Dr. Md. Laek Sazzad Andallah Professor, Department of Mathematics
Laek Sazzad Andallah (L S Andallah), Professor of Mathematics, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh was born in 1967 at Nilphamari, Bangladesh. He completed his B. Sc. (Hons.) and M. Sc. in Mathematics from Jahangirnagar University, and secured First Class First position in both the B. Sc. (Hons.) and M. Sc. Programs. He completed his 2nd M. Sc. (Two years Program) in Industrial Mathematics from Gremany, University of Kaiserslautern, with Very Good performance in 2001. He was awarded Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics with Magna cum Laude (Very Good) performance from Germany, Technische Universität Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau) in 2005. He worked on Discrete Velocity Model for Boltzmann Equation in Ph.D Program.
Dr. Andallah started his professional career from 1992. His fields of research are Computational Fluid Dynamics, Discrete Modeling and Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation, Traffic Flow Simulation and Numerical Simulation of Surface Water Pollution. His taught courses of mathematics in the areas of Mathematics for Engineering and Applied Science, Mathematics for Business Decisions, Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing, Functional Analysis, Analytical and Numerical Method for Ordinary Differential Equation, Analytical and Numerical method for Partial Differential Equation, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Professor Andallah published a good number of papers in reputed international and national journals. He has been involved as a member of several editorial boards, reviewer and other professional activities at home and abroad.
The Boltzmann Equation, Numerical Methods of Fluid Dynamics, Traffic flow Simulation
List of Some Publications
International Journals
1. L. S. Andallah, H. Babovsky. “A discrete Boltzmann equation based on hexagons”, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. Vol. 13, No. 11 (World Scientific) 2003.
2. L. S. Andallah. “On the generation of a hexagonal collision model for the Boltzmann equation ”, Comp. Methods in Applied Math., Vol. 4, No. 3 (2004).
3. L. S. Andallah, H. Babovsky. “A discrete Boltzmann equation based on a cuboctahedron in R3 ”, SIAM J. on Sci. Computing, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 799-825, November, 2008.
4. Md Miraj Ali, Md Abdul Alim and L S Andallah, “Effects of Pressure Work and Radiation on Natural Convection Flow around a Sphere with Heat Generation”, International communications in heat and mass transfer, (2011).
5. Md Miraj Ali, Md Abdul Alim and L S Andallah, “Conjugate Effects of Radiation and Joule Heating on Magnetohydrodynamic Free Convection Flow along a Sphere with Heat Generation”, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 1 , No. 1, pp. 18-25, March 2011.
6. Rezaul Karim , Abdul Alim , Laek Sazzad Andallah, “Numerical Estimation of Traveling Wave Solution of Two-Dimensional K-dV Equation Using a New Auxiliary Equation Method”, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2013, 3, 27-36, Published Online March 2013.
7. K. H. Kabir , M. A. Alim , L. S. Andallah, “Effects of Viscous Dissipation on MHD Natural Convection Flow along a Vertical Wavy Surface with Heat Generation”, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2013, 3, 91-98, doi:10.4236/ajcm.2013.32015 Published Online June 2013.
8. Kazi H Kabir , Md A Alim and Laek S Andallah, “Effects of viscous dissipation on MHD natural convection flow along a vertical wavy surface”, 2013, 7:31, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics.
9. Md Rezaul Karim , Md Abdul Alim , Laek Sazzad Andallah, “Pretend model of traveling wave solution of two-dimensional K-dVequation”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, 7:64, 2013.
10. M.A.K.Azad, L.S. Andallah, “Generating Exact Solutions of Two-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations”, International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences, 2014, 11(1): pp.1-12.
11. Ahsan Ali, Laek Sazzad Andallah, Zakia Hossain, “Numerical Solution of a Fluid Dynamic Traffic Flow Model Associated with a Constant Rate Inflow”, American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2015, 5(1): 18-26 DOI: 10.5923/j.ajcam.20150501.04.
12. Dipika Rani Dhar, Mohammad Abdul Alim, Laek Sazzad Andallah, “Group Method Analysis of MHD Mixed Convective Flow Past on a Moving Curved Surface with Suction”, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2016, 6, 74-87.
