Tanvir Islam Rajib Leave
Tanvir Islam Rajib Associate Professor, Department of Physics



Mr. Tanvir Islam Rajib, born in 1991 in Narsingdi, central Bangladesh, earned his B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.S. degrees in Physics from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, in 2013 and 2014 (completed in August 2015), respectively. Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Sharmin Sultana and Prof. Dr. A A Mamun, he conducted his M.S. thesis research on the propagation of nonlinear waves in the pulsar magnetosphere. Later, in 2022, Mr. Rajib obtained his Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) degree supervised by Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Mannan Chowdhury. His M.Phil. thesis focused on computational meteorology, specifically addressing thunderstorms. In the fall of 2022, he commenced his Ph.D. in Physics at Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, Texas, USA, within the Department of Physics and Astronomy. His current research area centers on quantum optics, particularly Hong-Ou-Mandel interference.

   Mr. Rajib is an Associate Professor (on study leave) in Physics at the Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University. Before that, he worked as a faculty member in Physics at different private universities/institutions such as Presidency University (Dhaka, BD), Sonargaon University (Dhaka, BD), and the National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research (NITER), Nayarhat, BD. His commitment extends to engaging with scientists globally across diverse scientific disciplines. Mr. Rajib had the opportunity to represent Bangladesh as a young scientist at the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting in 2019, Germany, dedicated to physics, where he interacted with distinguished Nobel Laureates and fellow young scientists worldwide. Moreover, he served as a volunteer alumnus as a peer reviewer for the Next Generation Science program at the 73rd Lindau Meeting in 2024.

   Mr. Rajib has been honored with various awards, scholarships, and fellowships, including the 2022/23 fellowship from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at TAMU, College Station. He received the BAS-NABIC Award as a travel grant and fellowship funded by the German Research Foundation to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings 2019. Oneway travel support from the Bangladesh Sweden Trust Fund (2022-2023) for higher education in the USA. Other accolades include the Abbe School of Photonics Scholarship, M.Phil. Admission Scholarship (2016-2017) based on B.Sc. (Hons) and M.S. results, the Best Student Award for B.Sc. (Hons.), Amina-Aeenuddin Memorial Scholarship, Regular Merit-Based Annual University Scholarship, and National Science and Technology (N.S.T.) Fellowship (2014-2015 and 2016-2017) from the Ministry of National Science and Technology in Bangladesh, among others.

   Mr. Rajib is a founding member of the Jahangirnagar University Physics Club (JUPC), and he actively participates as an executive member of BADHAN, a blood-donating organization. Additionally, he contributes to various scientific journals in roles such as an editorial board member or reviewer. His associations include Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group, UK), Physics of Plasmas (AIP, USA), AIP Advances (AIP, USA), Contributions to Plasma Physics (Wiley-VCH Verlag Publisher, Germany), Journal of Physics and Astronomy Research (Premier Publisher, USA), Physics and Astronomy International Journal (MedCrave Publishing Group, USA), Zeitschrift für Naturforschung (Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Publisher, Germany), and Expert Opinion on Astronomy and Astrophysics (Whioce Publisher, Singapore).

Media Coverage: 

(1) Physics Will Love You! (https://www.lindau-nobel.org/blog-physics-will-love-you/), published by Lindau Nobel Laureate Organization, Germany on their blog on February 22, 2024

(2) নবীন প্রজন্মদের সাক্ষাৎকার সিরিজ: তানভীর ইসলাম রাজীব  (https://biggani.org/tanvir-islam-rajib/), published by biggani.org on October 27, 2024




Photonics, Nonlinear Optics, Plasma Physics, Nonlinear Wave Phenomena: Solitary Waves, Rogue Waves, Fluid Dynamics, Thunderstorms

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[01]  T. I. Rajib, S. Sultana, and A. A. Mamun, “Solitary Waves in Rotational Pulsar Magnetosphere” Astrophysics and Space Science (Netherland) 357, 1 (2015).

[02]  T. I. Rajib, S. Sultana, and A. A. Mamun, “Nonlinear Compressional Alfvén Waves in a Fully Relativistic Electron-Positron Plasma” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (USA) 45, 4 (2017).

[03]  T. I. Rajib, S. Sultana, and A. A. Mamun, “Shear Alfvén Waves in a Magnetized Electron-Positron Plasma” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (USA) 46, 7 (2018).

[04]  T. I. Rajib et al. “Dust-Ion-Acoustic Rogue Waves in Presence of Non-extensive Non-thermal Electrons” Physics of Plasmas (USA) 12, 123701 (2019).

[05]  N. M. Heera...T. I. Rajib, S. Sultana, and A. A. Mamun “Ion-acoustic Shock Waves in Magnetized Plasma Featuring Super-thermal Distribution” AIP Advances (USA) 11, 055117 (2021).

[06]  M. R. Hassan, T. I. Rajib, and S. Sultana, “Electron-Acoustic Solitons in Magnetized Collisional Nonthermal Plasmas” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (USA) 49, 12 (2021).

[07]  T. I. Rajib and S. Sultana, “Propagation of Compressional Alfvén Waves in a Magnetized Pair Plasma Medium” AIP Advances (USA) 12, 065318 (2022).

[08]  T. I. Rajib, “Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in Multi-Component Pair Plasmas and Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas” AIP Advances (USA) 12, 065314 (2022).

[09]  T. I. Rajib et al. “Simulation of Thunderstorm Event over Bogura and Its Adjoining Area of Bangladesh Using WRF-ARF Model” The Atmosphere (BD) 9, 63 (2022).

[10]  T. I. Rajib, “Shear Alfvén Waves in Electron-Positron Plasma: Analysis of Solitary Wave Properties and Numerical Validation” https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.06983 (2024).

