Dr. Jahirul Islam Khandaker Professor, Department of Physics
Academic Record:
PhD in Material Engineering (Nano- & Functional Materials Synthesis and Charaterization)(GSST, Kumamoto, JAPAN)
MS in Nanotechnology (Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala, SWEDEN)
MPhil in X-ray Diffraction (Jahangirnagar University)
MSc (Physics) First Class First (in the order of Merit), (Jahangirnagar University)
BSc (Honor's in Physics) First Class First (in the order of Merit), (Jahangirnagar University)
Professor (2018-Present)
Associate Professor (2012-2018)
Assistant Professor (2008-2012)
Lecturer (2006-2008)
Department of Physics
Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka-1342,Bangladesh
Lecturer (2004-2006)
Department of Physics
Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET)
Gazipur-1700, Bangladesh
Other Activites:
Provost, Pritilata Hall, Jahangirnagar University (2023-Present)
Elected Member, Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS), Executive Committee (2024-2026)
Elected Member, Jahangirnagar University Teachers' Association (JUTA)-2024
Treasurer, Jahangirnagar University Physics Alumni Association (JUPAA) 2023-Present
Joint-Secretary, Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS), Executive Committee (2020-2024)
Warden, Pritilata Hall, Jahangirnagar University (2019-2023)
Student's Advisor, Department of Physics, JU (2017-2018
Seminar in Charge, Department of Physics, JU (2017-2018)
House Tutor, BBSMR Hall, JU (2016-2019)
House Tutor, Al-Beruni Hall, Jahangirnagar University (2006-2011)
Sports Teacher, Department of Physics, JU (2006-2009)
Cultural Secretary (Teacher's Association, Execute Committee-2005/06), DUET
President, Netrokona District Student Welfare Association (2001-2004)
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Fairuz Aniqa Salwa, Jahirul Islam Khandaker. Mohammad Mominur Rahman, Mohammad Obaidur Rahman, Mohammad Abdul Mannan Chowdhury, A comparative study of photonic band gaps for different materials of one dimensional photonic crystals, Journal of Optics, Springer, 2024. doi: 10.1007/s12596-024-02296-wTanvir Ahmed Chowdhury, Jahirul Islam Khandaker, Mohammad Abdul Gafur, Md. Reazuddin Repon, Alamgir Hossain, Md. Kamrul Islam, Nadim Khan Shanto, Bio- colouration of nylon fabric using natural dyes and mordants, Materials Research Innovations, 29, 2, pp.108-116, Taylor & Francis, 2024. doi: 10.1080/14328917.2024.2386193
Masuma Bagum, Shariful Islam , Easir Arafat Khan, Jahirul Islam Khandaker, and Farid Ahmed, Degradation of Metronidazole from Aqueous Environment Using Hydrothermally Synthesized ZnO, N-Doped ZnO, and ZnO/ AC Nanoparticles, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 2023, 8706698, pp.13, 2023.
Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury, Jahirul Islam Khandaker, Mohammad Abdul Gafur, Md. Reazuddin Repon, Md. Kamrul Islam, Alamgir Hossain & Swaraz Mollick, Biomordant assisted natural dyeing of cellulosic fibre: a greener approach, Materials Research Innovations, 29, 1, pp.27–34., Taylor & Francis, 2024. doi: 10.1080/14328917.2024.2361984
Rabiul Awal, Md. Al-Mamun, Nasrin Jewena, Jahirul Islam Khandaker, Nilufer Yesmin Tanisa, Shamim Ahmed, Fahim Shahriar, Md. Mahbubul Haque,, Upcycling prawn shells: Chitosan–carbon nanotube nanocomposites with boosted magnetic and electrical properties, Micro & Nano Letters, 19, pp.e12197, 2024. doi: 10.1049/mna2.12197
M. M. Raja, R. Awal, J. I. Khandaker, M. Al-Mamun, M. M. Haque, N. Y. Tanisa, M. S. Farid, S. M. S. Hasan, S. Meherin, HAP/f-MWCNTs/Cobalt Ferrites Nano Composites Synthesis and Electrical and Magnetic Performance Investigation, Open Access Library Journal, 10, pp.e9875, 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109875
N. Jahan, M. N. I. Khan, M. S. Bashar, A. Islam, M. K. Alam, M. A. Hakim, J. I. Khandaker, Correlation among the structural, electric, and magnetic properties of nonmagnetic Al3+ substituted Ni-Zn-Co ferrites, RSC Advances, 12, pp.15167, 2022. doi: 10.1039/d1ra09354a
N. Jahan, J. I. Khandaker, S. I. Liba, S. M. Hoque, M. N. I. Khan, Structural analysis through cations distributions of diamagnetic Al3+ ions substituted Ni-Zn-Co ferrites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 869, pp.159226, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.159226
N. Jahan, M. N. I. Khan, J. I. Khandaker, Exploration through Structural, Electrical, and Magnetic Properties of Al 3+ Doped Ni−Zn−Co Nanospinel Ferrites, ACS Omega, 2021.
N. Jahan, J. I. Khandaker, H. N. Das, M. N. I. Khan, Structural and magnetic properties analysis of trivalent Al3+ ions substituted Ni-Zn-Co nano-spinel ferrites,, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12, 4, pp.045001, 2021.
