazila, Somaj Biggan Samikhya, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 3/2018, ISSN 2309-6934
Potentiality of Geospatial Techniques for Measuring Geomorphic Indices, Faculty of Social Science,Mahmud, K. H., Poly, N. S., and Chawdhury. S., 2018, Potentiality of Geospatial Techniques for Measuring Geomorphic Indices, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XL/2016, ISSN 1682-7422
Development of a Climate Classification Map for Bangladesh Based on Koppen's Climatic Classification,Mahmud, K. H., Abid, S. B., and Ahmed, R., 2018, Development of a Climate Classification Map for Bangladesh based on Koppen’s Climatic Classification, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XXXIX/2015, ISSN 1682-7422
Putting Resilience in its Place,Mahmud, K. H., 2017, Putting Resilience in its Place, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XXXVIiI/2014, ISSN 1682-7422
Putting Vulnerability in its Place,Mahmud, K. H., 2017, Putting Vulnerability in its Place, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XXXVII/2013, ISSN 1682-7422
Spatial Distribution of Communities of Ancient India: A comparative study between before and after Aryan invasion,Mahmud, K. H., Tuya, J. H., and Abid, S. B., 2016, Spatial Distribution of Communities of Ancient India: A comparative study between before and after Aryan invasion, Clio (Jahangirnagar University Journal of the Department of History), Vol. XXXIII/2016, ISSN 1560-7577
Geographical Reconstruction of Vedic and Mahabharat Period Bengal,Mahmud, K.H., and Tuya, J. H., 2016, Geographical Reconstruction of Vedic and Mahabharat Period Bengal, Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 34 / 2015. ISSN 1027-8567
Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing based change analysis of Land use/ Land cover in the prairie lands of Manitoba, Canada,Mahmud, K. H., and Asikunnaby, 2015, Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing based change analysis of Land use/ Land cover in the prairie lands of Manitoba, Canada, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XXXVI/2012, ISSN 1682-7422
PCA as a tool of LULC based changed detection in a suburb area of Dhaka city, Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., and Hafsa, B., 2015, PCA as a tool of LULC based changed detection in a suburb area of Dhaka city, Bangladesh, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XXXV/2011, ISSN 1682-7422
Mahasthangarh as Archaeological Site: A Geographical Investigation,Sobnam, M., Islam, M. N., and Mahmud, K.H., 2014, Mahasthangarh as Archaeological Site: A Geographical Investigation, Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 32 / 2013. ISSN 1027-8567
Environmental Risk Assessment in Haor Environment of Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., and Hafsa, B., 2013, Environmental Risk Assessment in Haor Environment of Bangladesh, Journal of the People's University of Bangladesh (A Research Journal for Multidisciplinary Studies), ISSN 1812-4747
Role of Risk Mapping in Hazard Risk Assessment of a Coastal Community,Iqbal, M. J., Sobnam, M., and Mahmud, K. H., 2013, Role of Risk Mapping in Hazard Risk Assessment of a Coastal Community, Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 31 / 2012. ISSN 1027-8567
Revised Checklist and Distribution Map of Anopheles (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae: Anophelinae) Mosquitoes of Bangladesh,Bashar, K., and Mahmud, K. H., 2013, Revised Checklist and Distribution Map of Anopheles (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae: Anophelinae) Mosquitoes of Bangladesh, Check List (International Journal of Species lists and distribution), Vol. 9 (2), Pp. 211-224, ISSN 1809-127X (available at www.checklist.org.br)
The Critical Role of Human Population in Sustainable Human Development of a Community,Mahmud, K. H., 2013, The Critical Role of Human Population in Sustainable Human Development of a Community, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XXXIV/2010, ISSN 1682-7422
The role of Spatial Distribution of Sunshine in Selection of a Solar Panel: A Geographical Investigation,Sobnam, M., Iqbal, M. J., and Mahmud, K. H., 2013, The role of Spatial Distribution of Sunshine in Selection of a Solar Panel: A Geographical Investigation, Somaj Biggan Samikhya, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 1/2013, ISSN 2309-6934
Industrial Waste Disposal and Environmental Pollution: Case Point BSCIC Industrila Estate, Tongi, Gazipur,Mahmud, K. H., Huda, K.M.S., 2011, Industrial Waste Disposal and Environmental Pollution: Case Point BSCIC Industrial Estate, Tongi, Gazipur, Oriental Geographer, Bangladesh Geographical Society, Vol. 5, Nos 1&2, 2008, ISSN 00305308
