Plasma Physics
Specialization: Theoretical & Computational Plasma Physics: Space and laboratory, complex plasmas, Wave plasma Interaction, Laser plasma interaction, etc
1. M. Salimullah and M. N. Alam: Filamentation of helicon waves in semiconductors: J. Appl. Phys. (USA) 53, 5434 (1982).
2. Md. Salimullah, M. N. Alam and Farida Majid: Microwave third harmonic generation in a plasma filled cylindrical waveguide: Physica C (Sweden) 114, 129 (1982).
3. M. N. Alam and A. H. Khan: Comparative study of the capacitance of impregnated papers Jahangirnagar Rev. A (Bangladesh) 6, 28 (1982).
4. M. Salimullah and M. N. Alam: Effect of DC electric field on the nonlinear scattering of laser radiation in semiconductors: J. Bang. Aca. Sci. (Bangladedsh) 6, 17 (1982).
5. M. N. Alam: Dielectric properties of the single crystal of ice: Jahangirnagar Rev.A (Bangladesh) 9, 69 (1982).
6. M. Saimullah, M. A.Hossain, M. N. Alam and M. Salahuddin: Filamentation of Alfvén wave in a compensated semiconductor: Phys. Rev. B (USA) 35, 2303 (1987).
7. A. K. Banerjee, S.M.khurshed Alam, M. N. Alam and M.Salimullah: Stimulated Brillouin scattering of Alfvén waves in compensated semiconductors: Phys. Rev. B (USA) 37, 1180 (1988).
8. M. Salimullah, S. M. Khurshed Alam and M. N. Alam: Harmonic generation of Alfvén and helicon waves in semicoductors. Phys. Rev. B (USA) 39, 3771 (1989).
9. A. A. Mamun and M. N. Alam: Excitation of Alfven waves at the difference frequency of two microwave beams in a highly collisional compensated semiconductor: Phys. Rev. B (USA) 45, 5868 (1992).
10. A. A. Mamun, F. Majid and M. N. Alam: Relativistic and nonrelativistic modulational instability of a laser radiation in an unmagnetized lase produced plasma: Kinetic theory: Il Nuovo Cimento (Italy) 14D, 729 (1992).
11. A. A. Mamun, M. Salimullah, Farida Majid and M. N. Alam: Relativistic filamentation and modulational instabilities of a laser radiation in a laser produced plasma: Ind. J. Phys. (India) 66B, 409 (1992).
12. F. Majid and M. N. Alam: Modulational instability of a laser radiation in an umagnetized laser produced plasma: Jahangirnagar Rev. (Bangladesh) 17A, 99 (1993).
13. M. N. Alam, A. A. Mamun and F. Majid: Stimulated Brillouin scattering helicon waves in a compensated semiconductor: Jahangirnagar Uni. J. Sci. (Bangladesh) 18, 103 (1994).
14. M. N. Alam: Excitation of electron plasma waves at the difference frequency of two laser beams in a magnetoactive semiconductor plasma: Kinetic theory: Jahangirnagar Uni. J. Sci. (Bangladesh) 20, 177 (1996).
15. A. A. Mamun and M. N. Alam: Large amplitude solitary waves in a magnetized two-electron-temperature plasma: Physica Scripta (Sweden) 56, 626 (1997).
16. A. A. Mamun, M. N. Alam and A. K. Azad: Obliquely propagating electrostatic solitary structures in a magnetized hot dusty plasma with trapped ions: Phys. Plasmas (USA) 4 1212 (1998).
17. A. A. Mamun and M. N. Alam: Low frequency electrostatic modes in a magnetized gravitating dusty plasma with nonthermal ions: Physica Scripta (Sweden) 57, 535 (1998).
18. A. A. Mamun, M. N. Alam, A. K. Das, Z. Ahmed and T. K. Datta: Obliquely propagating electrostatic solitary structures in a hot magnetized dusty plasma: Physica Scripta (Sweden) 58, 72 (1998).
