Mohammad Shamim Reza , PhD Associate Professor, Department of Fine Art
The Department of Fine Art thrives on the diversity of cultures working within the field and benefits significantly from the university setting, which offers a thriving critical context. Though it is one of the very new Fine Art department in Bangladesh; pioneering new approaches to Fine Art. The Department of Fine Art wants to emphasize on the capabilities of students on accepting the aesthetic essence of eastern and western art from a comparative understanding which will be considered as the basic objective of the curriculum. Being very new in the field of higher studies of academic art education the department has already been signified as a very important one with enormous possibilities for professional art practice in our country. The art context of Bangladesh is spreading gradually and creating a new horizon in international art scenario with contemporary attribution. Besides its commercial market is also expanding in both sophisticated and corporate sectors.
Jahangirnagar University Fine Art department has formed in the year of 2012. With the inauguration of 2012-2013 session the department started, it’s journey with 40 students, two faculty members and two disciplines (Painting and Art and Crafts). In the Department, there are presently approximately 280 BFA and 80 FA students with 10 faculty members and three disciplines (Painting, Craft and Fashion Design and
Graphic Design). We have aimed to transform our department into a full-fledged Faculty of Fine Art with all necessary technical support and the process has already in progress. We think it is crucial to see art as a continuing, transformative and trans- national undertaking taking place within the contemporary public world.
Mohammad Shamim Reza , PhD