Identification of Hazards and Local Level Coping Strategies in Haor Region: Case Point Companiganj Upazila Under Sylhet District,Hafsa, B., Mahmud, K. H., and Huda, K.M.S., 2011, Identification of Hazards and Local Level Coping Strategies in Haor Region: Case Point Companiganj Upazila Under Sylhet District, Bhugal O Paribash Journal (Journal of Geography and Environment), Bangladesh Geographical Society, Year 7/2007, ISSN 1680-6085
Community Based Risk Adaptation to Climate Change: Case of Sarankhola Upazila, Bagerhat,Mahmud, K. H., 2011, Community Based Risk Adaptation to Climate Change: Case of Sarankhola Upazila, Bagerhat, Bhugal PatriKa (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 29 / 2011. ISSN 1027-8567
Vulnerability Assessment of the North-Eastern Piedmont Plain Environment of Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., 2011, Vulnerability Assessment of the North-Eastern Piedmont Plain Environment of Bangladesh, Bhugal PatriKa (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 30 / 2012. ISSN 1027-8567
Role of Geographical Information System in Spatial Distribution, Mapping and Analysis of Urban Crime,Mahmud, K. H., Rahman, M. M. and Saleheen, M., 2007, Role of Geographical Information System in Spatial Distribution, Mapping and Analysis of Urban Crime, Bhugal PatriKa (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh Vol. 25 / 2007. ISSN 1027-8567 pp 16-31
Community Based Environmental Risk Assessment of Islampur Union under Chhatak Upazila,Mahmud, K. H., 2010, Community Based Environmental Risk Assessment of Islampur Union under Chhatak Upazila, Bhugal PatriKa (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 28 / 2010. ISSN 1027-8567
The Role of Rural Growth Centers in Rural Development,Mahmud, K. H., and Saleheen, M., 2010, The Role of Rural Growth Centers in Rural Development, Journal of the Bangladesh National Geographical Association, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 35, NOS. 1 and 2, pp 1-12
Urban Health Care Facility System in Savar Paurashava,Rahman, M. M., and Mahmud, K. H., 2008, Urban Health Care Facility System in Savar Paurashava, Social Science Review, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XXXI/2007, ISSN 1682-7422, pp 205-215
Potentiality and Reality of Photovoltaic Electricity in the Coastal Islands of Bangladesh: A case study on the Sandweep Thana,Mahmud, K. H., and Rahman, M. M., 2008, Potentiality and Reality of Photovoltaic Electricity in the Coastal Islands of Bangladesh: A case study on the Sandweep Thana, Bhugal PatriKa (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 26 / 2008. ISSN 1027-8567 pp 90-104
Indo-Bangladesh En(x)claves and Present Status of Human Development: A case study of Dahagram Angarpota Exclave,Mahmud, K. H., and Rahman, M. M., 2008, Indo-Bangladesh En(x)claves and Present Status of Human Development: A case study of Dahagram-Angarpota Exclave, Journal of Business and Technology, Northern University Bangladesh, Vol. 02, Issue 01 and 02/2008 ISSN 1992-271X, pp 40-53
A Study on the Changing Morphometry of Karnafuli Basin (1779-2001),Mahmud, K. H., Ansari, M. N. A. and Rahman, M. M., 2007, A Study on the Changing Morphometry of Karnafuli Basin (1779-2001), Social Science Review, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Part 2, Vol. XXX/2006, ISSN 1682-7422, pp 287-297
Assessment of covid-19 transmission dependency with transport network accessibility: A geospatial approach in Savar upazila, Bangladesh,Ahmed, R., Hafsa, B., and Mahmud, K. H., 2023, Assessment of COVID-19 Transmission Dependency with Transport Network Accessibility: A Geospatial Approach in Savar Upazila, Bangladesh, 4th International Conference on Infection Prevention and Control- 2023, Dubai, UAE
Geospatial Modeling for Air Quality Mapping of Dhaka City,Reza, E., and Mahmud, K. H., 2023,Geospatial Modeling for Air Quality Mapping of Dhaka City, 1st South Asian Conference- 2023 on Unfolding Emerging Issues in the Context of Changing Climatic Scenerio, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Assessing Urban Expansion and Land Use/Land Cover Changes for Sustainable Development in Gazipur City Corporation Area,Zannat, B., Silvi, S., Mahmud, K. H., and Hafsa, B., 2023, Assessing Urban Expansion and Land Use/ Land Cover Changes for Sustainable Development in Gazipur City Corporation Area, 1st South Asian Conference on Unfolding Emerging Issues in the Context of Changing Climatic Scenerio-2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Exploring Tropical Cyclone Vulnerability in Bangladesh: A Climate Change Perspective,Coalee, U., M., Pobon, M. T. A. N., Ahmed, R., and Mahmud, K. H., 2023, Exploring Tropical Cyclone Vulnerability in Bangladesh: A Climate Change Perspective,1st South Asian Conference on "Unfolding Emerging Issues in the Context of Changing Climatic Scenerio"-2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Earthquake Spatial Zoning of Bangladesh: A Study on the Spatial Autocorrelation Between Earthquake Epicenters and Geo-Tectonic Fault Lines,Mahmud, K. H., Raju, A., Sayeid, M. A., and Tuya, J. H., 2022, Earthquake Spatial Zoning of Bangladesh: A Study on the Spatial Autocorrelation Between Earthquake Epicenters and Geotectonic Fault Lines, Bangladesh, Rumeli 1st International Scientific Research Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Technology-2022, Istanbul, Turkey