13. M. M. Rahaman, L. S. Andallah & M. S. Alam , “Numerical solution of advection diffusion reaction equation coupled with shallow water equation”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 11, November-2017, pp 256-262, ISSN 2229-5518.
14. Md. Shajib Ali, L. S. Andallah and Mursheda Begum, “Numerical Study of a Fluid Dynamic Traffic Flow Model”, IJSER, (ISSN 2229-5518), Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 1092-1098, (March 2018).
15. M. N. Anwar and L. S. Andallah, “A Study on Numerical Solution of Black-Scholes Model. Journal of Mathematical Finance”, 8, 372-381, May 2018.
16. M. M. Rahman, L. S. Andallah, "Numerical Simulation of Shallow Water Dam Break Problem", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 9, 2018.
17. Muhammad Sajjad Hossain, Md. Abdul Alim and Laek Sazzad Andallah, “Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection Flow in a Trapezoidal Cavity with Non-uniformly Heated TriangularBlock Embedded Inside” Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, 28(5): 1-30, 04 Sep 2018.
18. Motlubar Rahman, Mohammad Monir Uddin, Laek Sazzad Andallah, Mahtab Uddin, “Interpolatory Projection Techniques for H2 Optimal Structure-Preserving Model Order Reduction of Second-Order Systems”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal Vol. 5, No. 4, 715-723 (Aug 2020)www.astesj.com ASTES Journal ISSN: 2415-6698
19. Muhammad Sajjad Hossain, Md. Abdul Alim, Laek Sazzad Andallah, “Finite Element Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic Mixed Convection in a Lid-Driven Trapezoidal Enclosure Having Heated Triangular Block”, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, September 2020, 10, 441-459 https://www.scirp.org/journal/ajcm ISSN Online: 2161-1211, ISSN Print: 2161-1203
20. Muhammad Sajjad Hossain, Md. Abdul Alim, Laek Sazzad Andallah, “Numerical Simulation of MHD Natural Convection Flow Within Porous Trapezoidal Cavity With Heated Triangular Obstacle”, Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math (Dec 2020) 6:166 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40819-020-00921-3. Springer.
21. Faria Ahmed Shami, Laek Sazzad Andallah. (2020) A Numerical Study on One-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion Equation and Fisher’s Equation. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4(4), 137-146. DOI: 10.26855/jamc.2020.12 .00 5
22. Md. Motlubar Rahman, M Monir Uddin, Laek Sazzad Andallah, Mahtab Uddin,“Tangential interpolatory projections for a class of second‑order index‑1 descriptor systems and application to Mechatronics”, Production Engineering Research and Development (Springer) ISSN 0944-6524 Prod. Eng. Res. Devel.DOI 10.1007/s11740-020-00995-4 Received: 25 July 2020 / Accepted: 27 October 2020 © German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP) 2020.
23. Md. Motlubar Rahman, Mahtab Uddin, M. Monir Uddin and L. S. Andallah, “SVD-Krylov based techniques for structure-preserving reduced order modelling of second-order systems”, Mathematical Modelling and Control (AIMS), MMC, 1(2): 79–89, DOI:10.3934/mmc.2021006, http://www.aimspress.com/journal/mmc
24. S.M. Mahathy Hasan, Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Laek Sazzad Andallah, Understanding the Toxic Effect on Marin Food Chain Ecosystem: A Mathematical Approach and Optimal Control Technique, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics,11(4): 817- 832, (2022). DOI: 10.5890/JAND.2022.12.004. (Scopus Indexed).
25. S.M. Mahathy Hasan, Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Laek Sazzad Andallah “Optimal Control Applied to Marine Eco-Epidemiological model with Disease in Prey Species” Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 12(4) (2023) 661-679. (Scopus Indexed).
International Proceedings
1. H. Babovsky, L. S. Andallah. "On numerical schemes for a hierarchy of kinetic equations", in Proceedings ENUMATH 2005, pp. 213-220, Springer, 2006.