M. Tokuda, J. I. Khandaker, Y. Ogata, Y. Mine, T. Nashiyama, S. Hayami, A. Yoshiasa, M. Mashimo, Strong-gravity Experiments on Perovskite-type Oxides,, Advances in Science and Technology,, 88, pp.70, 2014.
Y. Ogata, Y. Iguchi, M. Tokuda, K. Januszko, J. I. Khandaker, M. Ono, T. Mashimo, Diffusion phenomenon at the interface of Cu-brass under a strong gravitational field, Journal of Applied Physics,, 117, 12, pp.036513JAP, 2015.
Khandaker, J. I.; Tokuda, M.; Ogata, Y.; Januszko, K.; Nishiayama, T.; Yoshiasa, A.; Mashimo, T.;, Formation of graded vanadium oxide (V-O compound) under strong gravitational field,, Journal of Applied Physics,, 117,, pp.185905, 2015.
K. Januszko, A. Stabrawa, Y. Ogata, M. Tokuda, J. I. Khandaker, K. Wojciechowski, T. Mashimo,, Influence of sedimentation of atoms on structural and thermoelectric properties of Bi-Sb alloys,, Journal of Electronic Materials,, 45, 3, 2016.
M. Tokuda, T. Mashimo, J. I. Khandaker, Y. Ogata, Y. Mine, S. Hayami, A. Yoshiasa,, Effect of strong gravitational field on oriented crystalline perovskite-type manganese oxide La1-xSrxMnO3,, Journal of Materials Science,, 51, pp.7899, 2016.
M. M. Islam, M. M. Haque, S. M. A. Islam, J. I. Khandaker,, Calculation of Control Rod Worth of TRIGA Mark II Reactor Using Evaluated Nuclear Data Library JEFF-3.1.2, ., IOSR Journal of Applied Physics,, 9, 4, pp.67, 2017.
Z. Kelgenbaeva, J. I. Khandaker, H. Ihara, E. Omurzak, S. Sulaimankulova, T. Mashimo,, Thermal and Optical Properties of In and In2O3 Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Pulsed Plasma in Water,, Phys. Status Solidi A, 1700910, 2018.
M. Kamrujjaman, J. I. Khnadaker, M. O. Rahman, M. M. Rahman, M. M. Haque,, Study of the Dependency of pH values on HAP Synthesis,, Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology,, 8, 1, 2019.
S. K. Das, B. Alamgir, P. Das, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed,, Simulation Study of Optical Properties of Transparent CdS Thin Film using the Sellmeier Empirical Dispersion Formula,, International Journal of Photonics and Optical Technology,, 5, 3, pp.4, 2019.
S. K. Das, S. Ganguli, H. Kabir, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed, Performance of natural dyes in dye-sensitized solar cell as photosensitizer, Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials,, 21, 1, pp.105-116, 2020.
M. A. Hossain, M. R. Hossain, M. K. Hossain, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed, T. Ferdous, M. A. Hossain,, An ab initio study of the B 35 boron nanocluster for application as atmospheric gas (NO, NO2, N2O, NH3) sensor,, Chemical Physics Letters, 754, 137701, 2020.
F. Nazneen, N. Z.Tanwee, N. A. Shahed, S. Khanom, K. Hossain, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed, M. A. Hossain, Ab initio study of P-doped borocarbonitridenanosheet as anode material forLi-ion and Na-ion batteries,, Materials Today Communications, 25, 101409, 2020.
S. K. Das, S.Parvin, U. Honey, M. S. Rana, N.Jewena, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed, Bandgap Saturation in Room Temperature Synthesized Cobalt Doped ZnS Nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A, 10, 5-6, 2020.
S. K. Das, J. Tasnim, M. Paul, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed,, Optimization of Synthesis Temperature and Study the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnS Nanoparticles via Simple Chemical Precipitation Method,, Chemical Science Transactions, 9, 4, pp.158, 2020.
A. Habib, N. Jewena, AKM Shahabuddin, S. K. Das, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed, Synthesis of temperature dependent metal-oxide (CuO) nanoparticles by using Autoclave for the electronic applications, ,, Journal of Applied and Fundamental Sciences, 6, 2, 2020.
N. Jahan, J.I. Khandaker, S.I. Liba, S. M. Hoque, M.N.I. Khan, Structural analysis through cations distributions of diamagnetic Al3+ ions substituted Ni-Zn-Co ferrites,, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,, 869, 159226, 2021.
A. K. M. Shahabuddin, N. Jewena, S. K. Das, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed, Low temperature growth of ZnO nanoparticles by using autoclave, Journal of Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii, 19, 1, pp.177-188, 2021.
A. Mehbub, H. Kabir, J. I. Khandaker and M. A. M. Chowdhury, Design and Development of Instant Power Supply, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics,, 2, 2, pp.1, Vol. 2(2), pp 01-04, 2012, 2012.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
PH 103 | Electricity and Magnetism | 1st Year |
PH 407 | Reactor Physics | 4th Year |
PH 506 | Nano-Physics and Nano-Electronics | MS |
Dr. Jahirul Islam Khandaker
Department of Physics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +88-01752928866
Work Phone: +880-2-7791045-51 Ext. 2166, Fax: +880-2-7791052
Email: jahir-nanophysics@juniv.edu
, jahir-nanophysics@juniv.edu, jikphy_ju@yahoo.com