Geospatial Modeling for Spatial Analysis of Climatic Elements: in search of Climatic Classification Map for Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., and Chowdhury, M. S., 2020, Geospatial Modeling for Spatial Analysis of Climate Elements: in search of Climate Classification Map for Bangladesh, International Conference on Earth & Environmental Science and Technology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Role of Social Capital for Climate Induced Disaster Management in Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., and Tuya, J. H., 2017, Role of Social Capital for Climate Induced Disaster Management in Bangladesh, BAPA- BEN Special Conference on Sustainable Development and Environment (SCSDGE) – 2017 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Revisiting Ancient Eastern Indian Space and People: The Vedic Perspective,Tuya, J. H., Mahmud, K. H., and Saleheen, M., 2016, Revisiting Ancient Eastern Indian Space and People: The Vedic Perspective, International Conference on Life, Language and Culture – 2016 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Livelihood Reconstruction and Disaster Management in SIDR Affected Area: South Khali as a Case,Mahmud, K. H., and Ansari, M. N. A., 2008, Livelihood Reconstruction and Disaster Management in SIDR Affected Area: South Khali as a Case, International conference on Community based Adaptation to Climate Change-2008 at Dhaka, Bangladesh
Monitoring Wetland Degradation using GIS abd Remote Sensing: Case Point Majhgaon Beel Area of Natore District,Mahmud, K. H., and Salehee, M., 2007, Monitoring Wetland Degradation using GIS and Remote Sensing: Case Point Majhgaon Beel Area of Natore District, 2007, Regional conference of Bangladesh National Geographical Society, Natore, Bangladesh
Minority Biharees, Human Development and Local Governance in Bangladesh,Rahman, M. M., Ansari, M. N. A., and Mahmud, K. H., Minority Biharees, Human Development and Local Governance in Bangladesh, International conference of Local Governance and Poverty reduction in Bangladesh-2007 at Dhaka, Bangladesh
Inventory of the Available Climate Data and Climate Risk Information of Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., 2022, Inventory of the Available Climate Data and Climate Risk Information of Bangladesh, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Gmbh, Dhaka: The Connection
বাংলাদেশের জলবায়ু ও জলবায়ু ঝুঁকি সংক্রান্ত তথ্য-উপাত্ত সংগ্রহ ও ব্যবহার নির্দেশিকা,Mahmud, K. H., 2022, বাংলাদেশের জলবায়ু ও জলবায়ু ঝুঁকি সংক্রান্ত তথ্য-উপাত্ত সংগ্রহ ও ব্যবহার নির্দেশিকা, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Gmbh, Dhaka: The Connection
Urban Joint Need Assessment (JNA) Training Module,Mahmud, K. H., 2021, Urban Joint Need Assessment (JNA) Training Module, UK Aid, Dhaka: Bangladesh
Ogny Geographic Atlas (Third Edition),Mahmud, K.H., 2020, Ogny Geographic Atlas, Dhaka: Nabarun Publications, ISBN: 978-984-8726-77-8
GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Barisal Division,Mahmud, K. H., 2019, GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Barisal Division, Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Department of Environment, ISBN: 978-984-34-6581-8, Dhaka: Tisha Enterprize
GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Chittagong Division,Mahmud, K. H., 2019, GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Chittagong Division, Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Department of Environment, ISBN: 978-984-34-6581-8, Dhaka: Tisha Enterprize
GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Dhaka Division,Mahmud, K. H., 2019, GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Dhaka Division, Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Department of Environment, ISBN: 978-984-34-6581-8, Dhaka: Tisha Enterprize
GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Khulna Division,Mahmud, K. H., 2019, GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Khulna Division, Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Department of Environment, ISBN: 978-984-34-6581-8, Dhaka: Tisha Enterprize
GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Mymensingh Division,Mahmud, K. H., 2019, GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Mymensingh Division, Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Department of Environment, ISBN: 978-984-34-6581-8, Dhaka: Tisha Enterprize
GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Rajshahi Division,Mahmud, K. H., 2019, GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Rajshahi Division, Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Department of Environment, ISBN: 978-984-34-6581-8, Dhaka: Tisha Enterprize
GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Rangpur Division,Mahmud, K. H., 2019, GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Rangpur Division, Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Department of Environment, ISBN: 978-984-34-6581-8, Dhaka: Tisha Enterprize
GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Sylhet Division,Mahmud, K. H., 2019, GIS Based Mapping of Brick Kilns of Bangladesh: Sylhet Division, Clean Air and Sustainable Environment (CASE) Project, Department of Environment, ISBN: 978-984-34-6581-8, Dhaka: Tisha Enterprize
National Atlas of Bangladesh,Islam, N., Nazem, N. I., Mahmud, K. H., and Hossain, M. A., 2017, National Atlas of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-984-931, Dhaka: OGRO Printing and Packaging
বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় অ্যাটলাস,Islam, N., Nazem, N. I., Mahmud, K. H., and Hossain, M. A., 2017, বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় অ্যাটলাস, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-984-931, Dhaka: OGRO Printing and Packaging
A Text Book of GIS and Remote Sensing (First Edition),Mahmud, K. H., 2017, A Text Book of GIS and Remote Sensing, Dhaka: Swajan Prakashani, ISBN 984-8727—02-37
Children's World History and Civics (Standard Five),Mahmud, K. H., 2016, Children's World History and Civics, for Standard Five English Medium School following Cambridge Curicullam, ISBN: 978-984-9090-3-2, Dhaka: Nabarun Publications
Children's World History and Civics (Standard Four),Mahmud, K. H., 2016, Children's World History and Civics, for Standard Four English Medium School following Cambridge Curicullam, ISBN: 978-984-9090-3-1, Dhaka: Nabarun Publications
Children's World History and Civics (Standard Three),Mahmud, K. H., 2015, Children's World History and Civics, for Standard Three English Medium School following Cambridge Curicullam, ISBN: 978-984-9090-3-0, Dhaka: Nabarun Publications
Ogni Geographic Atlas (Second Ediion), Second Edition,Mahmud, K.H., 2014, Ogni Geographic Atlas, Dhaka: Nabarun Publications, ISBN: 978-984-8726-77-8
Introductory GIS (First Edition),Mahmud, K.H., 2013, Introductory GIS, Dhaka: Nabarun Publications, ISBN: 978-984-8726-95-2
Ogni Geographic Atlas (First Edition),Mahmud, K.H., 2013, Ogni Geographic Atlas, Dhaka: Nabarun Publications, ISBN: 978-984-8726-77-8
অগ্নি ভৌগোলিক ভূচিত্রবলি,Mahmud, K.H., 2013, অগ্নি ভৌগোলিক ভূচিত্রবলি, Dhaka: Nabarun Publications, ISBN: 978-984-8726-77-9
Minority Biharis, Human Development and Local Governance in Bangladesh,Rahman, M. M, Ansari, M. N. A. and Mahmud, K. H., 2007, Minority Biharis, Human Development and local governance in Bangladesh, Local Governance and Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh. Edited by Professor Taniguchi Hiroyuki and Professor Golam Hossain. Published by Asia Pacific Research Centre, Kobe Gakuin University, Japan. ISBN: 984-300-000325-8. pp 107-12
Abu Jafar Shamsuddin and Ayesha Akhter Khatun Memorial Trust Award, 2023.Awarded for publishing highest number of quality research papers in the faculty of Social Sciences, Jahangirnagar University
Research Affiliate Program (RAP) Award, 2013-2015.Awarded by the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Federal Government of Canada from Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II in Right of Canada
Masters Thesis Prize Award, 2015.Awarded by Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources of University of Manotoba, Canada
Graduate Initiative Prize Award, 2014.Awarded by Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources of University of Manotoba, Canada
International Graduate Student Scholarship, 2013.Awarded by University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Graduate Enhancement of Tri-council Award, 2013.Awarded by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba, Canada
Jahangirnagar University Scholarship, 2008.Scholarship for securing 1st class 1st position in M.Sc. Program from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Jahangirnagar University Scholarship, 2006.Scholarship for securing 1st class 1st position in B.Sc. (Honors) Program from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Shohel Memorial Scholarship, 2006.Scholarship for securing 1st class 1st position in B.Sc. (Honors) Program from Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Joynul Memorial Scholarship (Class Eight), 1994.Awarded by Awarded by Dhaka Board Teachers Association, Bangladesh
School Scholarship (Class Five), 1991.Awarded by Awarded by Dhaka Board, Bangladesh
PhD Research Supervision:
Land Use and Land Cover Change Induced Urban Heat Islands in Dhaka City: A Study on Climate Change Evidence and Causes,Researcher Name: Soshanta Binte Abid. Session: 2022-23. Status: PhD Full-Time Student (Ongoing...)