2. Rokhsan-Ara-Hemel and L. S. Andallah. “Flood simulations by numerical schemes of the Shallow water equation”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICSS) 2008. pp. 426-431. Jointly organized by NSU Bangladesh & Carleton University, Canada.
3. Hossain, M. S. , Alim M. A., Andallah, L. S., : A comprehensive analysis of natural convection in a trapezoidal cavity with magnetic field and cooled triangular obstacle of different orientations. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2121, 030003 (2019)
International Report
1. A. A. K. Majumder, L. S. Andallah. “Bottleneck reve’s puzzle”, Internal report-IC/IR/98/21 sep. (1998), ASInternational center for theoretical physics, Trieste, Italy.
2. L. S. Andallah. et al “Report of the study group meeting on problem-7 entitled Mix-Traffic Model Scenario: Over-crowded cities” “1ST VIRTUAL SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDY GROUP MEETING ON INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS (VSEASGMIP2020) Organized By Office of International Affairs, Department of Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. 12-16 October, 2020.
Local Journals
1. M. A. Hoque, L. S. Andallah. “ A mathematical analysis of the Interest Rate in Grameen Bank’s Loan ”, Journal of Math. And Math. Sci., Vol.-9 (1994).
2. L. S. Andallah, H. Babovsky. “A discrete Boltzmann equation based on a loosely coupled hexagonal discretization of R 2 ”, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 28, December, 2005.
3. L. S. Andallah, H. Babovsky, A. Z. Khan. “Spurious invariants of the Boltzmann collision operator discretized on a loosely coupled hexagonal grid”, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 29, 2006.
4. L. S. Andallah, F. Ahmed. “Estimations of equilibria of a discrete model Boltzmann equation”, Journal of Math. And Math. Sci., Vol.22, 2007.
5. L. S. Andallah. “Generation of Mesh for the Numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation based on a loosely coupled hexagonal discretization”, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol 31(1), June 2008.
6. Tripti Datta and L. S. Andallah. “Age-structured population projection in Bangladesh based on numerical solution of a deterministic model”, Bangladesh J. Sci. Research, Vol. 21, pp 65-78, December 2008.
7. L. S. Andallah, F. Ahmed, M. O. Gani, A. Rashid, “Numerical Simulation of Equilibrium Solution of a Discrete Model Boltzmann Equation”; Journal of Math. and Math. Sci., Vol.23, 2008.
8. L S Andallah, Shajib ali, M O Gani, M K Pandit & J Akhter, “A finite difference scheme for a traffic flow model based on a linear density-velocity function”, JUJS, vol. 32 no.1 pp. 57-67, 2009.
9. Rokhsan-Ara-Hemel, L S Andallah, “A computational study of the shallow water equation for flood simulation”, Bangladesh J. Sci. Research, Vol. 22, pp 49-60, December 2009.
10. M H Kabir, M O Gani & L S Andallah, “Numerical simulation of a mathematical traffic flow model based on a non-linear velocity-density function”, JBAS, vol. 34 no.1 pp. 57-67, 2010.
11. A Z Khan, F Ahmed & L S Andallah, “A hexagonal model Boltzmann equation discretized on a triangular grid in R2 ”, J. Math. And Math. Sci., (ISSN 2219- 5823) Vol. 25, 2010.
12. Tauhedul Azam, S. Ali, L S Andallah, “An analytical method and a numerical scheme for the solution of a second order traffic flow model”, J. Math. Math. Sci., (ISSN 2219-5823) Vol. 26, 2011.
13. Ronobir C. Sarker, L S Andallah, J. Akhter, “Finite difference Schemes for Burger’s Equation”, J. Math. Math. Sci., (ISSN 2219-5823) Vol. 26, 2011.
14. M. O. Gani, M. M. Hossain and L. S. Andallah, “A Finite Difference Scheme for a fluid dynamic traffic flow model appended with two-point boundary condition”, GANIT J. Bangladesh Math. Soc. (ISSN 1606-3694) 31 (2011) pp. 43-52.
15. Md. Sarwar Hossain, M. N. A. Siddique, L. S. Andallah, “The Nested logistic Model as a Modified Logistic population Model”, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol 35(2), December 2012.
