Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal, Ph.D Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences
Waste Management & Recycling, Phytoremediation and Wastewater Treatment.
- Alam, M., Rikta, S.Y., Bahauddin, K.M., Kamal, A.K.I., et al. (2018) Production of eco-friendly handmade paper from wastepaper and other local biomass material Research Paper Production of eco-friendly handmade paper from wastepaper and other local biomass material. Academia Journal of Environmental Science, 6 (7): 147–155. doi:10.15413/ajes.2018.0128.
- Bhuiyan, M.K. alam, Hossain, M.A., Kamal, A.K.I., et al. (2019) Climate resilience through natural regeneration in degraded natural forests of south-eastern hilly region of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 48 (3): 417–425.
- Kamal, A. kadir I., Ahmed, F. and Malek, M.A. (2018) Janata Bank Journal of Money, Finance and Development. Janata Bank Journal of Money, Finance and Development, 5.
- Parvin, F., Nayna, O.K., Tareq, S.M., Kamal, A.K.I., et al. (2018) Facile synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticle and synergistic effect of iron nanoparticle in the presence of sunlight for the degradation of DOM from textile wastewater. Applied Water Science, 8 (2): 73. doi:10.1007/s13201-018-0719-5.
- Saadat, A.H.M., Parvin, F., Kamal, A.K.I., et al. (2017) Status of Physicochemical and Heavy Metal Concentration in Water at Selected Sites of Banshi River. Jahangirnagar University Environmental Bulletin, 6 (June): 209–220
- Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal, Md. Rasel Islam, Mahmud Hassan, Fahad Ahmed, Mirza A. T. M. Tanvir Rahman, Mohammad Moniruzzaman (2016). “Bioaccumulation of Trace Metals in Selected Plants within Aminbazar Landfill Site, Dhaka, Bangladesh” Environmental Processes, Springer publisher , 3(1): 179-194 doi:10.1007/s40710-016-0123-9.
- Kamal, A.K.I., Ahmed, F., Hassan, M., Uddin, M.K. and Hossain, S.M. (2016). “Characterization of Textile Effluents from Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ) Area in Dhaka, Bangladesh” Pollution 2(2): 153-161.
- Mahbub Alam, Sharmin Y. Rikta, MD Tanvir Hasnine, Fahad Ahmed, Abdul k. I. Kamal (2016). “Production of Eco-friendly Handmade Paper from The Waste Paper Generated in Municipalities of Dhaka City, Bangladesh.” EURASIA WASTE MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM, Turkey
- Faysal Ahmed, Fahad Ahmed, Mahbub Alam, Md.Rasel Islam and Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal (2015). “Sanitation and Environmental Status of Near By Village around the Industrial Activities of Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh”. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences. Vol. 4(5), 1-5, ISSN: 2319-1414
- Sikder, M.T., Tanaka, S., Saito, T., Hosokawa, T., Gumiri, S., Ardianor, Uddin, M.K., Tareq, S.M., Shammi, M., Kamal, A.K.I., and Kurasaki, M. (2015). “Vulnerability assessment of surface water quality with an innovative integrated multi-parameter water quality index (IMWQI).” Pollution,1(3): 333-346
- Mahbub Alam, Shoeb Mahmud, Fahad Ahmed, Md. Enamul Hasan, Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal and Romana Afrose Meem (2015). “An overview of squander thermoplastic or thermoplastic elastomer recycling facility and challenges for Dhaka city, Bangladesh” American Research Thoughts, Volume 1, Issue 11, ISSN: 2392 – 876X
- Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal, Fahad Ahmed, Mahbub Alam, Md. Nazim Uddin (2015). “Removal of methylene blue dye by burned coal from brick field and eggshell as an adsorbent”. International Network for Natural Sciences. Vol. 6, No. 2, p. 148-155, ISSN: 2222-3045
- Mahmud Hassan, Mirza A.T.M. Tanvir Rahman, Badhan Saha and Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal (2015). “Status of Heavy Metals in Water and Sediment of the Meghna River, Bangladesh.” American Journal of Environmental Sciences. 11 (6): 427.439
- Md. Saiful Islam , M. Khabir Uddin , Shafi M. Tareq , Mashura Shammi , Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal , Tomohiro Sugano , Masaaki Kurasaki , Takeshi Saito, Shunitz Tanaka and Hideki Kuramitz (2015). “Alteration of Water Pollution Level with the Seasonal Changes in Mean Daily Discharge in Three Main Rivers around Dhaka City, Bangladesh.” Environments, 2, 280–294
- Md. Khayul Alam Bhuiyan, Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal, Fahad Ahmed, Md. Khabir Uddin (2015). “Effectiveness of poultry litter as fertilizer for rice cultivation: prospect of organic fertilizer in Bangladesh.” Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) 6(3), 8-15.
- M. S. Islam, A. Sultana, M. Rasheduzzaman, G. K. Kundu, A. K. I. Kamal, M. K. Uddin (2015). Assessment of the Present State and Economical Prospects of Solid Waste at Amin Bazar Waste Dumping Site, Dhaka, Bangladesh. J. Sci. Res. 7 (3), 129-137
- Mashura Shammi, G. M. Jainal Abedin Bhuiya, Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal, Md. Rashadur Rahman, Md. Mostafizur Rahman and M. Khabir Uddin. 2012. Investigation of Salinity Occurrences in Kumar-Madhumati River of Gopalganj District, Bangladesh. Journal of Nature Science and Sustainable Technology. 6(4):299-314.
- A H M Saadat, Fahmida Parvin, A T M Jahangir Alam and A. K. I. Kamal,; Status of Solid Waste Generation at Jahangirnagar University Campus and Development of a Suitable Management Plan. J. of Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources. 5(1): 187 - 191, 2012.
- M. A. Siddiky, A. K. I. Kamal, M. Shammi and M. Khabir Uddin; Critical limit of boron for tomato in non-calcareous soils. J. of Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources. 4 (1), 57-60, 2011.
- A. K. I. Kamal, M. M. Rahman and M. Khabir Uddin; Influence of coagulation process and pH on the removal of COD and TSS from textile effluent. Bangladesh Journal of Env. Research. 9, 53-59, 2011.
Academic Info
Institute: University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Period: 2015-2016
M.Sc in Public and Environmental Health Sciences.
Institute: Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Period: 2005-2006
Period: 2005-2006
MSc in Environmental Sciences
Institute: Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Period: 2001-2004
Period: 2001-2004
BSc in Environmental Sciences
Abdul Kadir Ibne Kamal, Ph.D
Department of Environmental Sciences
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801712000395
Email: abdulkadir@juniv.edu