Spatial Analysis of the Trends and Patterns of Climatic Parameters of Bangladesh (1948-2022) for Development of a Geostatistics-based Climate Classification Map of Bangladesh,Researcher Name: Md. Hussain Al Raj. Session: 2022-23. Status: PhD Part-Time Student (Ongoing ...)
MS Thesis Supervision:
Investigating Potentiality of Flood Modeling in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study between MIKE and HEC Model,Researcher Name: Ummul Momenin Coalee. Session: 2021-22 (47 Batch). Status: Ongoing...
Python-based CNN Modeling for Forecasting of Tropical Cyclones Over Bay of Bengal,Researcher Name: Tamzid Al Noor Pobon. Session: 2021-22 (47 Batch). Status: Ongoing...
Multi-Criteria Approach-based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in the Hilly Areas of Bangladesh,Researcher Name: Bustanul Zannat. Session: 2021-22 (47 Batch). Status: Ongoing...
Geospatial Modeling for Air Quality Mapping of Dhaka City,Researcher Name: Ehsan Reza. Session: 2019-20 (45 Batch). Status: Completed
Hazard Risk Evaluation Using Spatial Statistical Analysis: Assessment of INFORM RISK model through Individual Level Psychological Vulnerability Measurement in Khulna District, Bangladesh,Researcher Name: Jannatul Ferdaus Asha. Session: 2019-20 (45 Batch). Status: Completed
Geostatistical Analysis of Climatic Variable of Bangladesh,Researcher Name: Md. Sharafat Chawdhury. Session: 2018-19 (44 Batch). Status: Completed
Socio-Demographic Gravity Induced Social Physics for Psychological Vulnerability Assessment,Researcher Name: Jannatun Hussna Tuya. Session: 2017-18 (43 Batch). Status: Completed
Vulnerability as a Key factor for Sustainable Development,Researcher Name: Nahid Sultana Poly. Session: 2016-17 (42 Batch). Status: Completed
Ecological Factors for Community Resilience,Researcher Name: Soshanta Binte Abid. Session: 2016-17 (42 Batch). Status: Completed
Flood Vulnerability Assessment of Fishermen Community,Researcher Name: Tithi Mistry. Session: 2016-17 (42 Batch). Status: Completed
Ptolemy's Perception of the World and Exploration of Christopher Columbus: Broken Paradigm or Cartographic Misconception?,Researcher Name: Khairunnahar. Session: 2013-14 (39 Batch). Status: Completed
Hydrological Modelling for Flood Risk Assessment in Jadukata River Basin, Sunamganj, Bangladesh,Researcher Name: Asikunnaby. Session: 2013-14 (39 Batch). Status: Completed
Environmental Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Mirjaganj Union,Researcher Name: Khondaker Nijamul Huq. Session: 2010-11 (36 Batch). Status: Completed
Interpretation of Ptolemy's Map of India,Researcher Name: Md. Habibullah Bhuyian. Session: 2010-11 (36 Batch). Status: Completed
Prospect of HAZUS Model in Flood Risk Estimation, Canada,Mahmud, K. H., and Haque, C. E., 2015, Prospect of HAZUS Model in Flood Risk Estimation, Canada, 12th Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Symposium-2015 in Calgary, BC, Canada
Application of HAZUS model in estimating potential loss and risk and enhancing community resilience to flooding: The case of St. Andrews RM, Manitoba, Canada,Mahmud, K. H., and Haque, C. E., 2014, Application of HAZUS model in estimating potential loss and risk and enhancing community resilience to flooding: The case of St. Andrews RM, Manitoba, Canada, 11th Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Symposium-2014 in Toronto, Ottawa, Canada
Community resilience to disaster and public health: Understanding the role of social capital from evidence in coastal Bangladesh, Toronto, Ottawa, Canada,Chawdhury, M., Haque, C. E. , and Mahmud, K. H., 2014, Community resilience to disaster and public health: Understanding the role of social capital from evidence in coastal Bangladesh, 11th Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Symposium-2014 in Toronto, Ottawa, Canada
Community Based Risk Assessment and Adaptation to Natural Hazards in Haor (Wetland) Regions of Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., and Haque, C. E., 2013, Community Based Risk Assessment and Adaptation to Natural Hazards in Haor (Wetland) Regions of Bangladesh, 10th Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Symposium-2013 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Mapping Population Census Data of Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., and Saleheen, M. 2010, Mapping Population Census Data of Bangladesh, UGC-SAP international seminar on Mapping Population: Demography, History and Economy-2010 in India
Formulation of a Regional Climatic Model for Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., and Huda, K. M. S., 2010, Formulation of a Regional Climatic Model for Bangladesh, International workshop of Bangladesh National Geographical Society, Dhaka Bangladesh
Water Problems in Bangladesh,Mahmud, K. H., and Saleheen, M., 2008, Water Problems in Bangladesh, International workshop on Water Crisis in Indian Sub-continent-2008 at Shillong, India
Research Project
Potentiality of Using UAV Imageries in HERCULES model for Urban Spatial Heterogeneity Classification,Potentiality of Using UAV Imageries in HERCULES model for Urban Spatial Heterogeneity Classification, 2023, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2022-23 (Role: Project Leader)
Convolutional Neural Network Analysis of Fused DSM Imagery for LULC Classification: An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based Study,Convolutional Neural Network Analysis of Fused DSM Imagery for LULC Classification: An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based Study, 2022, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2021-22 (Role: Project Leader)
GIS Based Subtraction of False Height of Topographic Survey Using UAV,GIS Based Subtraction of False Height of Topographic Survey Using UAV, 2021, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2020-21 (Role: Project Leader)
In-depth Baseline and Scoping Assessment for USAID's SHOUHARDO III DRR Activity,In-depth Baseline and Scoping Assessment for USAID's SHOUHARDO III DRR Activity, 2023, Funded by CARE Bangladesh (Role: Team Leader)
Assessing needs for Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Preparedness, Economic Recovery from Disasters and Disaster Risk Reduction,Assessing needs for Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Preparedness, Economic Recovery from Disasters and Disaster Risk Reduction, 2023, funded by USAID and World Vision Bangladesh (Role: CCA and DRM Expert)