16. Masuma Parvin, M. S. Alam and Laek Sazzad Andallah, “Least-Square Approximation of the Growth Rate in Malthusian Model for Population
Projection in Dhaka City”, J. Math. Math. Sci., (ISSN 2219-5823) Vol. 27, 2012.
17. M. H. Kabir, A. Afroz and L. S. Andallah, “A finite difference scheme for a macroscopic traffic flow model based on a nonlinear density-velocity relationship”, Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 47(3), 339-346, 2012.
18. K H Kabir, M A Alim, L S Andallah, “Effects of Viscous Dissipation on Mhd Natural convection Flow along a vertical Surface With Joule Heating”, JNU Univ. J. of Sci. Volume 02, No. I, January 2013.
20. M. H. Kabir and L. S. Andallah, “Numerical Solution of a Multilane traffic Flow Model”, GANIT J. Bangladesh Math. Soc. (ISSN 1606-3694) , Vol. 33, December 2013.
21. K H Kabir, M A Alim, L S Andallah and J. Akhter, “Effects of viscous Dissipation on Natural Convection flow along a Vertical Eavy Surface”, J.
Math. Math. Sci., (ISSN 2219-5823) Vol. 28, 2013.
22. Tauhedul Azam, L. S. Andallah, “Numerical Simulation of a Second Order Traffic Flow Model”, GANIT: The Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, Vol. 34 (2014).
23. Mandira Samadder and L. S. Andallah, “Numerical Simulation of Hemoglobin Transportation in Blood Flow”, J. Math. Math. Sci., (ISSN 2219-5823) Vol. 29, December 2015.
24. M.A.K.Azad, L.S. Andallah, “Explicit Exponential Finite Difference Scheme for 1D Navier-Stokes Equation with Time Dependent Pressure Gradient”, GANIT: The Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, Vol. 36 (2016).
25. T M A K Azad and L S Andallah, “Stability analysis of finite difference schemes for an advection diffusion equation” Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. vol. 29(2): p. 143-151, December, 2016.
26. Rama Sarkar, L. S. Andallah and Rokhsan-Ara-Hemel, “Finite Difference Scheme for Heat Equation with Various Thermal Conductivity”, J.J. Math. Math. Sci., (ISSN 2219-5823) Vol. 30, pp 59-71, December 2017.
27. Sampa Rani Mondol, Mandira Samadder and L. S. Andallah, “A Comparative Study of Two Explicit Finite Difference Schemes for Advection-Diffusion Equation”, J. J. Math. Math. Sci., (ISSN 2219-5823) Vol. 30, December 2017.
28. Md. A. S. Howlader , Md. Ariful Islam Arif, L. S. Andallah and M. Osman Gani, “ Existence of periodic traveling waves in the Klausmeier model of desertification and its modification: a comparative study”, GANIT: The Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, (ISSN 1606-3694) Vol. 38 2017, pp. 27-46.
29. Khandaker Md. Eusha-Bin-Hafiz, and Laek Sazzad Andallah, “Second Order Scheme for Korteweg-De Vries (KDV) Equation”, J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., Vol. 43 No. 1, pp. 85-93, 2019.
30. L. S. Andallah and M. R. Khatun, “Numerical solution of advection-diffusion equation using finite difference schemes” Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 55(1), 15-22, 2020.
31. Hafiz, K. M. E. B., & Andallah, L. S. (2020). "Numerical Computation of Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) Equation Using Finite Difference Approximation". Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science (JUJS), 43(1).
Conference/Seminar/Workshop attended
1. Visiting fellow in the AS International center for theoretical physics, Trieste, Italy, 01-30 September, 1998.
2. South-East Germany conference on Numerical Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, TU Ilmenau, Germany, 2004.
3. 8th Chittagong conference on Mathematical Physics, RCMPS, University of Chittagong, 14-16 March, 2006.
4. Summer School 2006 “Mathematics International”, Department of Mathematics, Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern, Germany, 01 – 30 September, 2006.
5. International conference on current trends in Industrial and Applied Mathematics in the M. S. University of Baroda, India, 16-18 January, 2007.