19. A. A. Mamun and M. N. Alam Nonlinear propagation of dust-acoustic waves in a magnetized dusty Plasma: Indian J. Phys. (India) 72B, 559 (1998).
20. A. A. Mamun, S. M. Russel, Cesar A. Mendoza-bricerio, M. N. Alam, T. K. Datta and A. K. Das: Multi-dimensional instability of electrostatic solitary structures in a magnetized nonthermal dusty plasmas: Planetary and Space Sci. (UK) 41, 163 (2000).
21. A. K. Baanerjee, M. N. Alam and A. A. Mamun: Ulta-low frequency dust electromagnetic modes in self gravitating magnetized dusty plasmas: Pramana: J. Phys (India) 56, 543, (2001).
22. A. K. Baanerjee, M. N. Alam and A. A. Mamun: Dust-cyclotron and dust lower-hybridmodes in self gravitating magnetized dusty plasmas: Pramana: J. Phys. (India) 61, 177 (2003).
Academic Info
Degree | University | Year | Class (Position) |
B. Sc. (Hons.) in Physics | Jahangirnagar University | 1976 | 1st Class (2nd Position) |
M. Sc.(Thesis) in Physics | Jahangirnagar University | 1977 | 1st Class (1st Position) |
Ph. D. in Physics | Jahangirnagar University | 1996 |
1. Research Fellow: 1st December 1980 – 30 November, 1981: Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka - 1342, Bangladesh.
2. Lecturer: 28th April 1982 – 30th June 1986: Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3. Assistant Professor: 1st July 1986 – 30th August 1992: Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
4. Associate Professor: 1st September 1992 – 2nd October 1997: Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
5. Professor: 3rd October 1997 – to date: Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Academic/Administrative Experiences:
1. Member (Elected by the Senate Members) of Jahangirnagar University Vice Chancellor Panel (3 Members) - 2012 (secured 2nd position).
2. Elected Dean (Academic Head of the Faculty), Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Jahangirnagar University from 24 January 2010 to 29 August 2012.
3. Dean (Acting), Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Jahangirnagar University from 04 March 2014 to 10 May 2016.
4. Chairman, Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University from 30 June 2013 to 29 June 2016.
5. Provost of Mir Mosharraf Hossain Hall, Jahangirnagar University from 28 May 1998 to 20 November 2001.
6. Elected Senate Member (Registered Graduates’ Category), Jahangirnagar University from April 1998 to December 2017.
7. Elected Syndicate Member (Dean’s Category), Jahangirnagar University, two years from 01 June, 2010.
8. Elected Syndicate Member (Associate Professors’ Category), Jahangirnagar University from 2 April 1995 to 8 August 1995.
9. Member of Finance Committee, Jahangirnagar University from 17 December 1998 to 16 December 2000.
10. Controller of Examination (in charge), Jahangirnagar University from 7 July 2008 to 19 July 2010.
11. Principal (in charge), Jahangirnagar University School and College, Jahangirnagar University from 28 July 2009 to 11 June 2010.
12. Member of Academic Council, Jahangirnagar University from 3 October 1997 to date.
Experiences in Leading Teachers’ Associations:
1. President (Selected), The Federation of Bangladesh University Teachers Association from July 2011 to July 2012.
2. Vice-President (Selected), The Federation of Bangladesh University Teachers Association from July 2005 to July 2006.
3. President (Elected), Jahangirnagar University Teachers Association from 1 March 2018 to 30 December 2018.
4. President (Elected), Jahangirnagar University Teachers Association from January 2011 to December 2011.
5. President (Elected), Jahangirnagar University Teachers Association from January 2005 to December 2005.
6. Vice-President (Elected), Jahangirnagar University Teachers Association from January 1999 to December 1999.
Dr. Md. Nurul Alam
Department of Physics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01730591462
Work Phone: 880-02-7791035