Utilization of District Disaster Management Funds and relevant Financing Mechanism for Forecast-based Action (FbA),Utilization of District Disaster Management Funds and relevant Financing Mechanism for Forecast-based Action (FbA), 2023, funded by CARE Bangladesh (Role: Resilience Expert)
Increasing Capacities and Scale for Anticipatory Action including through Social Protection Systems,Increasing Capacities and Scale for Anticipatory Action including through Social Protection Systems, 2022, funded by FAO (Role: Resilience Expert)
First Biannual Update Report of Bangladesh to the UNFCCC, Component 1: National Circumstances and Component 5: Other Information, Constraints and Gaps,First Biannual Update Report of Bangladesh to the UNFCCC, Component 1: National Circumstances and Component 5: Other Information, Constraints and Gaps, 2022, funded by DoE (Role: GIS Specialist)
Baseline Study of the USAID's Northern Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness (NOBADIP) Activity,Baseline Study of the USAID's Northern Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness (NOBADIP) Activity, 2022, funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Role: Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Specialist)
Study and make an Inventory of the available climate data and climate risk information of Bangladesh which can foster the NAP and NDC implementation in Bangladesh,Study and make an Inventory of the available climate data and climate risk information of Bangladesh which can foster the NAP and NDC implementation in Bangladesh, 2021, GIZ Bangladesh (Role Team Leader)
Developing Urban Joint Need Assessment Training Module and Relevant IEC Materials,Developing Urban Joint Need Assessment Training Module and Relevant IEC Materials, SUBARNA Project, 2021, funded by UK Aid (Role: Team Leader)
Anticipatory Analysis Framework Formulation for Cyclone and Monsoon Flood in Bangladesh and Capacity Development for Analysis Team Development with Technical Analysis Guideline,Anticipatory Analysis Framework Formulation for Cyclone and Monsoon Flood in Bangladesh and Capacity Development for Analysis Team Development with Technical Analysis Guideline, SUBARNA Project, 2021, funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Role: Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Specialist)
Pre-crisis Disaster Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (Localizing Inform Index),Pre-crisis Disaster Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (Localizing Inform Index), 2020, funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Role: Vulnerability Assessment Expert)
Spatial Distribution Pattern of Archaeological Sites of Bangladesh,Spatial Distribution Pattern of Archaeological Sites of Bangladesh, 2020, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2019-20 (Role: Project Leader)
Climate Resilient Parametric Insurance for Emergency Flood Response in Bangladesh,
Climate Resilient Parametric Insurance for Emergency Flood Response in Bangladesh, 2020, funded by Vivid Economic, UK (Role: GIS Expert)
Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Mymensingh Division,Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Mymensingh Division, 2019, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2018-19 (Role: Project Leader)
Identification of the Attributes of Resilience in Social-Ecological System of Haor Environment in Bangladesh,Identification of the Attributes of Resilience in Social-Ecological System of Haor Environment in Bangladesh, 2019, funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh 2018-19 (Role: Project Leader)
Study on Mobilizing Private Investment for NDC Implementation in Bangladesh,Study on Mobilizing Private Investment for NDC Implementation in Bangladesh: Phase-3, 2019, funded by Vivid Economic, UK (Role: GIS Expert)
Scoping Assessments of CARE-PRERONA Project’s Structural and Environmental Sustainability for Multipurpose Cyclone Shelter, Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research,Scoping Assessments of CARE-PRERONA Project’s Structural and Environmental Sustainability for Multipurpose Cyclone Shelter, Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research (C3ER), 2019, funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Role: GIS Expert)
Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Khulna Division,Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Khulna Division, 2018, funded by, Jahangirnagar University Project 2017-18 (Role: Project Leader)
Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Barishal Division,Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Barishal Division, 2018, funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh 2017-18 (Role: Project Leader)
Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Rangpur Division,Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Rangpur Division, 2017, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2016-17 (Role: Project Leader)
Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Rajshahi Division,Spatial Distribution of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Rajshahi Division, 2017, funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh 2016-17 (Role: Project Leader)
Development of Countrywide GIS based database for Brick Kiln and Re-Rolling Mills for Land use and Land Cover Planning,Development of Countrywide GIS based database for Brick Kiln and Re-Rolling Mills for Land use and Land Cover Planning, 2017, funded by World Bank (Role: Team Leader)
Social Capital for Disaster Management in Haor Regions of Bangladesh,Social Capital for Disaster Management in Haor Regions of Bangladesh, 2016, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2015-16 (Role: Project Leader)
Geoarchaeological illustraton of Ancient Maynamati,Geoarchaeological illustraton of Ancient Maynamati, 2016, funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh 2015-16 (Role: Project Leader)
Dengue in Bangladesh,Dengue in Bangladesh, 2010-2015, funded by Canadian IDRC, Research conducted by University of Manitoba; National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada; North-South University, Bangladesh and a number of researchers from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh (Role: GIS and Spacial Analysis Expert)