Paper – Numerical simulation of the Boltzmann equation based on a hexagonal discrete velocity model.
6. Fifteenth Mathematics Conference – BMS – 29-31 Dec. 2007.
Paper - Numerical simulation of a model Boltzmann equation discretized on a loosely coupled hexagonal grid.
7. Seminar on Industrial Mathematics – Department of Mathematics, JU, May 5, 2008.
8. Seminar on Science in real life – May 7, 2008 - Faculty of Mathematical and Physical sciences, Talk - Mathematical modeling and Scientific computing.
9. Seminar on Information and Communication Technology – 7 August, 2008, Dept. of Computer Science and Engg., CUET, Talk – Computer simulation of real world problems.
10. International conference on Statistical Sciences 26-27 Dec. 2008, jointly organized by NSU Bangladesh & Carleton Univ. Canada.
Paper-1: Traffic flow simulation based on a mathematical model;
Paper-2: Flood simulation by numerical schemes of the shallow water equation.
11. Twenty-First Bangladesh Science Conference:18-20 Feb. 2009-organized by BAAS,
Paper-1: A Mathematical Study on Potato Cultivation in Bangladesh;
Paper-2: Numerical Simulation of a Mathematical Traffic Flow Model based on a Non-linear Velocity-Density Function.
12. First Humbolt Kolleg – International conference in Dhaka, 19-21 November 2009.
13. 16th Mathematics Conference, BUET, 17-19 December, 2009, Bangladesh Mathematical Society. Paper-1: M H Kabir, A Afroz, L S Andallah; Title-A finite difference scheme for a macroscopic traffic flow model based on a non-linear density-velocity relationship.
Paper-2: A Z Khan, L S Andallah, Title-A hexagonal model Boltzmann equation discretized on a triangular grid .
Paper-3 : M O Gani, L S Andallah, Title-A numerical Scheme for a fluid dynamic traffic flow model appended with a linear velocity-density closure relation. 2 R
14. Young Scientists Congress 2009, Organized by BAS, iap & twas, 29-30 Dec. 2009.
15. Seminar on “Updating Dhaka”, Organized by Alumni Association of the German Universities in Bangladesh, Goethe-Institute Bangladesh, Dhaka 23rd October 2010.
16. Advanced School on “Scaling Laws in Geophysics: Mechanical and Thermal Processes in Geodynamics” in AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 23 May – 3 June 2011.
17. Organized (as Conference Secretary) 17th International Mathematics Conference of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 22-24 Dec. 2011 at J.U. Presented 12 papers in collaboration with research associates. Conducted a Symposium on “Mathematics Education in Bangladesh – Present Statues and Prospectives”.
18. Organized a symposium “Forty years of Bangladesh Mathematical Society” on July 3, 2012 at the University of Dhaka, as the secretary of the Bangladesh Mathematical Society.
19. Seminar on “Mathematics and Applications” –jointly organized by Jagannath University, Dhaka and Bangladesh Mathematical Society on November 26, 2012. Delivered talk titled “Numerical Computation of Mathematical Models in Real-Life Problems”.
20. Organized a seminar on “Mathematics Education at the University Level in the west --a personal perspective”, as the Secretary of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, on December 28, 2012 at the University of Dhaka.
21. Attended 4th National Undergraduate Mathematics Olympiad 2012 as a resource person and organizer on 26 January, 2013, at SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
22. Delivered Keynote Speech on “Research Methodology in Mathematics: Real World Problems” in the Faculty of Science, BUBT, Dhaka, 8 July, 2013.
23. Attended 5th National Undergraduate Mathematics Olympiad 2013 as a resource person and organizer on 20 March, 2014, IUB, Dhaka
24. 18th International Mathematics Conference of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 20-22 March, 2014, IUB, Dhaka. Seven papers presented in collaboration with research students.
25. Delivered a talk on “Discrete Boltzmann Equation in R3 velocity space” in the Day-Long seminar on “Mathematics in Real World” of Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS), in the Department of Mathematics, JU on January 3, 2015.
26. Organized a Day-Long seminar on “Mathematics in Real World” of Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS), in the Department of Mathematics, JU, as the convener of the seminar committee of BMS, on January 3, 2015.