[11]  A. Dharmasiri...T. I. Rajib...A. Zheltikov, “Sensitivity and Heat Penalty in All-Optical Quantum Thermometry with....” Applied Physics Letters (USA) 25, 092202 (2024) [Editor's Pick].

[12]  A. Dharmasiri...T. I. Rajib...A. Zheltikov, “Near-Infrared Optical Thermometry of Nickel Color Centers in Diamond”  Optics Letters (USA) 50, 3 (2025). 



Poster Presentation/Workshop,

[01]   T. I. Rajib, X. Liu, A. Dharmasiri, M. Pochechuev, R. Fajt, G. S. Agarwal, and A. M. Zheltikov, “Quantum-light Probe for Femtosecond Dephasing in Dyes” The 2024 Welch Conference (October 21-22, 2024) at The Post Oak Hotel at Uptown Houston, Texas, USA.

[02]   A. Dharmasiri, C. Vincent, T. I. Rajib, M. Pochechuev, R. Fajt, X. Liu, A. J. Verhoegl, P. Hemmer, G. S. Agarwal, and A. M.Zheltikov, “Quantum Materials for High-Resolution All-Optical Thermometry” The 2024 Welch Conference (October 21-22, 2024) at The Post Oak Hotel at Uptown Houston, Texas, USA.

[03]   M. Pochechuev, A. Dharmasiri, T. I. Rajib, and A. M. Zheltikov, “Compressed Bioimaging with Graded index Optical Fibers” The 2024Welch Conference (October 21-22, 2024) at The Post Oak Hotel at Uptown Houston, Texas, USA.

[04]   X. Liu, T. I. Rajib, T. Li, J. Wang, M. R. Kanble, A. M. Zheltikov, and G. S. Agarwal, “Entangled- Photon Probe for Ultrafast Dephasing: Toward Advanced Materials Metrology” Physics Open House (March 25, 2024) at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas AM University, Texas, USA.

[05]   A. Dharmasiri, C. Vincent, T. I. Rajib, M. Pochechuev, X. Liu, A. J. Verhoef, and A. M. Zheltikov, “Ultralow-Heat-Load Quantum Thermometry with Color Centers in Diamond” Physics Open House (March 25, 2024) at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas AM University, Texas, USA.

[06]   A. Dharmasiri, C. Vincent, T. I. Rajib, M. Pochechuev, X. Liu, A. J. Verhoef, and A. M. Zheltikov, “Ultralow-Heat-Load Quantum Thermometry with Color Centers in Diamond” Texas AM University Workshop on Advanced Metrology for Emerging Semiconductors (January 19, 2024) at Texas AM Hotel and Conference Center, Texas, USA.

[07]   A. Dharmasiri, C. Vincent, T. I. Rajib, M. Pochechuev, X. Liu, A. J. Verhoef, and A. M. Zheltikov, “Ultralow-Heat-Load Quantum Thermometry with Color Centers in Diamond” The Post Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE) Conference (January 18, 2024) at Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (IQSE), Texas AM University, Texas, USA.

[08]   A. Dharmasiri, C. Vincent, T. I. Rajib, M. Pochechuev, X. Liu, and A. M. Zheltikov, “The Sensitivity and Heat Penalty in All-Optical Quantum Thermometry with Germanium-Vacancy Color Centers in Diamond” The 2023 Welch Conference (October 23-24, 2023) at The Post Oak Hotel at Uptown Houston, Texas, USA.

[09]   M. R. Hassan, T. I. Rajib, and S. Sultana, “Electron-Acoustic Solitons in Magnetized Collisional Nonthermal Plasmas” was awarded “Certificate of Merit” in the International Poster Presentation Competition (September-October, 2020) organized by NYAB (Bangladesh), INYAB (India), SLAYS (Sri Lanka) and TYSA (Thailand).

[10]  T. I. Rajib, S. Sultana, and A. A. Mamun, “Solitary Waves in Rotational Pulsar Magnetosphere” has been awarded the 1st prize for the best poster presentation at the International Conference on Recent Advances on Mathematical and Physical Sciences held on (January 27-29, 2018) at JU, Dhaka, Bangladesh.





1. ‘‘Nonlinear Phenomena in Rotating Astrophysical Objects’’ ISBN: 978-3668683723, GRIN Publishing, Germany, 2018.

2. ‘‘Simulation of Thunderstorm Events Using the WRF-ARW Model’’ ISBN: 978-6206183402LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2023.


Course Code Course Title Semester/Year
GS-106 General Physics-I 2020
PHY-108 Physics Lab-I 2019-2022
PHY-208 Physics Lab-II 2019
PHY-209 Computer Programming Lab 2020-2021
PHY-302 Electrodynamics 2019-2022
PHY-408 Geophysics 2019-2022
PHY-507 Advanced Plasma Physics 2019

Academic Info

Institute: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
Period: Fall 2022-

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics

Institute: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh
Period: 2016-2022 (Awarded in December 2022)

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Physics


Institute: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh
Period: 2013-2014 (Result Published: August 2015)

M.Sc. (Thesis Group) in Physics; Result (in GPA): 4.00 on a scale of 4.00

Institute: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh
Period: 2009-2013 (Result Published: December 2013)

B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics; Result (in CGPA): 3.80 on a scale of 4.00


Organization: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Associate Professor (on study leave)
Period: 17 March 2025-present
Organization: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 07 November 2021 - 16 March 2025
Organization: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Position: Lecturer in Physics
Period: 07 January 2019 - 06 November 2021





Tanvir Islam Rajib

Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +88-01719-844051
Email: tirajibphys@juniv.edu , tirajibphys@gmail.com, tirajib007@tamu.edu