Geoarchaeological Illustration of Savar,Geoarchaeological Illustration of Savar, 2013, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2012-13 (Role: Project Leader)
Geoarchaeological Illustration of Ancient Mahasthangarh,Geoarchaeological Illustration of Ancient Mahasthangarh, 2013, funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh 2012-13 (Role: Project Leader)
The Turag River Basin Management: Issues and Problems,The Turag River Basin Management: Issues and Problems, 2012, funded by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh 2010-11 (Role: Project Leader)
Vulnerability Assessment and Community Based Adaptation to Environmental Hazards: Case of Sarankhola,Vulnerability Assessment and Community Based Adaptation to Environmental Hazards: Case of Sarankhola, 2011, funded by Jahangirnagar University Project 2010-11 (Role: Project Leader)
Community Based Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Action Plan of Chhatak Upazila,Community Based Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction Action Plan of Chhatak Upazila, 2008, funded by Comprehensive Disaster Management Program (CDMP), Department of Disaster Management, Bangladesh (Role: Core Facilitator)
Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan,Mahmud, K. H., 2017, Editor of Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan (A Journal of Geography), Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Vol. 35 / 2016. ISSN 1027-8567
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 14: TAN-ZUB,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 14: TAN-ZUB, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 13: SEN-TAN,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 13: SEN-TAN, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 12: RAH-SEN,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 12: RAH-SEN, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 11: PAB-RAH,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 11: PAB-RAH, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 10: MOD-OYS,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 10: MOD-OYS, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 9: LAL-MIZ,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 9: LAL-MIZ, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 8: JAT-LAL,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 8: JAT-LAL, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 7: HAS-JAT,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 7: HAS-JAT, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 6: FLO-HAS,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 6: FLO-HAS, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 5: DHA-FLO,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 5: DHA-FLO, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 4: CHI-DHA,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 4: CHI-DHA, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 3: BET-CHI,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 3: BET-CHI, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 2: AZA-BET,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 2: AZA-BET, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 1: ABA-AZA,Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), Volume 1: ABA-AZA, 2012, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Professor Mahmud's Role: Mapping of Upazila, Zila, National and Regional Maps)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-১৪: সুনা-হ্যালি।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-১৪: সুনা-হ্যালি। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-১৩: শিক্ষা-সুনা।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-১৩: শিক্ষা-সুনা। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-১২: রবি-শিকা।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-১২: রবি-শিকা। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। মাগু-রবা (খন্ড-১১)।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। মাগু-রবা (খন্ড-১১)। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। বৈষ্ণ-মাগ (খন্ড-১০)।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। বৈষ্ণ-মাগ (খন্ড-১০)। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। বাংলা-বৈশ্য (খন্ড-৯)।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। বাংলা-বৈশ্য (খন্ড-৯)। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৮: প্রত্ন-বাংলা।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৮: প্রত্ন-বাংলা। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৭: নিম-প্রত্ন।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৭: নিম-প্রত্ন। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৬: তুজু-নিম।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৬: তুজু-নিম। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৫: গণ-তুজু।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৫: গণ-তুজু। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৪: গণ-জন।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৪: গণ-জন। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৩: কাম-গণ।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-৩: কাম-গণ। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-২: ইব-কাম।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-২: ইব-কাম। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-১: অও-ইব।,বাংলাপিডিয়া (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জ্ঞানকোষ)। খন্ড-১: অও-ইব। ২০১১। বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি। (অধ্যাপক মাহমুদের ভূমিকা: উপজেলা, জেলা, বাংলাদেশ ও রিজিওনাল মানচিত্রায়ন)
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
630 | Geostatistics | MPhil/PhD |
612 | Landuse, Environment and GIS | MPhil/PhD |
531 | Advanced Methods in GIS | MSGED |
504 | Applications of GIS | MS |
501 | Contemporary Geographic Thoughts | MS |
416 | Spatial Analysis | Fourth Year |
314 | Thematic Field Survey in Geography | Third Year |
310 | Geography of Natural Hazards | Third Year |
Academic Info
Period: 2016-2022
Ph.D. (Thesis: Vulnerability Assessment using GIS and Remote Sensing)
Period: 2013-2015
M.Env. (Thesis); Score: 4.0 out of 4.0 (Thesis: Anticipatory Flood Forecasting using LiDAR Remote Sensing).