27. Delivered a talk on “Numerical Simulation of Macroscopic Traffic flow Model” in a Day-Long seminar on “Mathematics in Real Life” of Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS), in the Department of Mathematics, Organized by Jagannath University, August 22, 2015.
28. Session Chair, in the first session of a Day-Long seminar on “Mathematics in Real Life” of Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS), in the Department of Mathematics, Organized by Jagannath University, August 22, 2015.
29. Attended 7th National Undergraduate Mathematics Olympiad 2015 as a resource person on 11th December, 2015, Dhaka University.
30. Presented a Keynote talk in a day-long seminar on Applied Mathematics organized by Department of Mathematics, CHUET, 14 November 2015.
31. Attended 19th International Mathematics Conference of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 18-20 December, 2015, Organized by Brac University, Dhaka. Chaired a Session and presented five papers in collaboration with research students.
32. Delivered invited talk on “Mathematical Models in Traffic Flow Simulation” in a seminar organized by Bangladesh University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 20, 2016.
33. Plenary speaker on “A comparative study of two Discrete Velocity Model for the Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation” in International Conferences on Advances in Computational Mathematics, May 27 – 28, 2017.
34. Delivered invited talk on “Efficiency and Accuracy of a Hexagonal Model Boltzmann Equation Discretized on Triangular grid in ℝ𝟐 " in 20th International Mathematics Conference, BMS – DU, 8 – 10 December 2017. Collaborators also presented several other papers at this conference.
35. Session Chair, A F Mujibur Rahman - Bangladesh Mathematical Society National Mathematics Conference 21-22 December 2018, DU.
Academic Info
Period: 2001-2005
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D)
Performance: Very good
Period: 1999-2001
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Performance: Very Good
Period: 1988-1989
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Obtained 1st Class with 1st position in 1989
Period: 1985-1988
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) (Hons.)
Obtained 1st Class with 1st position in 1988
Period: 1984-1985
Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.)
Obtained 1st division in 1983 under Rajshahi Board from Science Group
Period: 1982-1983
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.)
Obtained 1st division in 1983 under Rajshahi Board from Science Group
Position: Professor
Period: 24.08.2009 – till now
Position: Associate Professor
Period: 01.08.2005 – 23.08.2009
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 06.03.1997 – 31.07.2005
Position: Lecturer
Period: 03.07.1994 – 05.03.1997
Position: Lecturer
Period: 15.11.1993 – 02.07.1994
Position: Teaching Associate
Period: 01.02.1993 – 14.11.1993
Position: Chairman
Period: 01.06.2010 – 30.05.2013
Position: Academic Council
Period: 2010 – till date
Position: Senate Member (Elected)
Period: 1997 – 2000
Position: Senate Member (Elected)
Period: 2010 – 2015
Position: Senate Member (Elected)
Period: 2015 – till date
Position: Syndicate Member (Elected)
Period: 2016 – till date
Position: House Tutor
Period: 1996 – 1999
Position: Editor
Period: 2017-2018 (Two years)
Position: Editorial Board Member
Period: 01.01.2014 – 31.12.2015
Position: Guest Editor Special Issue No. 2
Period: 2014
Position: Associate Editor
Period: 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2013
Position: Editor
Period: 01.01.2010 -31.12.2011
Position: Editorial Board Member
Period: 2010
Position: Subject Expert
Period: 2021 - till now
Position: Secretary
Period: 2012 - 2013
Position: Executive Member
Period: 2014 - 2015
Position: Executive Member
Period: 2012
Position: Conference Secretary
Period: 22 – 24 Dec. 2011
Position: Member
Period: 2013- 2018
Position: Convener
Period: 2014 - 2015
Position: General Secretary Sec-8
Period: 2008 - 2009
Position: Scientific Committee Member
Period: 2013
Position: Scientific Committee Member
Period: 2015
Position: Life member
Position: Life member
Position: Life member
Position: Alumni
Position: Life member
Dr. Md. Laek Sazzad Andallah
Department of Mathematics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: andallah@juniv.edu
, andallahls@gmail.com