Md. Azmal Mahmud Khan Associate Professor, Department of International Relations
Mr. Md Azmal Mahmud Khan joined the Depratment of International Relations, Jahangirnagar University in 2014. Mr. Khan started his teaching career at the Department of International Relations, University of Chittagong in 2010. He has a Bachelor of Social Science degree in International Relations and a Master of Social Science degree in the same discipline from the University of Dhaka. Mr. Khan has completed fellowship at the University of Delaware in 2011. He is an alumni of the US State Department. Mr. Khan has actively worked with Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies, Regional Center for Strategic Studies, UNWomen etc.
International Security, Terrorism, Strategic Studies, South Asian Regional Politics, Diplomacy & Foreign Policy, Marine Affairs
Khan, Md. Azmal Mahmud, and Saimum Parvez, 2009 Diplomacy in the Twenty First Century: Changing Dimensions and New Realities The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 27, Chittagong, Bangladesh.,Abstract
The paper evaluates the changing patterns of diplomacy in the contemporary world: particularly the ways globalization ans technological innovations have shaped its trans-boundary character. these changes in the new diplomacy have increased the importance of public diplomacy and the roles of diplomats that challange traditional modes of state-to-state diplomacy. However, we would like to argue that such changes in contemporary diplomatic practices should be seen as transitional, rather than revolutionary.
Khan, Md. Azmal Mahmud 2014 Crimea and Global Power Politics The Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations Vol.5, No. 5, Savar, Dhaka.,Abstract
The prevailing crisis in Crimea is considered as a major event in the contemporary international politics. While a group of international politics experts consider this event as a unique phenomenon there is another group who do not share the same view. Consequently, the debate among the experts resulted in a major division among the important actors within the international system. The Crimean crisis has diverse political dimensions as well as economic ones. Moreover, there is a division in Crimea based on ethnic identity. While the crisis is sensitive for Russia considering it as a matter of self-esteem, for the western powers the primary concern is economic and then political. Hence, no single approach is enough to bring an end of the crisis. Rather a multidimensional approach is necessary for the sake of peaceful settlement of the Crimean crisis. This article attempts to analyze the multidimensional nature of the crisis prevailing in Crimean Peninsula. In addition to that, the article makes an effort to unveil the interests held by different actors involved in the crisis and analyzes the implications of the crisis in shaping the politics both at the regional and global height.
Khan, Md. Azmal Mahmud, and Muhammad Faidul Alam, 2015 Rethinking Nation-State in the Era of Globalization The Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations Vol.6, No. 6, Savar, Dhaka.,Abstract
Globalization usually refers to the idea of worldwide interconnectedness. Globalization perhaps is the most powerful force which is challenging the traditional notion of state to state interaction and reshaping it in various ways. Apart from the relations among states within the political arena, it also includes economic, social and cultural variables. Critics point out that the process of globalization threatens to undermine state sovereignty. As a result, the traditional notion of nation-state is gradually evolving in the era of globalization. It is also argued that the globalization process has long been used as a tool to dominate the developing economies by the developed countries. Globalization thus offers different opportunities to different economies. Hence, we need to analyze the impacts of globalization from multiple aspects. This article is an attempt to analyze the origin of globalization, its impacts on international relations, impact on state sovereignty using various methods of analysis.
Khan, Md Azmal Mahmud and Mahmuda Akand, 2018 "Islamic Extremism in Bangladesh: Importance of Constructing a Neutral Attitude" Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations Vol. IX, Number 9,Abstract:
Extremism is regarded as one of the most grievous threats in contemporary time. It has always been a complex idea incorporating various elements simultaneously such as political motives, spread of intolerance within the society, degradation of social and cultural values and most recently the misinterpretation of religions. Hence, it is a matter of paramount importance to understand the nexus between extremism and religion properly in order to minimize the threat effectively. Though there is no connection between Islam and extremism, Islam is very often associated with extremism. In Bangladesh, we have observed sporadic incidents of extremist activities in the distant past, which had been dealt with effective anti-extremism measures. However, we see a rise of extremist activities in the recent past. Therefore, we need to analyze the causes behind this sudden rise of extremist activities and construct a neutral attitude towards the problem deciphering the complexities. This paper is an attempt to analyze the current level of threat of extremism in Bangladesh, importance of constructing a neutral attitude towards extremism analyzing the perception of common people and suggest possible alternative methods apart from those which are already in effect in the country to eliminate the threat of extremism.
Khan, Md Azmal Mahmud, 2019 "Role of Media in Combating Violence and Creation of Peace", Jahangirnagar University Journal of International Relations, Vol. X, Number 10.,
After the demise of the Cold War and the emergence of the multi-polar world system, we see a significant decrease in the number of interstate warfare. At the same time, the number of intrastate conflicts has gone up rapidly. State centric ideas have been amalgamated with the idea of the security of the people. In such conditions the concept of human security is gaining much importance in the discussion of world peace. The very existence of violence impedes the existence of peace. Existence of violence in one part of the world threatens the existence of peace on the other parts as well. Since this era of human civilization is a period of global interconnectedness, here the role of media is manifold and cannot be overlooked. Media is a tool that can be used to create violence as well as to create sustainable peace. The politics of using media as a tool is a part of human history. At present, media works as a common platform to create awareness among the global stakeholders regarding issues of interests. The growing concerns about the global issues are interconnected and facilitated through media. Hence, media can play a vital role at different levels in mitigating violence and promoting peace. This article is an attempt to find a general conceptualization of peace and violence as well as to look deep into the role of media in reducing violence and the creation of peace.
Khan, Md. Azmal Mahmud and Mahmuda Akand, Women and Extremism in Bangladesh: Causes and Possible Responses, Women, Society and Politics: A Study of South Asia, pp.64-77, 2019.Abstract:
Violent extremism is now regarded as one of the major threats to peace both at the national and international level. It must be taken into consideration that the threat varies from country to country. However, the process of globalization has intertwined all the countries across the world in such a manner that a threat to one state affects the security of another. That is why, various international initiatives have been taken till date to mitigate the threat of violent extremism. We must also accept the fact that violent extremism has different faces in different countries. Hence, it is a matter of equal importance to develop national policies to address the threat of violent extremism. It has been a popular phenomenon in the recent past that the extremist activities are carried out by the males only. However, the scenario has changed to a great extent in the recent past. We now see that women are also involving in the extremist activities and playing an active role. They are now seen to be taking part in preaching extremist ideas, suicide bombing, creating deception and diversion and other related activities. Therefore, a focused and precise policy needs to be developed to address this newly emerged dimension of violent extremism. The paper is an attempt to find the root causes of women involvement in violent extremism in Bangladesh as well as analyze the current policies and their loopholes to mitigate the aforementioned problem.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
507 | Marine Affairs | Masters |
402 | Foreign Policy of Bangladesh | Fourth Year |
301 | Strategic Studies | Third Year |
Academic Info
Period: July 2000-June 2004
BSS (Honors) in International Relations
Period: July 2004-June 2005
MSS in International Relations
Period: January 2011-February 2011
Study of United States Institutes on National Security Policy Making
Position: Associate Professor
Period: February 2021 Onwards
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: December 2014 To February 2021
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: January 2013 To December 2014
Position: Lecturer
Period: January 2010 To January 2013
Position: Research Associate
Period: April 2008 To January 2010
Md. Azmal Mahmud Khan
Associate Professor
Department of International Relations
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: azmal@juniv.edu