Period: 2004-2005
M.Sc. (Thesis); Position: 1st Class 1st (Thesis: Sustainable Development of Majgaon Beel Area Using GIS and Remote Sensing).
Period: 2000-2004
B.Sc. (Honors); Position: 1st Class 1st (Dissertation: GIS-based Spatio-Temporal Mapping Analysis of Population Data)
Period: 1997-1999
H.S.C., First Division, Government Bangla College, Dhaka
Period: 1995-1997
S.S.C., First Division, Shaheed Abu Taleb High School, Dhaka
Period: 2014 (Six Months)
Certificate Course on ‘Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans Course on Research Ethics’
Period: 2011 (Three Months)
Certificate course on Regional Climate Modeling using PRECIS in Linux Environment
Period: 2010 (Three Months)
Foundation Training for University Teachers
Period: 2004 (Six Months)
Certificate on Computer Hardware and Engineering
Period: 2000-2003 (2 Years and Six Months)
Professional Diploma in Software Development from National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT) India and Sweeden
Position: Professor
Period: Since November 2022
Position: Associate Professor
Period: April 2017 November 2022
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: September 2012 - April 2017
Position: Lecturer
Period: December 2009 - September 2012
Position: Lecturer
Period: August 2009 - December 2009
Position: GIS and RS Analyst
Period: March 2808 - July 2009
Position: Expert Member
Period: Since 2024
Working as a distinguished member in the Project 'Selection and Monitoring Committee' for GARE (Grant for Advanced Research in Education) under the Ministry of Education in Bangladesh.
Position: Research Member
Period: 2021-2023
International Society for Geospatial Health works as the Global Network of Public Health and Earth Scientists dedicated to the development of Geospatial health.
Position: General Secretary
Period: Since 2021
Geography and Alumni Association Jahangirnagar University is a platform for alumni in the Department of Geography and Environment
Position: Life Member
Period: Since 2018
Geography and Alumni Association Jahangirnagar University is a platform for alumni in the Department of Geography and Environment
Position: Publicity Secretary, Executive Committee
Period: Since 2018
Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA) a national organisation of professional geographers founded in 1973. The main aims and objectives of the association are to raise and stimulate awareness of geography and environment matters in schools, colleges, universities and public at large.
Position: General Member, Executive Committee
Period: Since 2019
Jahangirnagar University Alumni Association is a platform for alumni of Jahangirnagar University
Position: Life Member
Period: Since 2015
The vision of the UofM Alumni Association is to inspire a proud, engaged and mobilized alumni community who are dedicated to being UM’s greatest ambassadors and advocates and who feel a strong sense of belonging and connection to the university as a source of lifelong enrichment.
Position: Member
Period: Since 2013
CRHNet is a not-for-profit organization established in 2003 to promote and strengthen disaster risk reduction and emergency management in Canada
Position: Life Member
Period: Since 2013
Jahangirnagar University Alumni Association is a platform for alumni of Jahangirnagar University
Position: Registered Graduate
Period: Since 2013
Position: Life Member
Period: Since 2007
Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA) a national organisation of professional geographers founded in 1973. The main aims and objectives of the association are to raise and stimulate awareness of geography and environment matters in schools, colleges, universities and public at large.
Dr. Khandakar Hasan Mahmud
Department of Geography & Environment
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801819423668
Work Phone: +8801730099399
Email: khmmahmud@juniv.edu
, khmmahmud@geography-juniv.edu.bd, mahmud.30@geography-juniv.edu.bd